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twin carb or single???


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hello every1, i new to all this, :D

i hav a early 2a with a single weber car, i waz wonderin how hard and wat do i need to change to a twin carb and how would it be?? and is it worth doin?? power/performance, i dont reli mind about the fuel, as s11 aint good anyway!! :angry: thank you all!! james :D

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you may struggle fitting dual carbs as it will mean fitting a new inlet manifold, also remember that the LR carburettor is lever operated & not cable pulled so you may need to adapt the linkages for operation like this.

What carb is on there at the moment? is it standard or has someone fitted an aftermarket one? the Weber 34 ICT/ICH is a common replacement

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well atm i have weber 34ich,but i seen a weber link below, which looks pretty good, hopefully more power out of it!!!! wats the su carb like compared to the weber??? cheers james


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If you want power remove the old 2.25 and fit something else! Even with £1000s of ACR kit the 2.25's are still pretty carp and low powered!

V8 conversion, maybe a 200tdi if the fuel worries you at all. Mine now has a 200tdi in it and having fiddled with the boost pressure and the injector pump, its just as quick as it was when I had the V8 in it! The difference is it now does 36mpg, where the old V8 did about 12!


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Welcome along, always good to have another Series in the fold.

Bowie & Jon are right - the 2.25 is a solid & reliable lump but spending lots on tuning really doesn't gain you very much in comparison to dropping in a V8 or TDi or whatever.

If you want to keep the 4-pot and do something a bit different, fit MegaSquirt & EDIS to it, should be very doable with a few bits from the scrappy (a basic SPI setup from any 4-pot eurobox will do) and will give a big boost in drivability, and allow you to tune to unlock the potential of the engine (they're massively under-tuned as standard to cope with towing a trailer across the sahara running on 62 octane).

I really wouldn't bother p*ssing about with carbs, you'll only be finding new ways for it to not work properly.

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Search button is your friend - there's a whole Megasquirt sub-forum in the tools-n-fab forum. Several people have gotten a certain way down the road of doing a 2.25 although most seem to have lost interest, frustrating as it's not a complicated thing to do really.

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cheers but looks to complicated for me and im only 16 so reli cant afford that and i dont have that sort of knowledge! :(:(

ahh never say never, ok going right for a megasquirt, or radical carb conversion may be too far but get yourself a timing light, & a colourtune & fiddle a bit, Learn how to properly setup a single carb ( which you may find will give you more power anyway ) & then see what your budget alows.

from personal experience though, I would avoid 2nd hand carbs, landrover items are not too bad but I spent far more time & money rebuilding a carp weber carb for my mini than it would of cost to buy a brand new item off the shelf.

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oh ok, have overhauled the carb but the engine power is tbh, SH*T!:( and i no but wen 'freezer <---:P said wat i needed, i almost fell over! :blink::blink: but i think the next thing is to put the front axle back together :ph34r: and to attemp power steering, im thinkin RR p38 box+pump+shaft=:D not sure about drag link?!?! but ill have to see how brave i am lol james

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