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Arrrgh - Help with routing of V8 Special Plug leads


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The 5.2 is coming along after a gap of other stuff that got in the way.

I am doing several things at once on it, and the V8 Porn Thread will be updated soon :D

Anyway, I have had to make a special Coil Pack mounting for the twin coil packs - being the trumpet / plenum is special

niothing I have fits, so its DIY Time and is done

Basically I need the forums help with Coil Packs and the plug leads and their routing

Below is a picie of the setup, it shows the left hand bank of the engine with 2 4 6 9 cylinders and the right hand side with 1 3 5 7

The 2 x coil packs have the fiting outputs shown on them, what I wnat is the forums input as to the best wat to rearrnge the coil numbers to gibve me the neatest routing

Now the tech bit

The coils fire in line and if you like are "Banked", so if we take the top on RHS (Nos 4 & 7) these are "Linked"

So, to explain what can / can't be done


  • Coils have to stay in their positions
  • ONLY LINKED pairs can be moved, ie you can swap say 7 & 4 with 6 & 1
  • You can also swap link number around ie 7 & 4 can be swaped to be 4 & 7
  • All Linked numbers can be moved
  • All linked numbers can be swapped with each other

So, competition time !

Please post up your best routing - this should be the least amount of leads crossing each other, however there is room for you to pass lead within the unit, to explain I have shown the routing on the eales - which has only 1 x wires crossing over :)


HELP - I have been at this for hours gotten not very well so need forums help !



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Cos the eales unit was a huge mess and was at the back - right where the airbox would be !

Mr Eales builds beautifull engines, but leaves exhausts airboxes and things like ignition layout to the buyers !


Have looked at your solution, best yet - some of the wires (Like No 1 is a bit torturous, but a stong winner so far

Come on you high visual Acuity Members - bring on the solutions :D


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i've come up with this

8 7 8 7 obviously above and below

6 4 5 5 6 up and round between 4 and 5, 5 to 5

4 3 6 3 4 to 4 3 under 6

2 2 1 1 2 to 2 1 to 1


hopefully you'll understand how i mean as i don't know how to get that diagram.(not the best on computers)


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Moderator this thread should be in the MegaSquirt section, shame on you Nige :D

And to add to this competition how about a better layout for the even bank rocker cover mount position shown in the MegaSqurit Mega thread.

Blank below


Note the coil packs are shown in the middle for ease of layout (their actual location is to the left)

Initial layout shown in thread


Any better ideas?

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nah,our first 2 versions are better as they are more direct with only one none direct path

that last attempt was for a different coil layout to Nige's (my competition part 2) Note the coil packs are rotated to point to the odd bank, not backwards and forwards as in Nige's request.

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At the risk of blowing Niges mind... (and as other have said if you aren't using magnetically shielded leads like Magnecors)

Remember that the only lead crossings that really matter are the ones where it risks coupling into a cylinder that is about to fire (because those are the ones containing a burnable mixture).

So with firing order 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, lead #1 shouldn't cross with #2 or #8, since coupling from #2 might fire #1 early, and coupling from #1 might fire #8 early. But crossing #1 with #4 or #7 is much less likely to have any detectable effect.


EDIS is a wasted spark system, so #1 and #6 fire at the same time (crossing them should have no effect, but there's no need since you can swap the leads on the towers), so you shouldn't cross #1 with #3 or #5 either.

So if you have to have leads crossing, there are good crossings (e.g. #1 with #4 or #7) that wont have much/any effect, and bad ones (#1 with #8, #2, #3 or #5) which you should avoid.

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