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Head Lining - help!

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remove it from the vehicle, get some hot soapy water or car interior cleaner & give it a good scrub, rinse & wipe off excess water, let it dry in the sunshine, spray on glue is probab;y the quickest way to secure any sagging areas, spray on, smooth the material down & let it dry, then refit to vehicle, use new 'fir tree' fasteners.

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I found Autoglym foam shampoo to be very effective at cleaning my headlining.

Sagging is a different matter - I peeled my old headlining back and tried to glue it with spray contact adhesive, but it didn't last.

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Do you have a part number fro the fasteners Ralph? This is on my list to do. Are the fasteners easy to remove without damaging the headlining as i worry about mashing up the lining when i remove them?

Also, take a peek here:


Jphods pics are of the headlining after it has been removed, cleaned and then re-stuck on a reinforced backing - looks good.

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Do you have a part number fro the fasteners Ralph? This is on my list to do. Are the fasteners easy to remove without damaging the headlining as i worry about mashing up the lining when i remove them?

Also, take a peek here:


Jphods pics are of the headlining after it has been removed, cleaned and then re-stuck on a reinforced backing - looks good.


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You and me both. I think the options for making a nice lining are plenty. Its weight and looks that the issue for me. I might end up with carpet on there. Something foam backed and with carpet tile length pile but not carpet tiles as they are just too stiff.

A new liner is £250 unless you can find a take off but they are few and far between and usually in Euroland.

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I found that in order to get the sagging lining to stick to the backing board, I first had to remove as much of the old crumbly foam as I could from both surfaces (using a stiff brush).

I then painted the board with PVA glue to stabilise any remaining foam and dust, left that to harden off a bit, and then stuck the fabric back on the board using upholstery adhesive (Evo Stick, I think)

It has stayed up for a year now without sagging again.

Oh - and warm water with a small amount of soapy detergent seems a good bet for cleaning.


(Still waiting for his Landy to come back from the garage after some muppet drove into the back of it!)

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If you're going to consider spending £250 on a headlining you may as well get a lasalle one with the extra bits moulded into it

hi iv just finished mine last week and if i may say it looks new. i removed the head lining, striped it, removed the foam backing with a plastic scrubbing brush, proped it up on a garden table so there was no sag then fiberglassed the top, sides ,and all the edges . then i ordered some hi heat resistant glue and some brushed nylon headlinind material from www.woolies-trim.co.uk and some defender plastic rivits from ebay and it was easy to do if you take your time puting the material on . i layed it out folded back the material to half way and did one half first then the other. its quite stretchy so theres no probs on the corners . i would send some pics but i dont have a clue how to but i will email some if you want to see what it lookes like finished

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Tricky, very impressed!

Which fabric did you order from Woolies, and which glue?

I'm sure Western or somewhere on the forum says how to post pictures!

hi i ordered the Empire Grey. As used on Jaguar, Saab, Rover etc from the 1950's onwards. Foam backed. 137cm (54") wide. its £7.65 per running meter and you will need 2 meters they also do a paint on glue .Alphabond AF178 High heat resistant, rated up to 120 degrees centigrade. Ideal for vinyl roofs, headlinings and lining carpets. The strongest of our adhesives. Apply to both surfaces, wait 10-15mins until almost touch dry then bring surfaces together. i also used acoustic sound dedening carpet for the lining in the back . put a serch in on youtube for head lining theres some helpfull videos .

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