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Mindless vandalism

Les Henson

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Mindless sick B%st%%rds


Why? It is fun.

Not that I am advocating this in any way but surely noone on this forum cannot deny they would love to drive a classic and rare jag? And who can stand up and say they have never been on bumper cars at the fair ground??

Couple both together, for free, the most fun you can have in 2 hourse surely?!! And the law being the ass it is, you'll probalby get a £ 200 fine and a slap on the wrist and erolled on a motorcross workshop scheme.

But why didn't he remove the distributor arm or something; and not very secure site was it! .. but it is easy to say that now.

Did he leave the keys in them?

It is a great shame, that's for sure. :(

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Totally agree

And the really bad lads still had respect for the police etc

now a days even law abidding citizens don't have any respect

IMHO it's not the police we hate but the Government Policies they are made to "enforce" which lifts responsibility off the government them selves...........

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now a days even law abidding citizens don't have any respect

IMHO it's not the police we hate but the Government Policies they are made to "enforce" which lifts responsibility off the government them selves...........

There lyies one of the problems, the police are meant to be a servant of the peopl, however the government have twisted tem into being servants of the government, 1984..... <pffft> <_<

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It's bad enough when people banger race jags, but that... eek2.gif

Agree with the various comments -

Yes they should be strung up, or at least thrown into prison to share a cell with "Mr Big" :o

No the site doesn't look very secure, if was lucky enough to own even ONE of those jags I'd keep it a damn sight more protected than that lot! Just hope the insurance will repair 'em.

Yes it's fun - not advocating it or making excuses for the scrotes that did it, but these days there is precious little for kids to do without some whingeing git phoning the police (and wasting everyone's time). Yes in the old days you lived in fear of being in trouble, but in the old days you put a banger through someone's letterbox and got a clip round the ear - these days you would probably find yourself in court on anti-terrorism charges.

Was talking to the lads next door yesterday - they have an old beaten up scrambler bike they take and rag round some local waste ground. Don't do anyone any harm, it's nowhere near houses and they tend to push the bike on the pavement there & back, but got nicked and fined £80 for no tax, insurance, and MOT as they rode from the grass to a stop on the (dead end) access road next to it. :( Was that really a good use of police time?

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It's bad enough when people banger race jags, but that... eek2.gif

Agree with the various comments -

Yes they should be strung up, or at least thrown into prison to share a cell with "Mr Big" :o

No the site doesn't look very secure, if was lucky enough to own even ONE of those jags I'd keep it a damn sight more protected than that lot! Just hope the insurance will repair 'em.

Yes it's fun - not advocating it or making excuses for the scrotes that did it, but these days there is precious little for kids to do without some whingeing git phoning the police (and wasting everyone's time). Yes in the old days you lived in fear of being in trouble, but in the old days you put a banger through someone's letterbox and got a clip round the ear - these days you would probably find yourself in court on anti-terrorism charges.

Was talking to the lads next door yesterday - they have an old beaten up scrambler bike they take and rag round some local waste ground. Don't do anyone any harm, it's nowhere near houses and they tend to push the bike on the pavement there & back, but got nicked and fined £80 for no tax, insurance, and MOT as they rode from the grass to a stop on the (dead end) access road next to it. :( Was that really a good use of police time?

rant mode on! :angry:

I dont believe you just said that!

Nothing much for kids to do these days????

WE didnt have much to do when we were kids!!

didnt have the disposable income that many kids parents have these days, didnt have mobiles mp3s/ipods, didnt have clothes that cost an arm and a leg.!!

lucky to have 50p a week pocket money and maybe a youth club to go to once a week.

Summer holidays were a day trip to the beach with mum (dad at work) with sandwiches and a bottle of pop.

Yes we did go scrumping, building dens in the woods, playing ginger bread, yes some did put bangers through someone elses letter box BUT we didnt use "having nothing else to do" as an excuse!!!

if we got caught we had a bloddy good hiding from dad!!!! and was made to go and appolgise to who ever we had upset.

As for your comment about "some winging old git phoning the police" well if more people were not scared to phone the police cause they think the little "darlings" will put a brick through their window or do something to their car then the kids would think twice about doing these things!!!

As for the kids having harmless fun with their dirt bikes .... recon they do "push" them on the pavement!!!!

wait till a little kiddy gets hurt or an elderly person ????

Now i know my comments will probably rile you Jon but tough!!

YOU havent got kids i have and i try my dammed best to teach mine right from wrong and how to behave

and people like you who make excuses" like they have nothing to do" make me mad !

Many times my kids say they have nothing to do BUT i would tan their backsides raw if they did some thing wrong and tried to blame it on boredom!!!

As for winging and phoning the police ... if i see kids missbehaving then I WILL!!!!


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Its is an awful shame. almost tear inducing.

I agree with the comments about a secure site. AND in Newport! Not the best place in the world to store a priceless collection of motors.

There hasn't been any mention of who did it so you can't really blame kids. Like someone said it would be great to play real life bumper cars for free or even just drive a classic like some of thsoe Jags. Not excusable but there are an awful lot more people than just kids who would do it.

