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Hope you don’t mind me posting the following events, they are newsworthy after all, but obviously remove immediately if regarded as spam … thanks!


Land Rover ~ Jap ~ Jeep

new/used parts, spares, accessories

Building on knowledge gained over 10 years organising major national 4x4 events, the time has come to launch a completely new event that has been waiting in the wings for some time - 4x4 Market.

Comprising a series of nine Sunday markets held each month from March to November, 4x4 Market features a large 4x4 autojumble area (approx. 80% Land Rover, 20% Jap 'n' Jeep), 4x4 and off-road trade stands, a 'Vehicles For Sale' Area and an optional reduced fee off-road course at every venue.

As all the family are welcome, additional non-4x4 related trade stands will be present together with displays and attractions, kids amusements, refreshments and free parking. Admission £5 adults, children (under 16 yrs) free. 8.30am – 4.00pm

Visitors / Trade info via Tom McGuigan on 01202 421284 ~ 07958 216266 ~ http://www.4x4-market.co.uk

16 March 2008 (weekend before Easter)

4x4 Market (Southwest) 1

Matchams Stadium & Leisure Park, Hurn Rd, Bournemouth, BH24 2BT

20 April

4x4 Market (East)

Wildtracks, Newmarket, CB8 7QJ


18 May (weekend before Spring Bank Holiday)

4x4 Market (Southeast)

Tulleys Farm, Turners Hill Road, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4PE


15 June

4x4 Market (West of London)

Berkshire - To be confirmed

06 July

4x4 Market (Northeast)

Frickley Off Road Centre, Broad La, South Elmsall, Doncaster, West Yorks WF9 2ND


31 August (weekend after August Bank Holiday)

4x4 Market (Northwest)

Cowm Off Road, Tong End Lane, Whitworth, Rochdale OL12 8XG


07 Sept

4x4 Market (Midlands)

Avalanche Adventure at Sibbertoft, Welford Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9UJ


12 Oct

4x4 Market (West)

Herefordshire - To be confirmed

09 Nov

4x4 Market (Southwest) 2

Matchams Stadium & Leisure Park, Bournemouth, BH24 2BT

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Nice , But since when has Bournemouth been the SOUTHWEST ???

Now If you said Exmouth or Plymouth well that would be ok :angry:

:angry: yes i find it amaizing that people do not know where the southwest border is. its not to much to ask that if you advertise something in the southwest it should actually be there

most forget devon and cornwall exist :angry:

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Mmmm, take your point. Because I'm originally a Londoner, even taking into account there's another three counties to the left, to me Bournemouth was and still IS Southwest ... and this despite the fact I now live here! Also, because there is a 4x4 Market (Southeast) in Sussex, I naturally viewed Bournemouth as 'still South but more West'. Doh! :blink:

Upon reflection calling it South would have been much better; see what I can do. BTW, if this year goes okay, having a true 4x4 Market (Southwest) event in the Devon area next year is 99% certain. Watch this space!

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Problem here is your competing with 'Old Sodbury' which is very well entrenched and regarded as THE 4x4 event.

They charge £5 entry - your asking for the same ................for a start up event ? :blink:

Whilst a fiver isn't much -whos to say it is going to be worth the time / drive to it / whats there when you get there / etc etc .....and a fiver to find out / put you off going ?

If it was free access and free parking you might find the event grow very quickly in terms of repuation,

frankly the £5 is to me a sign of charge away, .....you are going to charge sellers and buyers,....... for a new unknown event ?

In fact the trader costs are very similar to Old Sods, yet with Old Sod as a seller you know prob what you'll get when you get there - a HUGE audience of buyers, yours is as yet unproven. In simple terms I am thinking of having a clearout this year, Old Sod is further away than yours, and a bit more adgro to get to, BUT the costs are virtaully identical, and guess which one I will chosse (I'll only prob do one) and go to ?....Old Sod everytime...

So, if I feel like this then prob others may do too ?. To grow you need to have people say yours is THE one to go to, better than Old sod becuase......you haven't got a becuase yet, but if it was free entry for buyers then that would be a big draw to have someone say "Huge Crowds of buyers" etc ??. Theres an old adage which I belive always rings true "You only get one chance to make a good 1st impression". If those who do attend one of the 1str events finds seller stalls a tad thin, and the sellers find the number of attendees a tad thin too then its doomed. the word that will be spread about will be "Not much use ..too small...no buyers...too few sellers ....waste of time", get it right on the 1st and the comments will drive the volumes up further "It was great...loads of stalls, loads of sellers really good day...will go again".

Its not the £5 its what I think that will prob do, reduce numbers of people / place a hurdle as it is a new event if others think similarly it just sort of kills it really

For me the £5 and the newness means apathy will prob win, .......I'll just go to Old Sodbury in April (as prob a seller - and er a buyer too :lol: ), ........had it been free I would prob have gone to see......(as a buyer 1st for "future" reference)

The reality of this is I bet a few will on the day be the same...and just not bother........all for a fiver


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An event in Bristol would attract most of the SW and the boyo's from the Valleys almost guaranteeing a hell of a turnout.

As for the SW proper, somewhere like Westpoint would be ideal, easy access from the motorway etc, even Brum is only a couple of hours from Westpoint.

Will :)

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Thats Bristol Bob , Where the streets have no name , (Kids weighed all the street signs in ) :lol::lol:

No they concist of 4 sub countys , North Somerset , Bristol City, South Glos and Bath and north east Somerset .

Used to be called the County of Avon .

Funny cause the police are still called Avon and Somerset Contabulary and the other emergency services for that matter .

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By the time ofthis years Bath and West Show there will be a off road course there. How do I know? I'm designing it :lol: Phase one will be ready for the first part of the year, phase 2 and 3 will take a little longer.

The Bath and West are really up for this as they understand the need to diversify. So far due to problems with bird flue, foot and mouth etc. they have lost 3 major shows in recent months.

One day there may be a major 4x4 / off road motor sport event there ;) How do people feel about this as a location?


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