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Anybody having forum problems with the new Firefox?


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I upgraded to Firefox 3.5 the other day and an irritating problem keeps cropping up :angry:

Due to limited bandwidth and the latency time associated with the satellite connection we run through, I tend to open lots of threads in different tabs, read through them in order and then any with large images etc have loaded by the time I get to them, however sometimes when you do this it suddenly dumps the tab containing that thread into a different window - it seems to particularly affect anything with links to Youtube videos if you then try and open the video in another tab which means you end up with the tabs split between two windows.

Doesn't cause anything to crash but it is just really irritating me - has anybody else noticed this? It is definitely only happening since the FF3.5 upgrade.

Any ideas chaps? :unsure:

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I got that too, but it didn't seem to do it consistently so I just lived with it. Sorry - that's not much help is it!

Mine also it had trouble running a script I think - it would slow down to a crawl, sometimes stopping altogether and sometimes reporting that it couldn't run a script. I didn't recognise the script name and couldn't find it anywhere, so the only fix was to re-start Firefox, which would then be ok for a couple of hours again. I never resolved it and have now moved onto Google Chrome.

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I don't seem to have these problems, but it does seem to take an awefully long time to load from start now.

I know this does not seem like a big problem but the reason I moved to Firefox was due to the rediculas time it took IE to load.


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Hmm. Mixed results so far then...

It isn't limited to LR4x4 - I got the same thing on RIBnet last night (again with a post containing a Youtube link) - though it only happened once.

I've tried all the browsers and don't really like any of the others so I guess I'll put up with it. FF has always been slightly "odd" with a handful of websites which will only work with IE but I have never had forum problems before until I installed the 3.5 upgrade three or four days ago.

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Hmm. Mixed results so far then...

It isn't limited to LR4x4 - I got the same thing on RIBnet last night (again with a post containing a Youtube link) - though it only happened once.

I've tried all the browsers and don't really like any of the others so I guess I'll put up with it. FF has always been slightly "odd" with a handful of websites which will only work with IE but I have never had forum problems before until I installed the 3.5 upgrade three or four days ago.


When you say Firefox 3.5, do you mean 3.0.5 as I have just now upgraded to 3.0.11 which is the latest unless you have a different application?


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3.5 is correct, it's an upgrade released only a few days ago.

Generally I've found it faster that the previous version. On one forum site it seemed to take forever to update, but that was only on the first visit since the upgrade, and I've assumed it was more likely to be a coincidental problem with that site, as it's OK now.

Steve, I'm not sure we can meaningfully comment on your experience. While I'm on slow broadband myself (stated speed about 0.5 MB of the 'up to' 8MB, with downloads rarely exceeding 60kbs) it is clearly quicker than you get. When looking at occasional You Tube (or similar site) videos I normally start them running, then hit the pause button. The video continues to download while I go and visit another site or thread via another Tab. I too have many tabs open at once, but only ever download video streams on a couple simultaneously.

I don't visit Computing help sites on a regular basis, if I did have a problem like this that I wanted to research I'd either throw the problem at Mozilla, or I'd ask on the motoring Honest John 'Computer Related Questions' thread.


If you read through that volume, and previous ones, you will see they deal with a wide variety of problems, in a surprising amount of depth, although it is dependent on how much technical detail the originator can handle!!

I'm not sure this helps, I've posted mainly just to indicate support.

Best of Luck.

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Missing sid - it didnt upgrade as yours is an update release (like a service pack for windows) where as V3.0.x to V3.5 is an upgeade, similar as moving from xp to vista, it doesnt happen automatically.

Personally i use IE8 these days after using firefox for years and i have found it to be lightweight, fast and never had a problem with any site or silly behavior.

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Missing sid - it didnt upgrade as yours is an update release (like a service pack for windows) where as V3.0.x to V3.5 is an upgeade, similar as moving from xp to vista, it doesnt happen automatically.

Personally i use IE8 these days after using firefox for years and i have found it to be lightweight, fast and never had a problem with any site or silly behavior.


I am used to point releases as bug fixes and decimal releases as new functions but both automatic.

For my sins I have now gon to 3.5 so as not to feel left out :P

For work I use IE8 and play I use Firefox mainly as I use a different connection for work so I don't need to keep changing settings on one PC.


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Hmm, I have Firefox but hardly ever use it....I still get on well with Internet Explorer.

However, of late I have noticed a problem when I click on a link, usually to You Tube, but it happened once to another link too.

When I click on the link, I have it set so that it opens in another tab. The You Tube tab part loads, then I get a message saying "Problem, blah blah shutting down the program" but the program does NOT shut down; then it changes to "Report to Windows etc."

When I click the "cancel" button on the Windows reporting dialog box, another box comes up along the tabs, saying "Windows recovered this Tab" and You Tube continues to load correctly.

Its a bit annoying, does not do it 100% of the time, just more often than not.


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Wonder why my upgrade only went to 3.0.11 then??

In that case I have no experience to off on your problem :)


Because 3.0.11 is the latest in the 3.0 series - going by past Firefox behaviour once 3.5 has been out for a bit and they've ironed out early problems your 3.0 browser will start pestering you to upgrade.

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