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Billing 2007 (in negotiation?)


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Hi All,

Being a sad git i decided to book for billing next year earlier today, was told by whoever at Lre, "sorry sir we cannot take bookings as we are in negotiations about Billing for next year".

now does this mean that the Billing show may not be at Billing after all? or the prices we advertised are wrong and have to be altered if they are you can bet its upward.

regards Keith

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I thought billing was under new management, hence the re-negotiation...

There was a press release a while ago saying thet the show was safe for a few years to come, but I think it was from the illustrious Richard Green, so I would take it with a pinch of salt...


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the Aquadrome has been sold, and from what i can gather there has been no firm comitment from the new owners about future events... i there are loads of other events on there throughout the year, so it would be a shame if they build houses on it... :(

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the Aquadrome has been sold, and from what i can gather there has been no firm comitment from the new owners about future events... i there are loads of other events on there throughout the year

Looking at photos of the other events at Billing and at the density of camping units at the LRE show I recon that the aquadrome make most of their money around the middle of July. ;) They would be fools to decline to hold it.

As an aside, anyone know the ratio of shower cubicles to people at Billing LRE show? I understand that 1:1000 may be about right. Anyone done an audit?


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I heard a rumour at Billing this year that the show would not be held there again as the 'residents' were complaining loudly against it.

Anyway I don't think it can be held much longer as the camping areas are being swallowed up with static vans. There didn't seem to be that many more people than usual this year, but as Chris says they seemed to be packed in tighter due to the lack of space

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A friend of mine owns a mobile home at Billing, from what he gathers, the new owners are very keen to get lots more units on to the site. These generate year round income and have a finite life, meaning resales in 10 - 12 years.

As Bos says, there won't be the room for a land rover show soon.


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Hi All,

Told from a very good source that a three year deal has been signed with Billing of which this was the first year.


It's been a Three-year contract for years, as one comes off another is added.

I think the biggest problem will be what is in that contract. I.e. how much land/camping will be allocated to the show; if it is just for the show ground then I can't see it lasting much longer.

The contractors told me that they are putting in Static’s up to the tree line this year, so about 500+ less camping spots on that field alone for 2007.

I think the Show will go on but with some alterations, for another 2/3 years. But hey what do I know!! <_<


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