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Engine swap and DVLA?


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If i were to remove the 300Tdi lump from my truck and chuck another engine in, such as a V8. Is it just a case of notifying DVLA and thats it, or are there more to it?

I would asume maybe an engineers report mabe needed?

Any enlightenment on this subject, gratefully accepted.



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I did the same, but included a copy of the receipt i got for the engine when i collected it. Was only a simple one liner on Word stating that the 3528cc rover v8 engine number "xxxxx" was sold to me by the guy for the price of £10. Had my name and address and his. Think that was overkill to be honest...

One thing to mention is that you need to get the capacity correct- when filling out v5 dont just put 3500cc or whatever- check the web and find what the normal manufacturer capacity is stated as.

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According to the DVLA web site if you change the capacity you need an engineers report or similar to confirm the new capacity, if you change the serial number (same capacity) you shouldn't need a report... of course they may still ask for one to prove the capacity hasn't changed.

I'm about to send them a change of engine number with no capacity change so I'll see if the advice on their web site is worth the bandwidth it takes up.

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I replaced a 3.5 with a 3.9 and included a copy of the receipt.

This was not good enough as the receipt was not on headed paper.

They said a report from a garage would suffice.

The report was actually in the form of an invoice as the garage did not have a headed paper format.

The wording was:-

Inspect engine installation on Dakar 4x4 XXX 59X and confirm that a Rover 3.9 engine (number xxxxxxxx) is fitted. £10.'

This worked.


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when i TD'd my 88, no questions were asked when i submitted a new capacity and engine number, and when i TDi'd it only the number changed, so i guess it wasnt an issue anyway. However, the capcity for my 109 is down as 2250......maybe i should phone them up and tell them its wrong and should be 2495....then send them the TDi's number.....

(Not condoing a course of avoiding the truth - just a humerous thought) :unsure:

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However, the capcity for my 109 is down as 2250......maybe i should phone them up and tell them its wrong and should be 2495....then send them the TDi's number.....

In all seriousness, it does depend a bit on "social engineering" with the DVLA - they are admin, not car nuts, and don't really know about cars in the most part. In fact they don't know much about the law that surrounds what they do either. So, depending on how you present yourself, how you explain what you've done and how you go about getting the information corrected you can end up with a swift paperwork change with no questions asked or a load of hassle and questions/letters/engineers reports.

I'm not advocating lying to them, just giving them a gentle nudge down the correct path.

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If i were to remove the 300Tdi lump from my truck and chuck another engine in, such as a V8. Is it just a case of notifying DVLA and thats it, or are there more to it?

I would asume maybe an engineers report mabe needed?



Unless I have missed something.

If you change the fuel type as above Diesel to Petrol the DVLA will get very interested as previous posts on here seem to demonstrate. Interest includes making an inspection that leads to other things depending upon any modifications found.


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Unless I have missed something.

If you change the fuel type as above Diesel to Petrol the DVLA will get very interested as previous posts on here seem to demonstrate. Interest includes making an inspection that leads to other things depending upon any modifications found.


Not always - i went V8 to TDi on a RR and didn't hear a squeek from the DVLA. Sent in the V5 correctly annotated and got it back correctly amended.

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I fitted a Tdi in place of my 2.5 petrol. Sent off the V5 with different fuel type and engine number. As advised by the website, I also sent the reciept for the engine, and a reciept for all the parts fitted during conversion.

I enclosed a covering letter, requesting that the original reciepts be returned recorded delivery, as I wanted them and certainly didn't want them to get lost.

I sent it all in recorded delivery.

You guessed it, 3 weeks later, a V5 arrives, diesel, correct engine number, no reciepts :angry:

It took another month of non-stop pestering, and I'd nearly given up on them when they were eventually returned.

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