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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Dave have you done any tests on the difference between shear strength at full lock and with the wheels in the straight ahead position? I guess the CV's are significantly weaker on full lock, just wondered by how much?
  2. I wouldn't touch some of the garbage welded up ones. As it happens I don't use them at all, but that is only because the winch mount/steering guard doesn't allow it on my 90. You might well ask though, if you are putting a lot of load through them, is it sensible even using 2 and a bridle - bearing in mind that even using both sides you only have 2 x M10 bolts taking all the load...
  3. Antidisestablishmentarianism
  4. I would think for a 4.6 you really want 3" diameter if it is going to be that long? Std tin pipe mushroom hat Mantec/Rebel type snorkels for Tdi engines are 2.5" I think. Ask Nige (Hybrid_from_Hell) what he used for his 4.5 Eales, I think it was 3" but there is a thread on here somewhere if you do a search...
  5. And part 2: ....UPADTE............... ...later that evening...... Alleyway door closes and SWMBO walks in..... "have a nice time dear ?......." "what the HELL is that smell ?" "Smell ?....er do you mean the waxoil ?" "Is that what it is - its disgusting" "Er..really".... "yes really, the alleyway stinks, I mean I could smell it when I got out of the car..." "er...really ?" "yes, Really, I mean my G*d its stinking everywhere out, its even permutated the house " "really" "yes really and [ picks up cat - I look away at telly and pray]...and ....good grief even the cat smells of it its ....[ at this point the cat growls at Sue.....probably hand enough of being "handled" during the evening...]..."WELL if your going to be like that madam you grumpy old thing" ...[places cat down firmly - cat grumbles some more].. cat exits still grumbling "Charming.........well.....Anyway, have you finished.........?" THOUGHTS............... I've got away with it...."yes dear thanks"... I've got away with it...."all done"...I've got away with it...."think I'll have a beer"...I've got away with it....I've got away with it...."Would you like a glass of wine ?"....I've got away with it....yippee....I've got away with it....and SHE'S GOT THE HUMP WITH THE CAT TOO - NOT ME !! Beer.... Bed.... RESULT....... ! But a bit close for comfort......far to close Nige
  6. However.... shortly before Richard Green pulled the plug on the LRE forum I saved it as one of the threads I didn't want to lose, so here it is, Nigel's defining moment of glory ---- One of my Pratt moments ?, or just “unlucky” The winch event I’m organising looms close, very close, Sunday to be precise, and I have been burning the midnight oil to get things sorted on the 90 V8 as I am COC…. The new 12,000 Hydraulic Winch is working (a tale in itself) he cage is 90% done (all the inside tight to the bodywork done as per ealier post), radio is in (ta Jon), ARB lockers work, cubby box fitted (CB Going in it), and loads of other work has been done…….. Waxoil…. I really wanted to get some of this into the chassis before I started using it, so tonight was planned to be the night for waxoiling the inside of the chassis…. I had gone to halfords and bought 2 gallons, and knocked off work early… I also had the real benefit of Sue (SWMBO) was out tonight, so I had since 3.00pm been shoving the 2 gallon cans into the sink with near boling water……. I should have known things were going to go “slightly wrong” when I started…. I decided to use Jons Waxoil gun, and my compressor, I had the propane burner on in the workshop since 3.,00pm flat out and it was like the sahara, in fact it was so hot I decided a T shirt and shorts was the dress code……… Grabbing some white spirit to further thin the waxoil I entered the kitchen and unscrewed the waxoil lid… Thhhhuuuumpppppppp !…grwat big snotty big dollop spewed out over the kitchen worksurface........, no probs I thought, ...I’ll sort that out when I’ve finished, as I might make "a little bit more mess yet", .....glad Sues not in…. Clutching bloody hot waxoil injector thingy, part filled with waxoil and mixed with very very warm white spirit I squirted and soaked the chassis blasting away, and also practising holding my breath .....as it went misty in the workshop…. 1 Gallon later I was nearly there, I was at the rear cross member, with yet another huge refill……. I ought to point out that I had also decided that at some of the angles I was at pulling and holding the trigger was a pain in the Ar&e...( I have a really bad back) so I had devised a cunning lock of an elastic band on the trigger so that I could let it do it things whilst it sprayed away…… Shove tube into hole and pull trigger….lock and waggle etc… Enter my wifes love of her life….. The cat…. It sat there and looked at me the way only a cat can….it sniffed (unapprovingly) the dripped waxoil, and I said… “Huh, you don’t want to be in here matey, this stuff will stick to your fur like sh*t to a blanket”……and at that very point the jammed on tube extension came off the gun… Could I release the elastic band round the trigger ?… Could I Boll*cks…. The gun squirted warm waxoil / white spirit out at a force never so far experienced, one particularly good jet hit the cat, who bolted, knocking over the 2/3 empty (1/3 full) can of hot waxoil / white spirt mix, which flowed oh so well under the landy, and into my clothes T shirt and clothes and skin areas exposed..., but I was still fighting with the hot octopus trying to switch the damned thing off, but I failed, I was saved when it just ran out….. Just when I thought nothing could get worse than lying under a Land Rover with waxoil soaked clothes, waxoil dripping onto my hair and face, and running into my ears…. Some waxoil drpped onto the lead lamp…. Ping…. Blackness……. Blackness as it also pinged the fuse for the lighting circuit, getting myself out of the underneath of the landy proved friutfull, in that I knew all the places that waxoil had “leaked” …… Removing dripping clothes I entered house in “minimal Clothes” to resolve fuse prob, when Lights went on I saw the cat… I AM GOING TO DIE IF SHE SEES THIS ! Here Puddie cattie…… This did not improve the sink / kitchen area 1 little jot, .....ever tried holding a 'waxoiled cat' in a sink with water and rags, and especially when cat does not enjoy it ?…. 1 hour later cat was scrubbed and very piss7d off with me, I’ve had 2 baths, and also cleaned the bath it seems that the bath will not be rusty….scrubbed kitchen fllor, sink, worktop Will she notice…. Cat stinks, garage sticks, alley way stinks, I stink, kitchen smells of lemon washing up liquid, which strangely we seem to nearly be out of ?….floor stinks…… She will be back any minute……. [gulp] Nice job on the Landy tho....... :-))) Nige
  7. The original Waxoyl Cat thread is still on LRA somewhere but as it isn't working at the moment (as usual) I can't search for it
  8. Very interesting Dave, good to see some numbers Well when I said "good" ... mine being original has gen 32 spline ones so maybe not....
