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Green Lanes

Martin L

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Would be nice if PROPORTION and PRIVILEGE had gone through the spell checker.

Honestly, the suits at Whitehall must laugh themselves stupid.

lok unuver pertitun frum them 4x4 bouys, bettur file it in ther rownd filin cabinett murkd rubbish

There is a sound constitutional argument for retaining access to green lanes. Unfortunately all the people clever enough to actually make that argument at a level that counts;

a. own the land

b. make the laws that govern the land

c. get paid a fortune ( by virtue of their capacity to hold a simple thought in their heads for more than 40 seconds ) by a. and b. ( see above ) so really couldn't care less about rest of us

I despair

Time to buy some sturdy boots and join the Ramblers

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amblers!bloody ramblers!

there was about 25 of them walking down the midlle of the road the other day-they wouldnt move, i had to stop and then they had the nevre to tell me i was going to fast!but if someone blocks access on a footpath, the whole world stops!

i cant stand ramblers-sorry to anyone who is one. i like walking, but they are the chavs of the countryside.

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I don't think it's really an argumentative petition. In fact, to me it looks very none-politically put together, i.e. they'll just brush it off because it is full of holes. To my knowledge, the term greenlane doesn't even hold any value. It should have been talking about Rights of Way and Priorities if the petition was to even hold an ounce of weight. So for that reason I am not signing it.

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