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cleaning head and block surfaces


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Morning all!

After removing the head, I'm looking at the cooked on crud on the head and block faces, where the gasket was.

I've removed the remains of the gasket.

I've cleaned up the surfaces with petrol but am wondering if I should try and remove the thin layer of stuff on the surface. It looks like it would scrape off with a razor, but obviosly this would damage the surface of the head/block.

So how to you clean it up, or is it thin enough to be ignored and just put the new gasket on?


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I wouldnt use wet/dry, wire brushes etc on the face. You dont want to cause any scratches or unevenness.

Clean the gasket debris with a razor, the use an oil block in circular fashion.

Drill / wire brush could be used on the top of the chamber, but watch out for leaving any debris in the oilways or inlets.

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I've cleaned up the surfaces with petrol but am wondering if I should try and remove the thin layer of stuff on the surface. It looks like it would scrape off with a razor, but obviosly this would damage the surface of the head/block.

can you narrow down to what sort of stuff it is :blink: If carbon like stuff, use oven cleaner.

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can you narrow down to what sort of stuff it is :blink: If carbon like stuff, use oven cleaner.

Actually, I'm not too sure what it is. I don't think it's carbon. It looks like it is where the gasket was cooked onto the block/head but it's harder than cardboard. It can be scraped off with a blade, and produces a very fine power.

I would be a bit wary taking anything abraisive to the head, though what do I know.

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Actually, I'm not too sure what it is. I don't think it's carbon. It looks like it is where the gasket was cooked onto the block/head but it's harder than cardboard. It can be scraped off with a blade, and produces a very fine power.

have you considered snorting it? :rolleyes:

too hard for an old credit card to remove? or an 1 mm piece of stright edged ali sheet for a scraper?

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