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Everything posted by nicksmelly

  1. If you go to an electrical wholesaler, you can get plastic adaptable boxes and glands for a few pounds. The smallest I have used is 75mm x 75mm.
  2. I've been using a cheap (£17.99) 2 ton trolley jack for about 5 years. It's nowhere near fully loaded, i've have to try to lift the whole defender in one go to get it overloaded... I lift one end at a time under the diff, er... thats the only place it reaches to with 35" tyres. So don't be a brand snob. Theres nowt wrong with Clarke stuff.
  3. What about electrical conduit? It comes painted black or galvanised.
  4. I would highly recommend XOX, Xtreme Organics. They do the catering and bar and stuff for The British Off Road Championship, and their food is excellent. http://www.xtremeorganix.co.uk/xox_catering.htm
  5. Are Greenway Macho and Fedima tyres not the same pattern as a Geolander? This is a fedima extreme This is a Yokohama Geolander
  6. The minimum you want is a 2 litre foam / AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) as shown here - 2 litre AFFF very cheap they do a nice 3 litre foam with a proper hosey bit too for notter a lotter of money Cheap 3 litre AFFF And have you seen the price of the 6 litres? £24.... how can they do them so cheap... 6 litre AFFF for £24 I have no connection with this comapny. I am not a satisfied customer. I found them with a Google search. Nick... the smelly one
  7. Looking at Lifeline fire - direct i've noticed the prices for the Zero360 have come down quite a lot since we bought our electric discharge 3kg thingy from Demon Tweeks. Last year it cost nearly £900 to have ours refilled and serviced, but that includes the explosive charge canister that provides the pressure. They do a 2.25kg hand held Zero360 extinguisher, but i'd still have a AFFF as backup to cool the area to prevent reignition. I can get 2kg / litre AFFF with transport brakcet for £25 + VAT, I suppose if you ask your local fire extinguisher place i'm sure they are all about the same price. You might get discount if you buy a lot for other forumeers? BTW, the Lifeline Zero2000 is very similar if not the same as AFFF Also look on ebay for Halon / BCF extingusihers, they come up all the time.
  8. Hmmm, how about a radiator made from Diamond? List borrowed from wikipedia.org Material ↓ k, [k] = W/(m*K) ↓ Air 0.025 Alcohol or oil 0.15 Aluminium 237 Copper 401 Gold 318 Lead 35.3 Silver 429 Cork 0.05 Diamond 900 – 2320 Glass 1.1 Rubber 0.16 Sandstone 2.4 Soil 0.15 Stainless steel 15 Thermal grease 0.7 – 3 Wood 0.04 – 0.4
  9. I can't understand how more airflow with all your mods would damage the AFM. I know people who race with TD5's and are getting 225 BHP from them after a bend over and touch your toes visit to Jeremy Fearn. I would be questioning the quality of the new ones... or phoning Mr Fearn for his advice, as he tweeks TD5's within an inch of their life all the time.
  10. For information about powder extinguishers in off road motorsport, speak to Roberto Aliperti who is the chief scrutineer on the MSA off road committe. He did some tests with the different extinguishers available after they had been round a comp safari course a few times.
  11. There is a safe® altenrative to Halon (BCF) available from Dupont called FE-36. It is what Lifleine use in their high end car extinguishers and they call it Lifeline zero360. We have one in our 6r4 and have used it once when some wires fell on to the exhaust manifold and set alight. It put the fire out straight away, but did nothing for the re-ignition, so we had to use an AFFF as well to cool it down. The only down side to using it was the £900 bill for a refill and service as opposed to £20 for the 2 litre AFFF. Dupon FE-36 Lifeline Zero360
  12. Lumileds Luxeon is a type of high power LED which can be built in to or made to fit any type of light you want. The output efficiency is 4 times that of an incandescent lamp. I mentioned them as someone inferred that LED's are inferior and "you can't beat a proper bulb". Mr Paintman then backed up my statement with his observations of a newly acquired Luxeon lamp in his maglite and how impressed he was with it. Therefore, it was pertinent. Nick... the smelly one
  13. You've obviously not seen the new 15w Luxeon in action then. It has a pre focused lens and will burn a hole in your retina at 100 yards.
  14. Is this the end? Should I be buying ski's and a fur parka for the imminent ice age?
  15. Tubeless tyres are labelled as tubeless to show they can be run tubless, it doesnt mean you can't use tubes.
  16. I've got a Clarke 151 and to say it has a poor duty cycle is a load of c**p. I've made some mega welds on full power, non-stop for 20-30 minutes and it's not cut out. The construction isnt up to professional standards and is a bit tinny, the torch is a bit flimsy, but it's very good value for money. I'd definatley buy another if Iwas after a budget welder.
  17. Yes, mig welded with mild steel wire and argoshiled light... Never had any problems, you should try it.
  18. We weld non magnetic stainless to mild steel all the time with very good results. In fact, it welds lovelly. I've seen a discovery with full stainless inner wings and sills welded to the mild steel floor. I've also mig welded with mild steel wire commercial dishwashers made from 316.
  19. Not Biodiesel but i've used between 50% and 100% SVO (straight vegetable oil) for the past year in my 200tdi 90. The smell is a bit invasive if you've got your windows open and not moving, but not had any trouble with my oil going gloopy or the engine gunking up. Kind regards
  20. I'd just like to point out that R134a decomposes in to a phosgene type vapour when exposed to high temperatures.
  21. A nice 400w heated screen also keeps the mist away.
  22. Mr Rakeway is designing a reverse rotation transfer box that fits ont he back of a R380 and is high and low ratio. www.rakeway.co.uk
  23. You could use that with a 13A supply, but don't turn the power up too high or you'll need an industrial sized supply of 13A fuses.
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