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Everything posted by Orange

  1. In my equipment box are: snatch block 4x rated sackles (4.75t) tow rope 3x tree strops varying in length and width waffle boards gloves winch sail standard LR jack with a waffle jack stand and a few bits of wood I never go off-roading without my full kit. You can guarantee that you will need what you leave behind. Most important thing to take with you is your common sense!!!
  2. Mark's co-driver was actually taking the picture!!! Where's the 'up yours Walfy' smilie when you need it!!! I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one to use it regularly!!! Anyway... My last toy before: And after (during a trip to 7 Sisters): But it's now been replaced by a 90 that I don't have any pictures of yet!!
  3. If the floor has gone, then I would suggest that there won't be a lot of good metal left in the support panels to weld the new one to. 2 options: 1 - Replace floor and side/support sections and weld it all in 2 - Replace floor and pop-rivet it to what is left of the support pieces. If you have a look through the Disco/RR forums and in the tech archive, you will see that many have done it (including me). Armed with all of the info on here, I would be reluctant to farm the work out as every little additional item that they find needing attention will cost a lot of money. That's if you can get them to agree a price (or even touch it) to start with. I know another forum member just had some work done on his RR and the guy charged him on and hourly rate + materials. I would be very surprised if you can find anyone that would give you a 'firm' quote as the amount of work varies greatly with each vehicle. That said, it is a very daunting task for the novice/unskilled. I enlisted the help of another that had done it before, so it made the whole process a lot easier for me!!! It will still cost a fair bit in both materials and time, but at the end of the day, when the money runs out, you wait till next pay-day and continue. If it's in a garage, there probably won't be that option... HTH Adrian
  4. No worries - was just interested!! I don't have a RR anymore, but still have an interest in what has been done and how... Looks like a very tidy stealth installation. How much space is there between the winch and the rad, or have you moved the rad back???
  5. Personally, I would go for the one piece (forged is the term, I think) ones as pictured below... Avoid the ones with two flat plates and a bit of bar welded between them. There are also wider versions available. There are part numbers for the genuine LR ones on here somewhere... There are a selection to choose from on ebay - hope the sellers don't mind me 'borrowing' their picture!!
  6. Have you....??? Can't find them. Perhaps a link might be appropriate?? TIA
  7. Excellent.... Cats eyes that only work when the sun is out.........just what we need!!!! I can't remember where I read it, but there are some restrictions on the mountings of lights on the vehicle. It may be that it is only for fog lights, but may be worth a search on Google...
  8. OK, ta for that... My next question is where does the fan speed selector attach to?? TIA Adrian
  9. Cheers chaps. I might have to use it as the starter, instead, then... The other battery I have is of a similar type, so I won't be getting into problems of mixing battery types!
  10. The 5 speed manual gearbox on my 3.5 RRC took ATF, too, if that helps any...
  11. Can I just hijack for a second..... It the hot/cold lever attached to the swivel mount on the top of the heater, or the one at the side right next to the bulkhead?? Ta Adrian
  12. Might help to put your location in the post, or even in your profile!! Can't help, though, sorry...
  13. Evening all. I have come into the possession of an Optima Red-top battery. It's been dormant for a while, but seems to be holding a charge at the moment - at least on my primative testing methods.... I do have a couple of queries, though! It's going to be used as the second battery to run a winch and a few ancillaries off of, but the numbers on the top don't seem to be big enough (based on my limited battery experience). The numbers are: Part No. 4868999AC MOPAR CAT No. 4868999AC CCA (EN) 715 CCA (SAE) 700 AH (EN/SAE) 50 My questions are: Do these numbers seem right? The Paddocks website states that the CCA should be 815........ Are there different versions of the battery available? As far as I can make out, there is only one 'size'. Any pointers gratefully received... TIA Adrian
  14. The chassis is blanked off about 3" from the rear crossmember... Don't know if Land Rover made any alterations to this set-up. My previous 1987 Vogue is exactly the same... As for the classic bus - yes and no. Yes, It's a GreenLine RF. It's my dad's hobby!!! And No, it doesn't sleep with it. I can only blag workshop space for a few days at a time as where the RR is parked, another bus normally lives!!! Bl##dy parents - how dare they fill their own workshop up with their own stuff!!!
  15. For those with nothing to compare 5" to... What you get is 6 fused spur points fed from a single supply (at the bottom) and 6 earth connection points linked to a single post at the top. Nice and tidy...
  16. It wasn't a dig, Mike, just that in order to raid your useful bits supply, I'd have wasted what I have left of Saturday coming over to you... Unless you've got my batteries in the car, then it wouldn't be a wasted trip, now, would it??? ;-)
  17. I can indeed. You might need to jog my memory, though!!
  18. Are you sure?? We didn't touch the fuel tank when we did mine...... Other than to give it a clean before putting it all back together.
  19. Right then! Got to the point where the only thing that looks like it will do the job is this: I ended up getting one for £22 including VAT and delivery at JGTech so bit the bullet and it's arriving tomorrow (hopefully) so we'll see what it's actually like... The box that Matt (Freeagent) suggested is apparently no longer available from Maplin. They now do a different version, but it looked a bit pants. I also tried a load of car audio supply places, but they all seem to be going for looks rather than function.... All I need now is some trunking and cable tie mounting clips and I can get started!
  20. Mark 90 - the link you posted to JGTech is most useful. Their 6 way one is £22 including the dreaded and next day delivery. Looks promising... Mark - Mike is a source, but I'd quite like to start doing it this weekend... ;-) Jon - I've looked at bussing one side, but all of the 'joiners' I can find look a bit sissy if you know what I mean. There isn't going to be big amounts of power running through it, but just in case... Freeagent - That looks like a good option. Off to look at the Maplin site.... Is that a beetle you've got trapped in there????? Walfy - hopefully!! I'm trying to get loads of stuff done by Easter, though... I need this to run the CB and stuff, so you can hear me laugh at you when you drive into/at things!!!!
  21. Walfy - the D4x4 stall had them at Donnington which is what made me think about it, but the price, I thought, was a little high!! Disco_al - Mark's response is correct. I have a selection of cable, but want to tidy the whole install up by running one fused link (big cable) to a dist. box and 4/6/8 smaller feeds from it each with their own fuse contained within the box (if that makes sense??) Mark - that's what I was looking at on the D4x4 stand. It's exactly what I need, but I'm tight, so I don't want to spend that much on it. BUT, if it's the only way, I'll have to bite the bullet. Trouble is, it'll be the only thing I want and the postage will make it even more expensive!! If I can get one from a supplier that I can get some other bits and pieces from, then I'll get one... Mark90 - ta muchly. I'll have a search and see what comes up... Anyone know whether it's the sort of thing that one might find in boats and/or caravans?? Just to find some other avenues to explore...
  22. Right, I'm trying to make a tidy job of installing the wiring for things like stereo, CB, compressor etc in the new 90. I have seen (on here I think) a smart solution to power distribution. What I'm after is a distribution box (fused if possible) that I can take one large cable into and several fused spurs out of. The best I can come up with at the moment is THIS ONE from VWP, but I'd like to mount one up on the bulkhead behind the passenger seat... I could go down the route of running 5 wires from the battery to a fuse box behind the seat, but there must be a tidier way of doing it........mustn't there?? Does anyone know of such a thing and if so, where one might purchase said item?? TIA Adrian
  23. Price, availability, the challenge, convenience....why not??!! All play a big part in the choice of such things. A Mondeo alternator is cheap as chips from a scrap yard...
  24. Empty tin cans for seating oil seals squarely. Piece of wood over the open end and tap gently...
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