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Attempted Theft of Athena!


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Hi All

My Landie has survived 3 nights of HELL!! some scrotes have had ago at steeling her, 3 times in 3 nights, This is in Sheffield please be aware!

I have replaced the ignition lock, but the cowling around the steering column is shattered I have looked on Rimmer Bothers and paddocks, no luck can any help me with where I can get the replacement parts please



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Brit car seem pretty hot on being able to get anything, the guys on the phone are usually pretty helpful too.

One thing that might help your landy from not getting nicked (and not be too much of a pain or expensive) is to put an isolator switch on the starter cable. If you have the switch on the battery box with just a flap of carpet over it its quite hard to spot without the big red key in it, especially at night. I know the keys aren't exactly special but I should imagine its quite hard to turn isolator switches on with a standard pikey toolbox if they do find it....

Good luck mate, hope your pride and joy is safe!

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3 times in 3 nights :o sounds to me like you need some extra security, a pedal box lock us under £100 as is a full 360 degree steering wheel lock, visible deterrents might make them realise it's not going to be a 2 minute job to steal it and look somewhere else

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3 times in 3 nights :o sounds to me like you need some extra security,....

... visible deterrents might make them realise it's not going to be a 2 minute job to steal it and look somewhere else

I would imagine they've already found this to be the case. 3 attempts and no success does not sounds like your normal skilled car thief! Particularly inept in fact, considering how insecure Defenders are.

Anyway, I am hoping you'll manage to retain ownership of your Landy.

Some simple ideas - let the dog sleep in the truck (if it's not too cold), block it in with other cars, park it somewhere else (mate's house maybe).

But as others have said, visual deterrents like steering wheel locks, and not so visual hidden isolators will all slow them down or maybe make them pick on someone else.

If you are lucky enough to have a driveway, fit a security lamp with PIR sensor to light up the potential thieves while you secretly film them. Even hook the PIR sensor to an indoor alarm that wakes you without alerting whoever is outside; or to a recording of a barking dog (anyone remember Terry and June?). Basically anything to scare them off, and/or simply alert you that someone is tampering with your beloved Landy.

Good luck Dan.

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Hi All

My Landie has survived 3 nights of HELL!! some scrotes have had ago at steeling her, 3 times in 3 nights, This is in Sheffield please be aware!

I have replaced the ignition lock, but the cowling around the steering column is shattered I have looked on Rimmer Bothers and paddocks, no luck can any help me with where I can get the replacement parts please



Plenty of decent advice on anti-theft devices and you should take it ASAP.

Personally I have an alarm, FIA isolator, Clutch-Claw, Snap-Off adapter on the steering-wheel and when parked at home a pair of Centinal C1 security posts & CCTV. Anything visible is a deterrent but as already said, if they have had three attempts and still not done it they sound pretty inept.

With regards to the cowling, it is not often you will find less popular items such as these easily on the web and it is only when armed with the part-number you will find it listed at a dealer. This is when you either need a parts book (they are available on-line) or just drop a line to a parts supplier who will give you price & availability immediately. I would say you need MTC3499 & MTC3801.

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Sorry to hear that. Where abouts in Sheffield are you? I'm in S8. Should I be worried?

If you want to send me a description of your landy then I'm happy to look out for it, should the worst happen

Hi WarPig

I am in S8!! Lowedges

Be careful mate


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Hi All

Thank you for all your advice, I did have a steering lock on and the last time they tried to steel her they had cut through the steering wheel, but i had removed the battery,

I have ordered a battery cut off switch and a peddle lock box!! should be here any day, as for the dog sleeping in the landie the wife wouldn't let me!!

Fantastic all of you!



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