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Please don't anyone imagine that I am organising this or that I am taking any responsibility for the groups, just I find that doing it this way saves a lot of time and head scratching on Saturday morning, meaning a prompt getaway and more time out on the lanes.

If you do not have a preference to be in any specific group, just say so and you will be allocated randomly.


Navigators in BOLD




Orgasmic Farmer




Pete Attryde


Dalai Lama

Still to be allocated to a group:





Landymanluke + Claire (Saturday only)



I know it looks like there are too many navigators but if we can we will loose Turbocharger and Pete Attryde as leaders as they may suffer reliability issues. If anyone who is going is not on this page, or vice versa, please let me know ASAP!

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I know it looks like there are too many navigators but if we can we will loose Turbocharger and Pete Attryde as leaders as they may suffer reliability issues.

Reliability issues??? In Landrovers???? We all expect those, don't we? :lol:

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Pete - I put you and Turbocharger together in the hope that one of you would make it. I thought you had a nice reliable Discovery anyway?

Navigators in BOLD




Orgasmic Farmer



Pete Attryde






Dalai Lama

Confirmed attendees still to be allocated/choose a group:






Not confirmed:

4x4 Ledbury ?

old leafer

Speedy_Gonzales (Jamie)

I know it looks like there are too many navigators but if we can we will loose Turbocharger and Pete Attryde as leaders as they may suffer reliability issues. If anyone who is going is not on this page, or vice versa, please let me know ASAP!

Edited by headhunter
Updated by headhunter
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Pete - I put you and Turbocharger together in the hope that one of you would make it. I thought you had a nice reliable Discovery anyway?

I did until I rolled it going to work about 8 weeks ago. Since then I have been trying get a 1986 90 to a state where it is reasonably reliable, just haven't quite made it yet :D.


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HeadHunter doesn't have CB yet so we are potentially using a mixture of CB's and handhelds (Not on CB frequency)... Can you put HH with me as well... - DONE (hh)

And.. As I owe Luke and Claire a lunch for Luke bailing me out at 1am a few weeks ago, can you plop Luke in with me as well. - DONE (hh)

If the group is too big, we can see if Pete's truck is holding up and potentially double up in either HH's truck or in mine as both will have spare seats. Failing that, one of the trucks could join another group etc.

See you Friday for a beer or two, maybe three, or maybe a few more !


(Definitely not sipping Sloe Gin with Si R and Tim this time.. The mix of drinks and the early bedtime made Sunday afternoon a bit of a stretch last time...)

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No preference (since I don't know anybody anyway)

If it helps the decision - I have a RRC v8 with CB, Memory Map, MT tyres, recovery points & strops etc but no winch.

I also have a spare seat and a couple of PMR hand held radios.

Not much green-lane experience though.

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(Definitely not sipping Sloe Gin with Si R and Tim this time.. The mix of drinks and the early bedtime made Sunday afternoon a bit of a stretch last time...)

its alright Rocker will be there this time as well to keep everyone in place - so thats 4 bottles of Port needed?

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No preference (since I don't know anybody anyway)

If it helps the decision - I have a RRC v8 with CB, Memory Map, MT tyres, recovery points & strops etc but no winch.

I also have a spare seat and a couple of PMR hand held radios.

Not much green-lane experience though.

I don't mind who I'm grouped with, I'll be in my V8 90, MTs, recovery point & strops but WITH winch. No spare seat as SWMBO will be occupying it and hopefully operating MM.

No PMRs but hopefully a CB, will find out if it works when I try to talk to someone.

Plenty of laning experience.

Plan to be at hotel about 7-ish tomorrow.

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Since I am travelling on Saturday morning, could somebody PM me their mobile number please, so I can let you know if I break down or anything happens that means I won't make it - I would hate to think of people waiting for me..

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It's OK Mark, I have international roaming enabled.


Well Chris, it looks like there are enough group leaders - or else nobody wants to be in my group! I'm happy to take whoever turns up as an overflow group, or just join another lot if there are still no takers.

We'll be leaving Bristol about 4pm tomorrow, and we're booked in for evening meal. Really looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend.

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Holy cr@p.... That's me dead in the water then!


(soon to be known as "lightweight" )

Well, got in at last !!!

Hey lightweight opps Neil,, its be alright,, Rocker port is good stuff !!! or at least what he had at Shepton show,, Best you drive James ,,on Sunday :ph34r:

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It's not booked but when I asked, they said it would be no issues to look after us in the evening if we let them know as we arrived sort of thing.

I'll probably just eat in the hotel Friday night and hope they have a decent ale or two. carp beer will probably make me consider walking into town to find a pub...

As for "Good Stuff" Tim.... Any port stuff is what I'm worried about. Never had such bad hangovers with anything else...

See you tomorrow.


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