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Everything posted by steve200TDi

  1. As Blanco says, we need the full story! Have you also had injector problems? If I were to do a head gasket swap, I would remove the injectors as when you remove the cylinder head the injectors protrude from the gas face very slightly and can easily get knocked. For instance you can't put the cylinder head on the bench gas face down as you damage the injectors. It's also a heavy lump and so you want to remove it and put it down quickly. It'll also make it lighter too! Replace the dowels for metal ones when you do it! Steve
  2. The threaded collar is on the chuck itself on mine and yes, it is for removal purposes. Mines a J33 taper. I'll be interested in measurements of the start and end of that taper to compare as I'm pretty sure I have a J33, but you never know! Steve
  3. Interesting! I was looking at mine the other day, as I wanted a keyless check. On doing some research I found that my existing keyed chuck was held in place by a Jacobs taper and a threaded collar to hold it in place. I could not find a keyless check with a threaded collar and so now I'm just going to buy a new chuck key as that was the only thing that was wrong with mine! Has yours sheared or just fallen out? I read online that the taper should be sufficient for dilling holes but apllying side loading could see it pop out. Steve
  4. I've been reading this and thought this video may be of interest! There's a segment on sandblasting and the media they use. Obviously you've all been keeping up to date with the goings on at RetroPower! Steve
  5. A photo may help! As for the connection up the reservoir, this is not pressurised and so a pipe can be made to fit, I think mine is jubilee clipped on. Regards Steve
  6. Sure! It's this place: https://www.used-machine-tools-uk.com/ Over in Ford on the Sussex coast, I popped in there and asked and they had a rumage in their warehouse. He was very helpful. Steve
  7. Ever since I got my bench top 10 tonne hydraulic press I wanted to make a folder for it. I've seen the kits you can buy and weld together yourself (https://www.stakesys.co.uk/review/product/list/id/972/category/76/), but I had another idea! I was recommended by a friend about a second hand tools company that may have tooling for sale. Specifically press brake tooling. A pointy top part that goes into a V bloke to fold steel. I was then the proud owner of 12 inches of press brake tooling, a pointy bit and a bog block with multiple V's or different sizes and angles. My idea was to make an attachment to mount the pointy bit onto the end of the press. So I had my first project for my newly acquired lathe! I had sorted the tooling out and adjusted it to the right height. It's still not perfect, I'm looking at a new quick change tool post set up, hopefully second hand on ebay! With a chunk of steel in the lathe I was ready to make up a longer copy of what was in the end of my press. So it turned into this! Which was a copy of this. Don't worry, the groove that the grub screw goes in does not need to be that wide, so I made it narrower on my part. Now it was time to figure out how I was going to attach this to the press brake tooling blade. After more complicated ideas, I decided to test drill the tooling to see if it was drillable.......It was! So I nice thick piece of steel was employed to mount the tooling too and I would need to make a slot in the turned up piece. In the bandsaw it goes. Then the pillar drill! And now I have this! Which slots over this. I drilled 4 holes through the tooling and plate and I was ready to weld them together. A bit of weld prep. And they were ready to weld together. I made sure the press end was parallel/at 90 degrees to the metal strip. And job down! All bolted together. And fitted to my press, along with the v block underneath. It even works too!
  8. The one piece lift up handle doors with wind down windows use these strikers: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAND-ROVER-DEFENDER-DOOR-LOCK-STRIKER-PLATE-PART-MUC2959/254421189815?epid=2295453160&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item3b3caf44b7:g:0QEAAOSwi1pbs3Ll&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAACcBaobrjLl8XobRIiIML1V4Imu%2Fn%2BzU5L90Z278x5ickkrDx%2B2NLp21dg6hHbHAkGMT%2BxhDNapr4tFCC9oqz5Nq8xUKzYPmCCMJeC34HLIRlW%2F1mkJLM5kBAWdmJrgysuv33IsXu4k818VR8C3wpSuKCXIgq8Rb3oO2s9%2FaGBSbtwW9AuWUaj8JrdzrhzXSNlW9Pmn%2FTREQn2OFHYFRB2ffwOw4txmjWYG%2BkecDF%2F8kAHXbzar5xJ7M4damKNdRpY4xbv7nLlD4BEZdQckkmQxIdfMyvqq6cxs894gnf6mTZQ1qjEVDY1okMt52aULkAN9FFPm%2Bw%2Fgsbhi49%2FeNa5DL2s7QhuPbdL3lJ2p3kGmWiNOezEcxYi2xXIezyOJMH0t9JDA%2Fwnk0Oelbp8ivSzt3aVbWLKtN%2FBPOWQvRnd9Iic%2Fk8HLMRy%2BcUpEaR2yNweurEOwHW9rVkMRJ0qeEj2svvxxIXBOjVd%2BnorTMYNZyn3HYSQKKTnKQMQGUDcdsmtrMuM3ycAKWZkaryuZBKyZPUoEDSJD3OxKmC5F%2BCrQor8u6Pv9DDypbRFBmObn5%2F20cetWwaG3Irg7Q5zqcUcbpUOVVbl4qkXNmSGZDJyVL4oGMzo%2FnB5MT7DXUZJGnSzMmyb1scccPNmlD0DkyPqwDrv8%2BVpJth0Pa1en9GRpM1lKL5diZ6FM6in%2F%2Bv%2BdrtRvcd63X1gEoxfrdkHNOJkfjauKocfP9RDuTI8YHH0g7YnN71VQ2TEYT77j2Lux4KtLqd70AF9LgdGWuxd4Ix2raFsH8uNCJBygEFumN7XXUvQ%2BRBlCo1rMu%2Bq9IFaiYD%2BVQ%3D%3D|cksum%3A2544211898150336d866f42d4a2b8094e23159bb9b69|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2334524 I managed to get hold of a second hand set at newbury for much less! The two piece series doors uses different strikers https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/252192413279?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=252192413279&targetid=939009505666&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045812&poi=&campaignid=10199631325&mkgroupid=103626356284&rlsatarget=pla-939009505666&abcId=1145987&merchantid=101775611&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIstKyspms7AIVAe7mCh0Ibg9BEAQYASABEgJmEfD_BwE Steve
