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Suggested new Moderators

Les Henson

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What about MARK, MOGLITE, JULES or MARK90, all level headed forum members

Thanks for the vote of confidence but you don't know me that well :lol:

I think a good knowledge of what is being posted is esential for good and proper moderation, afterall you wouldn't want a muppet with no understanding whatsoever moderating the forum would you?

I agree that a certain level of knowledge is required to make sound judgements but the point I was making is that the most knowledgeable person on the subject may not be the most suitable person to moderate the forum, although in some cases they might well be.

I do think that the original suggestions would be suitable moderators.

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Hello All,

Thanks for the kind comments re the above.

I have wondered if to post what I am about to say, its OT and subject to neg comments last time done, but I think I need to.....

I may "Disappear" suddenly and without being able to give any warning, and with the nomination bit people might wonder why ?

As some of you know my dad has been very ill, stroke at christmas, cardiac infartion feb, cardiac arrest a couple of weeks, ago, the prognosis was never good, but he is in a High dependancy ward in hospital. Last night the medical team phoned me, the consultant says all that has been done has, and its all failed, they have (with my agreement) decided to go the "Sympathetic Traetment route".

This means a morphine pump to give 101% pain relief, and then to not give anymore drugs. This will mean the tabs to stop another heart attack will be withdrawn, as will all other medicens.

The likehood now is he will die in a matter of days, he wants to go, he is in pain, suffering and is not going to improve, the NHS Hospital is superb, vsiting hours is when I wnat, he is 160 miles away, and I have been living on red bull and coffee, and up and down day and night.

SWMBO has gone up tonight, staying with mum, I will be going up this weekend, - unless I get a call, and will be off like a shot, so please excuse me if I am absent from the forum now for a while, if I can I may log on for light releif,.

As I have siad wondered about if I should post the above, but as I may disappear without any warning, and be gone for however long thought it might be best to say "Why"

Thanks for the support,

Much appreacited, and thats why I iz in a foul and fed up mood at the mo :(

See Ya all soon


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Blimey, sorry to hear the news Nige.

or MARK90, all level headed forum members


have we got an Isreali transexual we can nominate??

We have a Les

Watch it, Infidel swine! :rtfm:

I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. :angry:

Les. :)

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What about MARK, MOGLITE, JULES or MARK90, all level headed forum members who (in my opinion) post really well on tech threads

Well, I am very flattered to be thought of as mod-worthy, and would happily contribute to the forum by being a mod. It is something I have thought about (given the amount of time I spend on here), but wouldn't be so bold as to suggest it myself.. :blush:

I would agree that specialist knowledge on a particular forum is not necessarily the best qualification but it certainly helps. Level headedness, and time to look what is going on is more important IMHO.

Chris on the getting out there forum sounds like a good plan to me. Seemingly all the other nominees for Tools and Fab have withdrawn? I only have a small tool fetish after all... <_<



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To be fair i don't really want to moderate the tools and fabrication forum, because i feel i don't have the time to look after such a busy forum.

...Just quoting my sources... :)

Not sure about Nige, but that was the impression I got from his post. Don't get me wrong, I would be happy to see nigel as the mod.



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I agree that a certain level of knowledge is required to make sound judgements but the point I was making is that the most knowledgeable person on the subject may not be the most suitable person to moderate the forum, although in some cases they might well be.

The best man (OK, or woman) for the job is one with an interest in the subject - that also means that he is most likely to be spending plenty of time in that forum. Actual technical ability/participation is less important - Exmoor Beast is a mod in the Getting out there forum for heaven's sake! ;)

Thanks all for the supportive comments above - and thanks too to those who have spared my feelings by sending negative feedback to Les by PM and not open posts. ;)


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Hi again,

Popped in !

Yep, more than happy to be a mod if ok with others......,

Way I feel and my brain is at the mo it not suprising my post above wasn't clear :(

......for right now I just don't know what the short term future is not sure if I will be here there and everywhere - but Home (Dads has no internat), so I'd be forumless too :(

So if I suddenly disappear for a day or so.... or I'm not about ....you'll know why.............

its just "Family Probs"...........

....but I'll be back :)


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I see no one has put my name forward :unsure:

Your not the only one, but I don't do slapping of massive slabs of steel onto my truck, juggling a MIG, TIG and plasma and I don't do winch challaneges so no need to bother voting for me :P

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It's true that you don't need any knowledge of a subject to moderate a forum, bt as someone said - if you are interested, you are more likely to visit occasionally.

Will, you say that Nigel is the only one of the suggested people who does not fabricate commercially and have a huge workshop? Do the kittygrippers not count?

Mark C, I'd forgotten about you - I would second a nomination for him. He's very hard to wind up (but don't let him use your fly press!! ;) ) I guess that counts as being level headed!


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"What makes a good moderator?"

Being able to read between the lines, being diplomatic without taking sides in a dispute....These are just two of the things that I've learned as a moderator on 2 Land Rover Forums.

I've deletes posts, moved posts and edited posts, even those of friends...Jupp, your right Les, a thick skin to! It's a time consuming job at times, but the rewards, are well worth it. I especially like the fact, that it helps to strengthen the ties we have in the Land Rover community.

If I was to suggest anything, I would like to see that this forum selects a candidate that can and will serve it well.

BTW, the names mentioned above, get my show of hands.


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Mark C, I'd forgotten about you - I would second a nomination for him. He's very hard to wind up (but don't let him use your fly press!! ;) ) I guess that counts as being level headed!

Not wishing to do anyone else down, I am sure everyone else is very suitable, I also think that Mark would be a particularly suitable candidate. He has been around forever, is very calm, literate and has several Landrovers too!

I am not wholly unbiased though, I do know Mark personally.


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I am not wholly unbiased though, I do know Mark personally.


If knowing people personally precludes my being able to nominate them, then I've have no idea who MarkC is! He's my nomination for the Tools & Fab gig! :rolleyes:

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Mark C, I'd forgotten about you - I would second a nomination for him. He's very hard to wind up (but don't let him use your fly press!! ;) ) I guess that counts as being level headed!


If you mean "Mark", formerly Busshed then I would also like to second a nomination for him.

Not only is he impossible to wrile but has a keen interest in the content of the tool and fab forum, no commercial interest in fabrication and unfettered access to the forum all day at work, [u-humm] maybe :ph34r: . Balanced, moderate and not prone to outbursts. Yes I also know him in the flesh as it were. :blink:

As for the nomination for GBMUD on the getting out there forum, I don't think I should comment, politics being what they are. ;)

As gar as me for moderator goes I am flattered that I get mentioned in dispatches and would love to be more involved but I just don't have the time required, particularly in the day time.

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At least you can get a car in yours... :(

... and take it with you wherever you go! ;)


You've forgotten that it's also fully airconditioned, comes with running water(cold only), Allthough jez being a snob had to go for the optional extra concrete base :)

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I reserve the right to thoroughly take the mick at any opportunity though (should the northern shed monkey be put in the driving seat)

Northern shed monkey????????????? bloody southern poof.

Ive got a lot of wierdness to build this year so would welcome being able to post stuff that may not be either LR based or have much relevance to the UK scene- not sure how well that would go down??

Bring on the wierdness :D

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