Whoever did it deserves a cruel and unusual punishment.


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Poor guy must be devastated,

I live in front of my workshop, I also have two people living in an apartment inside my workshop 24/7 and 3 yes THREE (as the Nigerians would say) big burglar alarms with direct links (even with the phone lines down) to the very friendly and close police. But still wouldn't put it past some idiots to try.


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Where does it say kids caused the damage? Could have been an insurance job for all we know - and that's the point we know very little apart from what is written in the article. Apart from the use of the word 'vandal' I see little evidence in the article to suggest going off on a rant about yoof of today

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rant mode on! :angry:



As I said, was not making excuses for these people or any others for that matter.

All I was saying, or trying to, is personally I'd rather see kids having their fun on a dirt bike, road legal or not, than nicking my car. As long as they're doing no harm why come down on them?

Actually on second thoughts, I need a new car... :lol:

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As I said, was not making excuses for these people or any others for that matter.

All I was saying, or trying to, is personally I'd rather see kids having their fun on a dirt bike, road legal or not, than nicking my car. As long as they're doing no harm why come down on them?

Actually on second thoughts, I need a new car... :lol:

kids having fun on dirt bikes is unfortunately NOT innocent when they are doing it on waste ground, they're a bloody nuisance, there are plenty of offroad sites dedicated to motorcycle grasstracking, trails, trials, et cetera sprouting up all over the country due to people moving off the roads from sportsbikes to riding offroad for their kicks. If they want to pee about then it doesn't cost much to go to one of these sites for a day and do it "legally".

Having spent the past 8 years with a motorcycle license and working with motorcycle political lobbying groups such as the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG MAG Webpage ), I can safely say that the actions of these little scrouts is ruining any respect htat the government have for motorcyclists, as all the joe public see is a "lawless motorcycle" tearing around raining everyone off, it's this that gets reported to the police, the police have little laws to control it, the government then get involved and go heavy handed, the law abiding public then suffer. Just take Mini-Moto's as an example, you can buy one for £150, good little toy for little Johnny says their parents, "what harm can they be"....... well these things can be tuned easily and do 30mph, with carp brakes, great, old people et cetera get knocked over by little Johnny and the media, public, police and government get all panicy and you can't even be seen with a mini-moto these days as the police now take the bike away at the slightest thought that you may be about to use it on public land.

All this is ammunition for the anti-motorcyclists at this moment in time, the EC is trying to bring in a three-tier licensing system such that you wont be able to have a 125 till your 17, anything biker than 33BHP by 24 and each time you want to go up a stage until you want to ride a unlimited capacity bike, you have to take a test each time. If this got in it would be the death kneal for motorcylcing as people could not justify the costs of getting a full motorcycle license due to all the steps involved, all because some kids wanted to have some harmless fun which meant the government decided to put bikes out of their reach legally. Lotta use when they aint doing it legally anyway.

And to think that all this "oh their from a broken family" and "their only bored" keeps popping up, it does my head in! I'm 23 years old, my father was bankrupt, he lost his job, my mother was too ill to work, for a long time we had to live on job seekers benefits, and yet both me and my brother were brought up to respect people, to be truthful and not want stuff that we cant afford. I didn't get jelous and dispise other people for what they had and what I didn't, I strived to get what I wanted and so did my brother.

Both me and my brother got the qualifications we needed at school, we both did MoD Apprenticeships in Aeronautical engineering, winning prizes for being the best in our years, my brother left the MoD and went to work for BAE Systems and has worked his way upto being a high level manager in Sea Systems. While I strived to build such motorycles as my 1950 Vincent Comet that cost me nearly every penny of my apprentice wages, two years of collecting parts got what I always and what my father always wanted, a Vincent HRD, I then also built a racing motorcycle with my own money and skills, represented my apprentice centre in a national MoD pratical skills competition and came runner-up for the whole of the country for my job discipline, I won the Classic Motorcycle Magazine Young Motorcyclist of the Year for my efforts in building and helping others to build their own classic motorycles, achieved ONC, HNC and HND in electronic engineering at college, at Now I'm a Lead Avionics Designer designing modern avionic systems for jet fightes for the MoD and just applied for a job that will lead to a promotion to lower management to lead a team designing test systems and models to test modern warship hullforms and nuclear submarines for the MoD and other agencies.

I could have thought "sod it, sod the law, sod the government, they've let me down and my family" but I didn't, I got off my ass and did what I needed, and when ever I hear people say "they come from a broken family" I think tw@ts, total bull****, hit the little gits around the ear and send them to work and teach them whats right and wrong.

But hay, I'm only a youngster on here, what do I know :huh:

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As I said, was not making excuses for these people or any others for that matter.

All I was saying, or trying to, is personally I'd rather see kids having their fun on a dirt bike, road legal or not, than nicking my car. As long as they're doing no harm why come down on them?

Actually on second thoughts, I need a new car... :lol:

Double standards, methinks. You'd be quite happy if they had an old land rover/suzuki/whatever and were tearing around illegally in that?

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