  9. How about the nice little portable towball electric winch I have got that claims a rolling load capacity of 15000kg.....? Mmm rolling on greased teflon ball bearings on an ice rink perhaps No what I was saying is that if you are going to winch into something you can't see behind you, you might as well do it a bit slower and cause less damage
  10. Another fine thread I would have thought the faster one on the front on the basis that you will use that the most often, and the slower one on the back (regardless of whether it is more powerful or not) on the basis that you can't see a hell of a lot going backwards, and if you are using it for lowering out then you want it slower not faster... ? just my 2p...
  11. I carry my Kittygripper on the roof rack and the tube & pin military anchor lives under a false floor in the back of the 90
  12. Laptops and stuff are too much messing around really, I only want it for the one job and I don't want to be leaving a laptop in the vehicle while I'm away in the boat ... even here it might be asking for trouble. Maybe a stuck on mirror is the answer - I'll have to go and rip one off one of those Mitsubishi minibus things when nobody is looking
  13. Not at all There is a great deal of information on the current affairs of celebrities and Royals and Two Jags.... There is a great deal of depth in the sh&&& being talked.... Lots of commentary on how the country should be run in the opinions pages..... ....and all sorts of analysis in "Dear Deirdre" (or have I got the wrong paper?) It's a gripping read
  14. I guess you're right Chris. It would appeal to the "oooh I saw one of those on the motorway and I want one just like it" of whom no doubt there are many - folk who want the "look" but wouldn't know who made a Safari snorkel if you biffed them over the head with it. Thinking back to books when I were a nipper, you could call it the "Ladybird guide to building an offroader" After all, much of Land Rover (and any other "brand" car/4x4) ownership is about image, whether we like it or not. Anybody who has ever read a brochure will understand this, the brochures featuring Mr & Mrs Irritatingly-Handsome and their 2.4 gleaming children surfing over a snow capped mountain or some such drivel. If they put a photo of a Freelander in a Tescos car park with a dog slobbering over the loadspace windows and the 2.4 spotty childen smearing chocolate over the interior I guess they'd sell less cars, even if it was more truthful I like reading LRO/LRE in the same way I like reading the Sun; usually some good pictures in it but I don't necessarily take the editorial content as gospel
  15. Shame about some of the spelling
  16. Ta I have just found it.... It was a DIY Ebay job though, not an off the shelf item
  17. Damn I have been rumbled No actually I want it to assist with hitching up my RIB trailer single handed, otherwise it is only a matter of time before I end up with an impression of a NATO 76mm eye in my back door, you have to get the trailer ring right over the hook and then lower it on the jockey wheel as the bluddy trailer noseweight is about 1/2 ton I think... no way you can lift or move it anyway! Yes I know I should learn to reverse in a straight line before anybody points it out Some sort of mirror is another option but a camera appeals to the gadget nerd in me, however the gadget nerd is a tightwad when shopping for things he doesn't really need and Mr Bowyer's 200 squid is a bit over the top
  18. I vaguely remember seeing a post in the last few months on a cheap remote camera/LCD screen to be used for things like peering up girls skirts monitoring the winch cable going on to the drum ... can somebody refresh my memory on who it might have been? David Bowyer sells one but it is too expensive Ta
  19. I've seen a collapsed tank on a RR (breather blocked and caused it to collapse, though it wasn't that obvious) which only held about 40 litres
  20. I would imagine the PDC would be disabled with a tow bar on the basis that it wouldn't work too well with a trailer on the back... Can't help with the problem but it probably involves a computer being an L322
  21. Yes they were because I ordered some at work for somebody a couple of years ago, and IIRC the price was indeed £80. The tube design is better IMHO because the pin goes through in 2 places so cannot twist if the pins start to pull through the ground. It still comes out in soft ground though... You can see the tube and pins here and as they are carried in the back of the 90 under a false floor - takes up almost no room at all better shot of tube set in the ground (just!)... and then not set in the ground.... this happens a lot in peat! Kitty is not Milemarker proof either and just pulls through under the ground where it is soft... so then you end up with both chained together.... ...and both chained together was only to shift this which I would have got through if I'd been awake and put my foot down anyway : A big tree would have been useful at that point HTH
  22. Yes it is. I have my boat because I want to. I have no actual requirement whatsoever for a boat beyond the fact that I want one, I enjoy it, and I could afford it at the time. It burns vastly more fuel than a V8 at fun speed, even if that is only every other weekend or something. But anybody that says I shouldn't have it because they don't agree with this or that or blah can # off!
  23. Not sure there is a chart for engine number age - best bet is to try and find out from LR Traceability what vehicle it was originally fitted to and that will tell you the age from the VIN number. 2495cc Think it is 83kw and I think max power is at 4500rpm.... may be able to confirm both of those from old stuff I have at work
  24. Didn't you get that the wrong way round? Think you meant: "I like the song actually. Very sick."? ;)
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