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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. Early wheel nuts were double ended.
  2. Sounds like you have a massive vacuum leak, is everything bolted down right, and all hoses connected?
  3. With respect, a towball that doesn’t withstand a bit of salt is not fit for purpose, more so given its purpose. As noted before, the detachable ones for LR were the light duty tow pack, HD was fixed.
  4. It's part of it, a very useful part. Then.... with a flat house battery, the DCDC will raise the charging voltage (allowing higher current input) so it is able to charge the house battery faster than it would do otherwise.
  5. With one very flat battery, and one fully charged battery, a DC-DC charger will charge the flat one at full rate without overcharging the main battery.
  6. It does, but not if the batteries aren't matched. But yes, one or the other only.
  7. DC-DC actually manages the charging of the battery, I'm not sure why you would need a split charge in addition to this?
  8. I absolutely wasn't condoning it, both administrations are equally culpable in this.
  9. Europe are panicking about the invasion of cheap Chinese EVs, so much so they have flexed their cartel muscles and added massive import duties to them. It's like one big protection racket.
  10. Probably, if the given (and illegal) number plate is to be believed. Visited London late last month, amazing the number of classic cars tat you see littered around the smaller streets now, some really nice old Mercs, also saw a lovely Fiat 500 with an exhaust trying to make the most of its 2 cylinder engine -quite good fun, and one in the eye for Mr Khan, his beloved policy causing apparently more polluting vehicles back on to the road.
  11. No question. - 54 split screen moggy traveller - check. - 76 ex-comp safari racer "RRC" -check - '91 Audi Coupe Quattro 20V - Check Life's too short to drive boring cars. Also helps I have worked from home for 20 years (none of this COVID instigated nonsense).
  12. No need for it to be a work truck, looks like a perfect commuter/grocery getter, to me. Would have to be petrol V8
  13. I take it the Toyota rads have no provision? The alternative oil filter this this one, I believe, I use them now after ditching the remote filter: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303441605081?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=j2b836z-SD6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=AFY_9vavSse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Mocal side ported plate, remote filter head. Why do you want an oil cooler? The simplest way to do it is plumb into the radiator end tank designed for it.
  15. Wurth do two types, one has better seals in, and they last, but they are getting on for 50 quid or something daft.
  16. Have you got a scrappers near you? Would think a rummage in one of them would get you something, and maybe even a MAF at the same time. Failing that and we all get together and cobble a MS install together through donations
  17. I doubt you will really need it, as @fridgefreezer will tell you, get some temperature stickers and then only fit a cooler if you have to. Saves weight, complication, and leaks!
  18. This is the sort of thing that is available: Lexus-Toyota V8 Oil Relocation Adaptor Plate – Lextreme There are ali versions out there, but now you have seen it you have probably already finished making it.... The pipes going to the filter housing act as a cooler, using the radiator water, much like LR (and many other manufacturers) do with autoboxes.
  19. I mean what I wrote, you will definitely notice a 225lb spring that is also half an inch longer.
  20. Can't think why it should burn unless the viscous has leg go, and let go open.
  21. I'd suggest both a taller and MUCH stiffer spring should be fine in your truck (a 50lb increase will definitely be noticeable). If you want to get a better idea of how they will make it sit, get your truck weighed, especially the front and rear axle weights.
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