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Veg oil and fuel pumps


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This isnt a question about the compatibilty with the main fuel pump, but more a question of the system setup.

On a Tdi, there is obviously only one lift pump. Now, our tech archive article on setting up a veg oil system on the Tdi, moves the lift pump the other side of the filter(s) and valve system so that it draws fuel into the the filter and on to the injection pump rather than its conventional position where it pumps fuel into the filter providing a head of fuel from which the FIP draws. This movement of the lift pump never seemed quite right to me, but it has the advantage of maintaining the use of one lift pump and also prevented dead heading of the lift pump if an alternative was used on the diesel or veg oil circuit.

Has anyone with a dual fuel system done away with the lift pump completely and fitted two electric pumps in its place? Only one would need to run at a time and i presume it would be possible to activate the relevant pump by a feed from the Pollack, or other electrical valve in the system.

The facet pump in the for sale section got me thinking about this (that and the ones i saw at the diesel place that reconditioned some injectors for me this morning).

Of course, the electrics also introduce an area of possible failure. The mechanical lift pump is perhaps less likely to fail and is easier to troubleshoot when it does so does have tis advantages!

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Not quite what you asked, but...

Veg oil kills TDi fuel injection pumps. Every Land Rover I've seen with a veg oil conversion has had issues of sorts and the owners have eventually given up and gone back to diesel.

Of course, if you have a spare stash of FIP's and are a dab hand at swapping them out, then press on...

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But it does have far better lubricating properties than diesel.

My set up has the veggie running the original route with the diesel going from tank, through in line filter, through the solenoid cluster (the cluster which determines which fuel is in use, essentially doing what the pollack does), then straight to the FIP. No lift pump at all. Would probably be better to have one, but I've had it like that for nearly 4 years now without fault.

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Not quite what you asked, but...

Veg oil kills TDi fuel injection pumps. Every Land Rover I've seen with a veg oil conversion has had issues of sorts and the owners have eventually given up and gone back to diesel.

Not thinking of TD's are you??...my 200 runs on DERV, Bio or SVO all year, blends being altered according to average temperature but running 0% DERV during the summer. I've been doing it for 4 years-ish, and not had a single problem with the FIP.

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Just out of interest how much are you guys paying for veg at the moment ? I've not bought it since i sold my pajero a good 4 years ago ! Got myself a little golf today i wish to use it in :)


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If you trawl through the posts, about 60% of people running SVO seem to do so with no problems. Others do have problems and never go back to it after fixing them.

I was planning on starting on diesel, only switching over when warm and then purging for 5 miles of so on diesel, so the pump is left bathed in diesel and you dont risk the whole piston gumming problem by starting on SVO. I was even looking at getting a tank made with a copper coil inside it that i could run coolant through to warm that up. Already have a heated filter housing and heat exchanger.

The biggest problem ive found is what zim alluded to....the price of SVO seems high at the moment - with deals you can probably find it for £1.30 a litre (still a saving, but less tempting than if it were 80ppl!). I dont want the hassle of processing WVO.

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I have the full twin tank conversion and I have been buying filtered WVO at 75p a litre. I'm told its about to go up to 80p again, so I'll have to introduce them to some more collection sources, www.cookingoilsolutions.com.

When it got really cold I went to SVO bought from Macro at about £1 a litre, as the WVO was turning to jelly.

So far, about 12,000 miles from the rebuild and the fuel conversion, I have had one lift pump self-distruct. I now have a spare in the truck permanently.

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So, on a twin tank system, would folk opt for the single lift pump between the filter(s) and the fip, or is there any merit to looking at using electric pumps in place of the lift pump activated when the fuel circuit for that pump is selected?

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I am still using the mechanical lift pump after the fuel solenoids but immediately before the injection unit. (200Tdi).


The electric pump for each fuel circuit, switched by the control box sounds more elegant, but too complex for me. If I kill too many lift pumps, I'll have to revisit that idea.

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