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Feel like i just got the kiss of death!


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Just nipped out to buy a few bits from the local homebase in st albans. Just as i was pulling out of the car park, a bloke poked his head out of his car window as he was coming into the car park. Thinking he was after directions, i slowed down, my window was already down......

'Ever thought about selling your land rover mate?' said the guy....

'No' i hurriedly replied and drove off, fearing the local pikeys would then follow me home!

Seems like this sort of thing often precedes someones pride and joy getting nicked!

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I was returning 4 months ago with my neighbour from a play day, and a car flash us, overtake us and ask us to stop, we pulled on the verge two guys jump from the car and ask my neighbour if is 110 as for sale, as he said “Yes for the right money” , they agree the price the guys follow him home, made the exchange V5/£££ and disappear. Happy days.

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don't suppose you made a note of the guys car/reg number ? just in case he tries to acquire your truck without your knowledge.

here's hoping it was just a genuine enquiry & your truck remains yours.

Unusually for me i was too flustered and cant even remember the car he was driving! I'd normally remember that for sure and would generally remember the plate for a while, but all i could think was .......drive away, drive away, drive away, drive away......... so i did.

It was a couple of towns away so fingers crossed it'll be ok and i'm worrying about nothing!

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That's how they got my 75 year old Dad's Discovery, they were quite menacing and 'pursuaded' Dad to let them offer a 1/4 of the value and then walked away with the whole V5 and gave him false details too. I got the Police involved and it was eventually found on a traveller's site. They had already passed on the V5 but following 'discussions' with some 'head honcho traveller' I managed to get it returned in exchange for the 8 month remainder of tax disc. Hopefully that saved Dad from any further fraudulent activity with his personal details.

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Mine was still on the driveway without a roof/doors etc, some farmer chap wanders in eating a pasty and says I'll give you 600 for it as it is, I think I actually laughed out loud, when I told him thats what I'd just spent on the front axle he pailed and went back and got back into his ford ranger...

Was always nervous as a lot of people had seen me building it back up, now moved further out into the sticks and it hides behind a rather large hedge right now, I find it rather frustrating that I get the tiddle taken out of me for worrying about it gettin nicked!

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Hmmm... so we're quite happy to chat when someone just pulls up to say "wow, I really like your LR, what's that rope on the front for, you use it much, it's smart, those tyres look expensive, wow etc", but an enquiry to buy means they want to nick it?

Batten the hatches, and never discuss your hobby again! ;-)

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He'd be pretty daft to show his face, especially in a public place where he & his reg plate are likely on numerous CCTV cameras, and then come back to nick it.

Was he driving a transit or a Jap 4x4? Did he offer to sell you a dog or do any tarmacing? :ph34r:

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I heard once that paranoia is only hightened awareness!

Last time i was up north, i got flashed and waved at to pull over by two Irish guys coming the opposite way, don't think they were travellers, but they pulled me to warn me the police and VOSA were doing spot checks down the road! i told him it made no difference to me as i'm not dodgy!

they were fine about it, and although it was unusual, i didn't feel threatened.

but i never did decide if them pulling people to warn them of checks was a good or bad thing....

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Hmmm... so we're quite happy to chat when someone just pulls up to say "wow, I really like your LR, what's that rope on the front for, you use it much, it's smart, those tyres look expensive, wow etc", but an enquiry to buy means they want to nick it?

Batten the hatches, and never discuss your hobby again! ;-)

Actually, unless its another land rover driver, i rarely stop to discuss my vehicle with others. It was the nature of the enquiry - waving me down as i was driving out of the car park, it was just odd. There was a report on another forum about a couple of similar incidents which did end in stolen vehicles that got me worrying...

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I had a gypo do a u-turn in the road, or maybe he was coming out of a pub car park, something that required me to stop in the road, he then wound his window down and I too presumed he was after directions etc. Was asking if I was selling the Landy.

Safe to say I left the car with some hesitation that night.

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