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Who's motor is this then....


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nope - nothing to do with the winch hook,

More a case of driving down a slippery slope a little faster than expected.. and hitting a tree rather hard at the bottom , which in turn dented the snorkel and twisted it round a little, smashing the windscreen surround and screen.

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I Know who this is ........................Mr Brock...

Thats cos I recognise my old hybrids snorkel top....no comments about how les can bend his fabrication (tube) and not my fabrication (top) Please......

That 'aint going to polish out is it ?

Did the engine behave all day then Les ?


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Lets see.....ermmm and just who was driving when all this happened......

Bearing in mind I was at the top of the hill, recovering from the H14 managing to snap a 8 inch thick tree which managed to hit me on the way down :blink:

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Ahhh yes, the tree - very amusing that was... along with you being the winch bitch for the special stage... very amusing... get a little out of breath did you... :D I was very comfortable thanks . :o)

I suggest you go outside and fix yoru motor instead of chat on here... you'll never get it done in time otherwise will you..


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The scary part is that he wanted me to drive the special stage as well (directly after this incident) - so I did, and got a few extra points :D

Luckily I had spares for Les to have, so no one is having to spend a fortune to fix the issues, apart from the extra army lights required, reverse light, steering bash guard and tracking bar and two new arials (never noticed them go) and er... new wing... (well should bash out to something slightly less inverted)

Other than that I didn't break anything.


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Sorry just noticed the question about the engine..

Yep in ran superbly well, and is continuing to do so...thankfully :D

Fitted the new screen and surround today.....and I dont want to be fitting another one, you name it, it was in the way, (old frame is well and truly stuffed)

The wing can stay as it is, the lights...er well..the lights.. :(<_<:o:unsure::huh:

all I need to do now is weld some brackets to stop the snorkle swinging round and taking this screen out as well ;)

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and who was driving when it went wrong... :ph34r:

spot the problems...


Les I think I have some spare lamps like the one you've bust here.

I only needed the glass lamp piece when mine got smashed.

I'll look them out if you want one.

I can post it to you this week


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Hi Les,

I did warn you about Pigster's driving style :lol:

You now know why I do all the driving :D

Do you want him for Slab :o or do Iget him back :rolleyes:

I blame the vehicle setup... low ratio first gear was rather quicker than I thought it should be... my motor wouldn't of sped off like that... :D

mental note : next time use the winch to lower us down - -slightly more control that way, and less damage :(

At least the windscreen is now in, thats good news.. time for slab then Les :D I promise I will just run around this time... like Adrian makes me do :angry:

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