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Howlin Wolf final round aftermath Tong


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How wet was it today ??

Absolutely soaked to the skin, how the marshalls and organisers find the drive to do what they do is amazing, massive thanks to each and every one of you AGAIN.

Only one punch today and back on the trailer by 9.40hrs following hydraulic'ing the engine, but after a drying out session she still sounds sweet, but the engine was planned to be coming out this week anyway to sort the smoking out (valve guide ?) so no real harm done.

Saw a completly new side of Tong today with the rivers and torrents and high winds, but then again we are on the edge of the Peninnes.

Had a great year thanks to all concerned.biggrin.gif

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Had to agree with you, it was WET WET WET!

Some fantastic 4x4ing happening....

What a great punch of people, it was my first time to howling wolf event (just watching) and your all very friendly and welcoming!

iomlr (the very drowned looking bloke lmao)

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Just had a shower and just about dried out and warmed up!

Cracking result for us, 1st in class 3, and clinching 1st for class 3 overall for the season.

Got to say a massive thanks to Bob for giving me the opportunity to co drive the season, weve had some highs and lows like everyone, but 7 podiums from 8 rounds, three 1st's, two 2nd's, two 3rds's and a 4th is good going, learnt alot this year being on the other/outer side. Its been tough going in class 3 with one winch, but definitely worth it! Thanks Bob.

On the other side, massive thanks to Neil and the team for the whole season, aswell as the sponsors!

Tom took about 170 pics today, so il post them up when ive sorted through them!


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First off the results


Next, the Thank You's, (due to the shortened prize giving in the face of a Force 10 gale)

All the drivers who give us the inspiration to do this. Today was a classic case of 'in the face of adversity' Things changed so much in the space of just a few hours but no-one I spoke to had a word of complaint, just huge smiles all round. That is what it is all about.

The Surrey Mafia - shrinking by the event but without Chief Marshal Andy and 'Robinson Crusoe' Phil I would lose my cool and a lot of friends along the way. Of course the Saines family whether in Surrey or Maine!

The NCGL, particularly The Badgers, Riso and Ant who have been to every round and all the others who turn out when they can - Glaggs, Swanny, Blue, Kickstart, Gareth, Jenny, CC, Maverick

All the AWDC regulars, Brian Starr, Nik Tall, The Scrutineers Mark & Geoff

The sponsors who have supported us for the last two years and hopefully will continue to see our vision for the future, we will strive to deliver a return on your investment and hopefully you will reap the rewards in your business

And of course Carole without whose support and understanding I would find this whole experience very difficult to justify.

It has been a great year and despite my recurring nightmares from 4 this morning I think everyone rose to the CHALLENGE and made the most of the opportunities available.

Thank YOU

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Well what a fantastic 1st year in challenge events for us.

Many thanks to neil and eveyrone all involved in making Howlin Wolf such a fantastic event, even though i did roll down that hill. We both look forward very much to next year :D

We had snapping day in the rain at Tong today as we snapped a new rope on the 1st punch then the photographer snapped a few shots of us on punch 9 than around 12ish we snapped our cam belt :( so that was the end of team gunit for this year.

Thanks again see you all next year. Andy (team gunit)

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What a day Sunday was, the rain and wind transformed the site and within hours the brook turned into a raging river with some of the punches being closed and others which looked simple on the walk around Saturday became almost impossible on Sunday.

Ian saved his best performance for last wading through mud/water waist deep was hard work but he never stopped all day. His experience has grown over the series and it certainly showed in the way we tackled some of the punches.

Thanks to Neil and all the marshalls who were smiling throughout the day, I have never seen such a bunch of happy people in such bad conditions.

Time to get the spanners out ready for next year :) .

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Found a piece of recovery equipment left on punch 12 (the raging torrent river crossing) while I were collecting the punch at the end of the day. I was delayed getting back to control having to recover another car so I do not know who it belongs to so send me a pm telling what you lost and I will make sure you get it back some how

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The final championship tables are now posted


Congratulations to the winning teams:

Overall Champions - Rob Tunnah & Jamie Lewis

1st Class One - Kev Pocock & Adrian Turner

2nd Class One - John Sales & Glynn Yates

3rd Class One - Chris & Tom Booth

1st Class Two - Nick Watts & James Trembath

2nd Class Two - Richard Nicolson & Nick Bolt

3rd Class Two - John Fair & Tracey Harrold

1st Class Three - Bob Smith & Ian Mousdale

2nd Class Three - Rob Butler & Andy Marshall

3rd Class Three - Jason & Nathan Morgan

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We had an excellent weekend. Thank you Neil, Carole, Andy and all the marshalls a great event and a fantastic year. All your hard work is greatly appreciated. Really enjoyed Sunday, some great punches and we did some that we would not normally have spent the time on, it was nice not having any pressure to do well. Excellent win for Marc and Austin those boys worked hard, well done and remember to improve the over arm stroke for next year Marc!!!!!

Weather made it a nice play site, just feels like the skin on my hands is 2 sizes too small now!!!

Shame the Phoenix was planned for the same weekend, it would of been good to have everyone along.

Come on then, you can own up now who called the fire dept on Sat night........

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Very wet morning, unfortunatly we burst a brake pipe after 4 punches, went back to repair and had a call to say my wife was unwell so me and Rhodri made the decission to leave. Throughly enjoyed the punches we did although very wet. Thanks to Neil and the team for all you do to make the events possible, we have throughly enjoyed the other events we made it to this year and hopefully wont have such busy work commitments next year.


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Wow, what a great series it has been this last year... had some great results, and had our fair share of problems to... really gutted to have let the 1st in our class slip through our fingers due to dumb human error... DOH! but never mind, 2nd'll do... :rolleyes::P

REALLY huge thank you to Neil, Carole, and the whole AWDC crew including all the marshals who have worked their butts off to make it all happen... Without all you guys and gals we wouldn't have these event where we get to trash our motors and have such fun! :lol::D

I have strung together a compilation of clips and highlights from this year...


Rob Butler

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hi all

i would like to thank all you drivers & co-drivers for turning up and taking part. thanks to carole neil & the surry mafia. also big thanks to the rest of the NCGL for putting up with me lol.

see you all next year.


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Just a quick thank you as i have been a bit busy.To all the organisers and co and to Rob Jones and Kevin Moss for stand in team duties often at short notice,Boothy for the ever funny antics,John Sales for finishing behind us :ph34r:

Regards John Fair

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