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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Bit like forums really, better with no involvement from anybody LR4x4 show anybody? B)
  2. Epsom Green micatallic Easily the best colour in the world, ever Land Rover kept it in their colour range for nearly 10 years when the usual life span of a colour is about 3 yrs, says it all really Rioja Red is nice too, as is Niagara Grey if you want something subtle. Avoid black (looks flat) or white (just looks horrid), silver not too bad but will show every little dent and ripple!
  3. You need to ask for glease, that's why you couldn't find any
  4. Yes. I remember a few years ago when somebody (not me) who was refitting a grub screw into an R380 (a lot of them used to come loose on early R380s, not enough loctite or something) and dropped the grub screw into the gearbox. There was quite a lot of language then as well
  5. My Discovery 4.0 gurgles through the heater after startup in the morning almost every time, always has done for the last 4 years so I don't think its necessarily something to be terribly worried about.
  6. I think the answer you will get is yes and no I have a T max hand winch (Tirfor copy, more or less, but 1/4 the price) which seems fine but no experience of the leccy ones. Seem to remember comments on previous threads about spares being very hard to get though? One of the things I like about Warn and Superwinch ones is that you usually seem to be able to get most bits even for very very old ones. There seem to be a lot of cheap winches appearing in the last five years or so, can't help wondering how many of them will still be available in 5-10 years when people might be starting to look for spares. Why not look for a good second hand Warn/Superwinch at the same price as a new Tmax? Some of them are even pretty good prices as new, the EP9 for example.
  7. No. They are a bit crunchy when full of No. 1 shot...... hard on the teeth! Well rump steak is anyway (broadly similar circumstances except that the steak - while still wearing legs - made the hole through the hedge rather than finding one that was already there, oh and there were less feathers involved) so I assume chicken will be the same
  8. You haven't driven the new one Completely new car, and I would buy one Agree about the old one though, not for me again...
  9. Put some bigger tyres on it then That is very RED - what colour is it? Looks in v good condition
  10. When I was a nipper we had about 20 in 100,000 acres and they didn't make much mess at all As long as they didn't get into the veg garden.... This was usually followed by the following things/events: Father 12 bore shotgun Shouting Sound of gunfire Large puff of feathers Less eggs
  11. You might be lucky but the glue they use to stick most of those eyebrows on sticks like sh** to a blanket! Not sure if that particular type is glued or sticky-back but I think they are glued. You may get them off ok but whether you would get the glue off without wrecking the paint would be the problem I think. They are all one piece with the side trims, when you fit those "wheelarch moulding" types, you take off the original side trim strips and fit the whole new trims. Best bet might be to take the whole thing off and get a set of the original trim strips?
  12. Why would the IRD fail Tony? Most of the drive goes to the front wheels in on road use anyway so it shouldn't over stress anything?
  13. Hilarious. Juvenile, but still hilarious
  14. What Tony said And the wiring can get a bit warm too If you have to mess about with it why not go the whole hog and fit a 100 amp jobbie Endless post-puddle-cranking power available
  15. No, they don't. It's largely down to the media that people get worked up into a frenzied hatred over things like this where there is really no basis for any of it except, as pointed out, jealousy. Much the same mentality leads those that crawled out from the shallow end of the gene pool to run a key down the side of anything new and shiny because if they can't have it they don't want anybody else to. The media can basically legitimize (is that a word?) hate campaigns against anything as long as they manage to make enough people feel the same way. It would probably be described by them as "the will of the people" or some such tosh, but in reality it is a bunch of easily led lemmings all being led by the ring through their nose. I was going to post a comment on that page but I decided I could not be bothered to get into a battle of wits with a bunch of unarmed people. Fantastic article though. I feel deeply contented because I have two 4x4s and I am therefore doing my bit for the environment by ensuring that one of them is never being driven
  16. Chicken spotting, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  17. I think normal DOT 4 has a boiling point when new of about 260 C so I would say sub 200 is on the low side, though I don't know if there is a "change it now" figure. If the warping is bad enough to cause pedal pulsing you'll see it with the naked eye, just jack up that corner take the wheel off and spin the hub by hand (or better still get somebody else to) while looking at the disc edge on, you will see if there is any runout worth worrying about, half a mill or so is easily visible when the disc is spinning.
  18. That's what happens when you fit orange springs :hysterical: :hysterical: Allegedly
  19. The other thing you could do is cut down the old end caps, get a set of unmolested ones, and swap between them according to what you are doing? They are about £30 each for new ones but I should think you'd find a set at a breakers for a lot less than that...
  20. They will break even easier as you suggested! Its a while since I got rid of mine but I seem to recall that there are only a couple of bolts holding it on, there is a metal frame inside which bolts to the vehicle and then self tapping screws which hold the plastic bit on to the metal frame. I'd cut them off, it looks much better with them off anyway, if you do it neatly If you just take them off it looks a bit horrible but no different to if you break them off just that you can put them back on again afterwards!
  21. All 300Tdi's have the same choice of four different head gaskets, one two or three holes, and no holes, which from memory is the thickest one. You should fit whatever gasket is already fitted, unless there has been other work done e.g. skimming the head in which case you might need a different one. I think the WSM gives a process for measuring things to determine which one is needed. It may well wend its merry way to the tech archive
  22. I love the "Coke-can-ring-pull" recovery points on the X5....
  23. what are their prices like Tony?
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