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Windscreen Woes

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Finally restarted work on the 110 yesterday and needed to shorten some bolts, so I set about them with an angle grinder, unfortunately I was using the bonnet as a work bench anf peppared the windscreen with biths of molten M8. I managed to remove most of the metallic rash, but there are still quite a few "lumps" on the windscreen.

Anyone got a method of repairing this? I really cannot face replacing a 6 month old screen.....

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Could always give it a little tap with a hammer and ring autoglass.. Its done alot on cars with bonded screens, seems a little un necessary with a defender screen being so easy to replace, but your excess may work out cheaper than a new screen, they can even do heated screens if you ask! (maybe worth asking first however!)

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The spatters will be melted into the surface of the glass so I doubt polishing them out would work in a sensible timeframe ...... and if the screen is only 45 quid it's probably cheaper than buying all the kit to polish them out anyway.

Maybe if you could pick the bits out of the glass you may be able to fill the holes with that resin that the screen repair people use ... but tbh I think you will waste far more time buggering about with it (and never be happy with the result) than just replacing it.

Just my 2p worth ......

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The spatters will be melted into the surface of the glass so I doubt polishing them out would work in a sensible timeframe ...... and if the screen is only 45 quid it's probably cheaper than buying all the kit to polish them out anyway.

Maybe if you could pick the bits out of the glass you may be able to fill the holes with that resin that the screen repair people use ... but tbh I think you will waste far more time buggering about with it (and never be happy with the result) than just replacing it.

Just my 2p worth ......


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Did the same with a Triumph Stag windscreen years ago, used the edge of a screwdriver to chisel them off, still leaves tiny black specks on the screen, as the metal melts into the glass for a fraction when it lands on it, even if you get the glass flat, and do something else to it you will always have the black specks, cost me £300 from memory years ago for a new screen. Bite the bullet and move on get a new screen, or live with it. :(

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