  9. Well, maybe, but if with the wipers removed and you switch them on the spindles are moving anti-clockwise and clockwise then you know the wiper mechanicals are working. If the park switch is working too then I don't see why you can't move your wipers to the desired position and it should work fine! Steve
  10. The third way is to remove the wiper arm from the spindle and adjust on the splines to your desired park position! Steve
  11. I guess you fit a hex shaped rivnut in to those hex shaped holes? Something like this: https://www.rivetsonline.com/steel-rivet-nuts-threaded-inserts/half-hex-body-large-flange-steel-rivet-nuts But that's an american website! Steve
  12. You might need this: https://bellautoservices.co.uk/store/defender-puma-viscous-fan-pulley-spanner/ But also try googling it! https://www.google.com/search?q=2.4+puma+engine+viscous+fan+removal&source=lmns&bih=789&biw=1440&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB741GB741&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYl_j88onsAhUG_hoKHbdDDAoQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA Steve
  13. Oooow a metal folder! I like a tool build! This might need to be moved to its own thread for all to see! Steve
  14. I thought clutch alignment tools are universal like these: https://www.google.com/search?q=clutch+alignment+tool&oq=clutch+alignment+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.5171j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Video here: But When I've done it, I've just done it by eye. Ok, I may have had to do a bit more wiggling to get the gearbox mated to the engine, but it was definitely doable and saves buying another tool you wont use very often. Steve
  15. Lower by 2-3 what's? It could be your injector copper washers. I think white smoke refers to coolant loss, as blue smoke is oil and could relate to valve stem oil seals. Steve
  16. Unfortunately North Off road have gone out of business, but not from poor workmanship! I too bought a front windscreen hoop and an internal cross from Whitbread and did the rest myself. Regards Steve
  17. Excellent, glad you're sorted it! Steve
  18. Hmm, this may help: https://www.fullfatrr.com/forum/topic45172.html Sounds like there may be a circlip type arrangement and with a bit of for the diff and drive shaft can be forced apart allowing the clip to be pushed back into a groove and the two coming apart........maybe Steve
  19. I have just found this from the Full Fat Range Rover forum: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5al230KXbSyckM0cERBcXZyY00/view From this thread: https://www.fullfatrr.com/forum/topic17623.html On page 329 it says quote 'The differential unit is secured to the engine sump with 4 bolts.' Have you removed the drive shafts? Steve P.S. More info here too: http://www.disco3.co.uk/forum/front-differential-repair-i-did-it-134360.html?highlight=Front+diff+removal
  20. Maybe a picture might help. Then you can add that in your build thread once we've helped you remove the diff! Steve
  21. It does all sound rather interesting, so it may happen in the future! On the subject of computers, I was rather chuffed I managed to order and fit a new battery to my laptop, so now it doesn't have to be permanently plugged in at the wall!! I'm now looking at a larger SSD and more ram! Right, I have done a tiny bit more on the racer! I now have steering which is now 5/8th to 2/3rds of a turn quicker! Now I can remake the steering guard and make a stronger drag link. The shifter is progressing too. I just need to find a supplier for the little horse shoe/omega/ohm shaped bracket which holds the shifter cable in place. There's a little groove it sits in to stop the cable sliding forwards and backwards. Any help appreciated! Steve
  22. Hi, I'm after the plastic insert that fits into the spare wheel in the boot which allows the long threaded rod to hold the wheel secure. I've found this, but I wanted to see what it would cost new if possible. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/123998954671?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=123998954671&targetid=910259638509&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045135&poi=&campaignid=10195651178&mkgroupid=107296207892&rlsatarget=pla-910259638509&abcId=1145987&merchantid=6995734&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzIest53y6gIVku5RCh3T2wD5EAQYASABEgIvSPD_BwE Thanks Steve
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