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It's been one of those days :(


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Ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Started by fitting a superseal plug to the wing to bulkhead wiring loom, that went wrong when the headlight wires wouldn't go in the plug, obviously I'd put all the connectors on first, before finding this out, so that's some money down the grid. Then I decided to crack on with the tps wiring for megasquirt, all I had to do was fit the plug on each wire, that went wrong too, giving up on that I thought I'll fit the new power steering pipe but obviously it'd be too easy for it to just fit, so I had to undo one of the other pipes to get the spanner on. Fitted the new pipe, refitted the other pipe and stripped the threads on the pipe, more money gone. All this while slopping about in the wet snow/slush/ice/rain. Anyway I started on the exhaust, only had to bolt the mid section to the rear section, that went fine, (other than a wet back!) and from then on everything else started to fall into piece, thought the day was pretty much over.

So make me feel better, what went wrong from you today? :)

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I saw the title of this thread and thought it was going to be a JeffR story :lol:

Glad to hear things started to look up eventually. You'll be relieved to hear I only managed an hour's play today due to family commitments. It tends to be the same most weekends, but I do what I can. Swappsies?

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I was hoovering today and the plug came out of the wall socket. I had to walk 15 feet across the room to put it back it again.

Luckily it's Saturday so I can take an easy day tomorrow to recover. Just one of those days as you say :(

And I thought my day was bad!

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I saw the title of this thread and thought it was going to be a JeffR story :lol:

Glad to hear things started to look up eventually. You'll be relieved to hear I only managed an hour's play today due to family commitments. It tends to be the same most weekends, but I do what I can. Swappsies?

Swappsies, no problem, you just have to fit the megasquirt, refit the dash, weld the chassis, fit the hydraulic winch, fit the oba, fit the air suspension and mot it. Oh did I mention this all has to be done outside on the road before the tax runs out by the end of February! :0

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Swappsies, no problem, you just have to fit the megasquirt, refit the dash, weld the chassis, fit the hydraulic winch, fit the oba, fit the air suspension and mot it. Oh did I mention this all has to be done outside on the road before the tax runs out by the end of February! :0

Certainly hasn't been the weather for outside work this last year, I seem to have spent most of my time laying in puddles or being rained on :(

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I normally have a big well lit and I say normally dry barn to work in but this was what I have suffered a couple of times this year!!!



And then dry for all of about a week and it then freezes, and I am not sitting out there welding in minus 4 after working out in it all day!!!

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reckon you need to dig a drainage ditch to divert that water,

my day has been pretty good, did a battery removal from my nieghbours car for her & put it on charge, otherwise a fairly lazy day.

When we get rain like that!!!! the ditches couldn't cope with it either, hence why it spewed into my farm up the drainage pipe like a geezer then blocked solid with silt, was pumping water for well over 2 weeks to get rid and bowser is coming to blow the silt through when it thaws so we don't flood again when the snow melts.

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We thought going out in the milk float to do some sledging on a greenlane over the moor would be a fun saturday, so along with my dads 110 we got loaded up, I had the fat tyres on from last night


It was going well until the snow drifts got a little deeper


Unfortunately due to the drift being deeper to one side it was slowing the front down and slewed the backend round, what I thought was a skilful reverse turned into skilfully very slowly reverse parking in the ditch however 20 mins with the shovel and hi lift had me back out and a more appropriate driving style was adopted


It was still taking some getting through though


Another run saw it through and I was able to turn round in an open spot to avoid going off piste and resume sledging.

All in all a rather good afternoon.


Ps. Retro my thoughts are with you :(

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Swappsies, no problem, you just have to fit the megasquirt, refit the dash, weld the chassis, fit the hydraulic winch, fit the oba, fit the air suspension and mot it. Oh did I mention this all has to be done outside on the road before the tax runs out by the end of February! :0

Mike that sounds like you've set yourself a lot to do by anyone's standards. Good luck with it all.

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Not owning a LR at present, there was no lying on my back in a puddle with weld dripping in my ear and rust falling in my eyes, so that was nice.

Instead, I set about building a log store so I can reclaim the garage as my workshop and start to put some boys toys in it :)

Very therapeutic working with wood I find and so far, no wrong cuts!!

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Not owning a LR at present, there was no lying on my back in a puddle with weld dripping in my ear and rust falling in my eyes, so that was nice.

Instead, I set about building a log store so I can reclaim the garage as my workshop and start to put some boys toys in it :)

Very therapeutic working with wood I find and so far, no wrong cuts!!

I find the same working with wood

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Not owning a LR at present, there was no lying on my back in a puddle with weld dripping in my ear and rust falling in my eyes, so that was nice.

Instead, I set about building a log store so I can reclaim the garage as my workshop and start to put some boys toys in it :)

Very therapeutic working with wood I find and so far, no wrong cuts!!

I agree, I love working with wood :)

I hope its a good man-sized store! It was about this time last year I built one down the side of our house to replace the wood pile.

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Had problems with a very stubborn calliper bolt-rounded off, bought a set of those Irwin bolt extractors which made a hell of a difference and removed the bolt for me-unfortunately didn't have a replacement and now have to wait for a replacement to come, Another day without my truck :angry2:

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