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Everything posted by qwakers

  1. white spirit removed gaffertape adhesive.
  2. ive run insa turbo dakars for the last 18months and they have been very good, granted the truck in now offroad only so havent seen a road for 6 months but ive driven at 70+ on the motorway with them on for hours on end with 3.5ton behind my discovery (ok so nearer 50 with a trailer......)and they where fine... so i wouldnt discount remoulds.
  3. you'll be lucky! even remoulds (insa turbo dakar for instance) come in around £90. http://tyresdirectuk.co.uk/shop/tyres_by_car_model.php?ManID=32&ModID=17&TyreDetail=265%2075%2016
  4. nearly taking my finger off with a angle grinder is about my worst.. unless you count 6 stitches in my scalp i after walking in to some scaffolding across the top of a doorway.
  5. lol "person I'm not that keen on" nice profanity filter
  6. yeah its just one of those person I'm not that keen on jobs you wish that you can just roll the landy on its side for access.....
  7. easiest way to get the top 3 bolts is to disconnect the props take the gearbox xmember out, undo the engine mounts and lower the whole lot. that allows you to undo the top 3 bolts from inside the cab. mind that you dont break the heater matrix hose fittings. go on, ask how i know..
  8. if your worried about safety you'd be better off buying a small saloon car rather than a land rover of any variety. bigger isnt always better and a nice small 1.0l hatchback or 1.4 saloon will be much safer due to actually having crumple zones. and you'll be able to find better vehicles for less money. and if you went small saloon with a small diesel engine, you may well find the insurance is cheaper too! yes i know, burn me at the stake for mentioning it......
  9. if you need a right angled drill adaptor to have a go yourself they sell them in screwfix for about a tenner...
  10. i bought a pair of blue box calipers, a pair of discs and a fill set of pads.... the pads and discs where fine, the calipers (the correct part number mind!) needed the pad retaining pin holes and the mounting holes enlarging to make them usable....
  11. anything is possible. and im fairly sure ive read os someone on here doing it.
  12. you can get the gaiters for about a fiver for 5 on ebay. (all landrovers use the same size) its a case of buy a balljoint splitter and a big hammer, its not that hard.
  13. short answer is no, not a chance. you can bend a standard bumper by giving it a good kick.
  14. i wish i'd known about this when i had my p38. you've probably just explained my battery drain. i knew it was a ecu waking up constantly draining my battery and i knew it wasn't the alarm ecu. i just never found out which one........
  15. i had a similar issue with a defective stop solonoid. worth taking the plunger out and trying it anyway.
  16. yes the vacuum pump takes a second or two to create enough vacuum in my experience.
  17. best method ive come across is to cut the reapir panel to just larger than the area needed to be repaired then draw around the repair panel and cut along the lines, use a magnet to hold the repair piece in place and weld.
  18. im sure the current owner will love you for plastering its number plate all over the web.....
  19. Got it sorted now. Thanks for the offer
  20. yes. and yes. its what it was built for.
  21. yes possibly. i'll post up here if i get it sorted.
  22. Is it possible for someone in nantwich to pick up a winch for me and either bring it a bit further south (I'm in cornwall) or Box it up so I can get a courier to pick it up? Thanks
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