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Download Genuine LR manuals from me


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I have set my pc up as an FTP server and you can download Land Rover genuine manuals in pdf format from me.

For Discovery manuals ftp://discovery:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For Defender manuals ftp://defender:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR Classic manuals ftp://RR Classic:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR 38A manuals ftp://RR 38A:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR L322 manuals ftp://RR L322:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For overhaul manuals ftp://overhaul:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

The forum software doesn't seem to like urls woth spaces. Oh well, you can work it out.

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Sorry mate, that's the LR names. There is some logic to it if you think about it. In the overhaul section the files are renamed.

(I don't want to rename the original files because that's the way we can spot an updated user manual for the same year)

Anyway, the big ones are the user manuals :D Though if you have a Disco the electrical manuals are also large. Download the lot.

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I have set my pc up as an FTP server and you can download Land Rover genuine manuals in pdf format from me.

For Discovery manuals ftp://discovery:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For Defender manuals ftp://defender:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR Classic manuals ftp://RR%20Classic:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR 38A manuals ftp://RR%2038A:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For RR L322 manuals ftp://RR%20L322:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

For overhaul manuals ftp://overhaul:""@go8dvo6f.dns4me.com

The forum software doesn't seem to like urls woth spaces. Oh well, you can work it out.

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connection refused

One guy was downloading everything at once, so I have changed the server to only allow one signon from each IP address at once. Also I am not leaving it running 24/7 because I want to keep an eye on it.

In future it is possible that I will password protect each usercode.

Also I have a 3Gb 'cap' so have to watch the traffic.

I do have the LR 'Microcat' but I don't think it is downloadable. I have given some people the CD in the past. I think it would be a good idea for a few of you lot in the UK to get together and agree on a 'chain CD' for that. I would send the CD to the first in the chain and he would be responsible for making a copy and sending it to the next etc. I think this is a damn good idea as it would cost each of us on CD (very cheep nowadays) and postage to one more person.

Would the person who wants to be the first in the chain start a new post and explain how it will work?

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One guy was downloading everything at once, so I have changed the server to only allow one signon from each IP address at once. Also I am not leaving it running 24/7 because I want to keep an eye on it.

In future it is possible that I will password protect each usercode.

Also I have a 3Gb 'cap' so have to watch the traffic.

I do have the LR 'Microcat' but I don't think it is downloadable. I have given some people the CD in the past. I think it would be a good idea for a few of you lot in the UK to get together and agree on a 'chain CD' for that. I would send the CD to the first in the chain and he would be responsible for making a copy and sending it to the next etc. I think this is a damn good idea as it would cost each of us on CD (very cheep nowadays) and postage to one more person.

Would the person who wants to be the first in the chain start a new post and explain how it will work?

I'm happy to start the chain if desired. One or two on here have sent me cd's in the past so I'm happy to return the good will.


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I'm prepaired to start a chain with my Parts Cats and Manuals i've got pretty much every one including LR Accessories Series, Military, Sankey etc etc if anyones intested PM me your details and start the chain :D

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I am sure Land Rover's legal department fully approves. B)

I'm losing sleep already........... :D

Should we make a list of whats what? I have been sent some files that were "new landrover parts catologues" to find they were the same as the downloadable ones on some eastern european site most of us have seen?

pm me.......there may be spies about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:


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