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Interclub Challenge


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thanks All who were involved we had a great day

the highlight being a certain co-driver not calling out stop when I reversed towards a 10FT DROP! :) I realized things weren't going well when I saw some spectators horrified faces at what was about to happen to me, I had a view normally kept for space shuttle passengers when all I could see was Sky, convinced I was about to back flip I pressed the accelerator to the floor to aid the reversing procedure, But I was in underdrive and not a lot of movement was attained, enough to save a large accident as the front wheel came down from space to Terra firma.

Cheers again the the Forum team, I must get the sodding winch sorted

(brake fell apart) and a few dents to sort :(

Nice to meet a few more of the forums many members


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Glad you all had a great day.

The weather was just perfect in all respects and the marshals and punch setters did a fantastic job with no major incidents (that we heard about all day)

I am still having IT problems and although I have the results am unable to post them at the moment.

Will do my damndest to get them up first thing tomorrow.

Huge thanks to my regular AWDC crew for devoting another weekend to the cause and well done to all the drivers for tackling a wide range of challenges.

Oh, and we won :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

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Very well done everyone.. A well deserved third place..

Great to meet some of you in person and I'll definitely be coming to more events in the future...

I'll be sorting through the pictures taken today and will post a link off this thread for all to follow and see just how good the team were...


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Well done to Neil and the AWDC a brilliant event, I lost all but 1 of our team by the end, we lost front winch about 13.30, and had no diff locks fitted which made it a very interesting PM.

Torn a valve fron front wheel and a few dings and scratches and 1 broken rear light not too bad.

Nice to catch up with some forum members too, Just got home a long day.

If any one took photos of Green S1 look a like with a fat old bloke driving , and a youngish bald runner I would like to see them please.

Well done to the winners.



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Had an excellent weekend. Well done to Neil and crew for another superb event. I think the team performed excellently (a better result than I thought we'd have). Nice to meet some other faces from the forum. A bit a baptism of fire for Top90 (even got his truck on it's side) but performed brilliantly. It's a shame your biatch didn't have more stamina.

I particularly want to see the photos of magic's truck on it's side. What a way to finish the day.

We got in at 2230 and back at work for 0600. I'm thoroughly knackered. I think I'm more suited to the drivers seat.

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Thanks guys for a great day.

Truck performed well and I am well happy with it. :)

It ended up on its side once but not a single dent due to the cage.

Also thanks to dave for co-driving. I get out and help when I could.

See some of you on the 7th October.


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Had a great day, still not sure how I ended running round infront of my own motor and not driving,(note to self, take large bottle of RadianB to next event.) I think it was the confusion of only being told I was doing the event on friday.

Bigger tyres and some diff lock for the next one I think.

Well done to the organisers, a great day was had by all.

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nope - -he had a 8274 just kicking about so he put that on the rear -- but he still didn't have lockers fitted.

Interesting results.

Was Paul Bass running his truck in the same 'standard' class spec as he does in the AWDC challenge events?

I don't wanna say I told you so, but....


Just seen the results - good job Adrian - not a bad score for us.. only need one more punch and we would of been 6th bugger should of stuck it out on that last one in the woods... never mind.

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Fair enough. 18th was about right. Both were a bit knackered and sporting headaches all day! I reckon we lost at least 4 punches changing the drag link which would have put us up in 12th place. Sumo bar is on the to-do list. Might have got better score on wheel change if we'd had the rattle gun! White 90 didn't seem to have his CB on though, we called for it for a good 10 minutes. All good experience though. For our second event twas OK and quite a bit more physical than seven sisters. I am aching in places I never knew could ache.

Bring on the4 next one

PS Great photo on the challenger site of me holding the back end of Lenny down!

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nope - -he had a 8274 just kicking about so he put that on the rear -- but he still didn't have lockers fitted.

Just seen the results - good job Adrian - not a bad score for us.. only need one more punch and we would of been 6th bugger should of stuck it out on that last one in the woods... never mind.

know how you feel :lol: we did not do SS2 after seeing Nick roll, as we had broken front winch and had no Lockers would have meant going up in reverse. But well pleased if only we had pulled SS1 I think that we could have driven round picked up a few extra points Oh well that's live full of if's and butts.

Thanks to those that did help winch us out, when we managed to get in :lol:

Nice to see the Cheque go to the Air Ambulance very well done.

KBE yes thank's we are on the "Muddy Road" :)


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Sounds like you guys had a good day. :) Was it anyone from here that I saw heading north on the A46 near Bath about 1845 as I came south with my caravan on heading back from 7Sisters? We did some waving. Pretty sure I spotted Neil in his Dacia heading that way too, too late to wave sadly.


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if we had know you could of had ours...

hey ho

Fair enough. 18th was about right. Both were a bit knackered and sporting headaches all day! I reckon we lost at least 4 punches changing the drag link which would have put us up in 12th place. Sumo bar is on the to-do list. Might have got better score on wheel change if we'd had the rattle gun! White 90 didn't seem to have his CB on though, we called for it for a good 10 minutes. All good experience though. For our second event twas OK and quite a bit more physical than seven sisters. I am aching in places I never knew could ache.

Bring on the4 next one

PS Great photo on the challenger site of me holding the back end of Lenny down!

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