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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. If you break the silly expensive bits from it, like the interior, electrics and engine ancillaries and then weigh the rest in you can't fail but to make a profit on it tbh. Scrapyard round here is paying £170 per ton for 'light iron', with a Rangie being ~ 2 ton that's a lot of money! Good luck with the MOT!
  2. About right, if the rust-gremlins have successfully been kept at bay
  3. First Four manufacture a stainless one, as they bolt together in 4 pieces maybe if you asked them nicely they could do a short one for you...? http://www.firstfouroffroad.co.uk/winch_line.htm Would just a huge stainless eyebolt do you? http://www.s3i.co.uk/productPage.php?produ...ame=EyeBolt.php 24mm thick loop...
  4. If you are evenhalf competent you should be able to fit the kit yourself and save you a a bag of money, takes about 2 days start to finish and really is a nuts and bolts job, except for the filler mounting and the wiring, which is pretty much just a live feed, and earth, and one wire to the coil... Cost for cost I am getting 23-27MPG out of my Range 3.9 at the moment, that's with big tyres and a heavy right foot, not 100% sure what the diesel would get you, butit's not THAT much different. I would say that... LPG has been far less affected by the oilprice rise, having gone up around 20 pence in the last 4ish years, whereas petrol has near enough doubled, and diesel.... well..... I can only see the gap between LPG and petrol/diesel getting larger.
  5. If you want any more photos, let me know of what exactly, and I'll send them over to you.
  6. Bit of a Homer Simpson moment there... *doh!* Guess I don't win then
  7. 15, and the one that works will be an inlet valve, and on #2
  8. Like these? http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/SERIES/Sus...1ton_front.html http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/SERIES/Sus...t_threaded.html http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/SERIES/Sus...-1ton_rear.html http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/SERIES/Sus...r_threaded.html You'll be wanting me to buy them for you as well at this rate
  9. That sounds fine then LRzed, 0.010 inches is the specification, and yes, the inches are the same, the Yanks didn't screw that up when they took our measurement system Only other thing I can think of is a blowing exhaust manifold gasket sounding like the tappets.... can you hear the tappets making a noise when listening with a rod against the rocker cover?
  10. Just to make sure.... the valve clearances are 10 thousands of an inch, hot or cold, not a tenth of an inch -apologies if I am teaching a grandmother, but this may be a quick solution! My series III runs very quietly, in fact I am pretty sure you can hear the fuel pump over the rockers -which are very quiet.
  11. They seem to have forgotten that 'green laners' are also users, who wish to enjoy themselves..... grrrrrrrrrr...........
  12. 'Right of way' is a generic term, a footpath is even a right of way, but you can't drive a vehicle down it.... but yes you are quite right, you can NEVER be sure from a map... or even sign posts. Somerset has literally 6 'BOAT's, some are just peoples driveways... so I tend to go a bit further afield, around Bath, in 'BANES', every BOAT I have found has had either a 'Byway' sign or a white circle with a red arrow and 'Byway open to all traffic' written on it, they are not big, about the same size as the footpath signs, but are reassuring that if you did get stopped by PC Plod you'd be in the right..... not withstanding Temporary Restriction Orders (TROs) of course! Wiltshire is much the same, but have not yet to go there for a good day out, just drove through spotting 'Byway' signs every few hundred metres at some points The problem is it is all so damned complicated they have people scared of where they can drive and not, but I suppose that is the current political climate we live in So... the 'Definitive Map' or an online version of it if your council provides one, an OS map, GPS and friendly local police is all you need, just so you can drive down a muddy scratchy lane and get stared at by strangers
  13. BMW have, for a few years now, been running twin turbos on a lot of their engines, including their 3.0 D, 2.0 D, 3.0 P(roper fuel), allowing the tiny turbo to work in the low rev range and the larger one further up once the engine is humming. It makes for a much wider power band -something I have always hated of the high ouput diesels that the likes of Ford/Vauxhall/VW group make, 130BHP? Yeah for about 3 seconds before you have to change gear and wait for another decade before the turbo lag dies away..... So yes, 2 smaller turbos sping up quicker, but one small and one big gives you the best of both worlds -this is the way I would look at turbocharging any engine if I had the chance
  14. Yes, they are full versions, the reason they give it to you free is because all the home users act as one huge group of beta testers for their corporate products, a win situation for both parties.
  15. Another vote for Norton being the spawn of satan, and yes, Avast works on Vista with no problem
  16. www.avast.com -used by me on over 50 different systems over the years, and never screwed up, and I have never had a virus. Oh, and it's free for home use of course
  17. Congrats guys, well done Oh, a nice photo here: http://www.4x4club.spb.ru/images/foto/Slid...a/page.htm?51,0 "It's not gonna get any deeper is it?" Oilworker, some reall high quality pics there of the whole event, really very nice...
  18. That's a 45A version, that is...... HUGE... more than you would ever need. A couple of resistors can give you 12V, but they need to be rated to the current they are supplying, too high and you will pop them very quickly, not to mention the voltage variance when applying different loads.... I pointed that one out as the top end of the scale, a much smaller 5A for £13... http://www.roadking.co.uk/products.asp?recnumber=201
  19. These are a bit of cash, though you can probably find something cheaper, but they do work pretty well, especially with the coarse belts on them: http://shop.ccabrasives.com/black--decker-...a293e-711-p.asp
  20. Ah... that's more of a problem then...... Even pretty big 24V-12V droppers aren't huge money though: http://www.roadking.co.uk/products.asp?recnumber=684
  21. Yep... not advised.... Thought about swapping the whole vehicle to 24V? Probably not as hard as you think....
  22. This sort of thing works rather well, proper old school *CLICKY* Just a quick google result, but you should be able to find one in a local hiking/outdoor type shop.
  23. That sounds PERFECT, I can then hear my V8 sound the way it should, but not lose the reliability of the engine driven cooling fan Si, VERY nice work, you can tentatively put me down for one
  24. 180BHP+ on a series box and it will be in so many pieces when you floor it you won't be able to put it back together again..... If you want that kind of power output in a series vehicle you need to uprate the gearbox, transfer box, diffs, UJs, halfshafts..... Honestly I would think about what you actually want out the vehicle... What *do* you want? I am sure people on here will be able to point you in the right direction.
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