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Bad publicity..


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A very damaging article on the BBC News webpage

Just more ammunition to the tree hugging 4x4 haters to use against us with compliments from some 4x4 owners who's IQ resemble tire pressures..

Coast revamp wrecked by drivers...

I think if I lived closer,I would offer my services to assist in the repair of the damage to show that we arnt all mindless off road users. Damn shame the reflection it gives offroad users. Brings to mind that incident with 4x4 chasing & killing the sheep a while back.

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Guest diesel_jim

From that article....

Heritage coast officer Niall Benson said: "This is absolutely senseless, criminal vandalism by those who think they have the right to drive where they want, when they want, with absolutely no concern for anyone else but themselves.

could be re-worded to describe the national parks:

Heritage coast officer Niall Benson said: "This is absolutely senseless, criminal vandalism by those who think they have the right to drive walk where they want, when they want, with absolutely no concern for anyone else but themselves.

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Some years ago Wokingham Council refurbished a damaged lane near Reading. They made half the lane hardcore for horses and wlakers and the other side they smoothed out but left dirt.

Next time I used it all the posts seperating the dirt lane were ripped up and deep ruts damaged the lane.

Halfway down the lane the vehicle that did the damage performed a three point turn nad came back up.

Thing is the lane was located in a Tree Plantation and the only vehicle that fitted the ruts and damage was the forrestry tractor with rear blade!! :angry:

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Guest mortus

This is totally unfair, on our farm, we regularly have people walking in all our fields and all out woodland, because they think its ok to do so. And we cant do anything to them, but when were actually on greenlanes, which are real roads they get all mardy.

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This is totally unfair, on our farm, we regularly have people walking in all our fields and all out woodland, because they think its ok to do so. And we cant do anything to them, but when were actually on greenlanes, which are real roads they get all mardy.

How the worm has turned.


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After seeing the first couple of posts in this thread I threw the BBC report onto the Glass Forum, partly to see what 'Glass' knew, partly to raise awareness if it didn't exist, and partly so a 'Glass reaction' could be discussed, bearing in mind we are all volunteers.

The Glass reaction was that IF, IF, the situation was as reported then any Police Enforcement has our full support.

The local guy came back quickly, once to say he was on the case, secondly with the Police reaction.

"Police are already active in the area and this may well be an isolated incident that is related to other types pf off road vehicles, in the meantime you can see the police link here:

http://www.durham.police.uk/press/news.php?id=525 ".

I spotted the date of the Press Release seemed irelevant, but after further thought my assesment is that the Police are saying:

'It's too early to give a definative statement about this particular incident.'

'The Police are aware of, and do react to, anti-social use of cars. For instance, this is a operation they have conducted previously. (Underlying message: You should feel safe, we have a measure of control).'

This makes the November date logical, as it relates to a "two month period over the summer.".

If anyone local has hard information from a more relaxed official source, then please post up, thanks.

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You get people who go and buy a "4x4" and then think they are some kind of off road deamon. They have the wrong type of vehicle, wrong suspention, wrong tyres, wrong drive train and wrong driver!!

I went off roading recently with a mate with a Littly Suzuki thingy.. Where I could drive at walking speed, carfully and skillfully leaving almost no sign that I was just on that bit of soft ground, he had to revv the tits off his little 1.3 engine, no diff lock, and little wheels and leave a right mess behind him after several attempts. No offence to my mate and we were in an area where the land owner had no issue with the mess but it shows the difference between a well prepped/equiped vehicle and educated/ driver compared to the muppets that caused the mess in the news report.

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One of the problems I have with the article is that is it quite wishy-washy. It doesn't tell you exactly who or what has caused the damage. The article mentions "steps damaged by off-road vehicles" - that could mean anything. Was it Land Rover owners (or other mainstream 4x4 vehicles) or chavs on their mini-moto scramblers? Either way though, I do hope that the local clubs and organisations are doing all they can to assist the authorities in finding out who did do the damage and bringing them to task.

The police do have various powers they can use to seize vehicles either being used in an anti-social manner (though the driver/rider has to have been warned in the preceding 12 months) or without the correct documentation - commonly referred to as Section 59 and Section 165 respectively. Which law is used depends on where the vehicle is - Section 59 can be used in any public place (so includes roads, highways, green lanes, footpaths, parks, Burger King car park, etc), and Section 165 is used in places you would need to have a driver's licence, insurance, tax, MOT i.e. highways. The driver/rider gets a fine, points, etc, and the vehicle is seized and taken away. However, providing the offender is happy to pay to get the vehicle back, it is my understanding that there is nothing stopping them from going out and doing it again. If they don't pay, then the vehicle gets crushed, or if valuable enough, sold off.

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