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Defender doorstep offers

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I've just had a guy at the door ask if I wanted to sell my Defender. He had a piece of paper and pen in his hand and his 61 plate 90 was on my drive. I said no, he said thanks and drove off straight away.

From his piece of paper, I can only imagine that he had a hit list to target, which means they might have seen me (and others) around town, clocked the reg number and found my address. I live in a cul-de-sac and the Defender is mostly obscured behind the house so there is no other reason he would be here.

Can people easily find out where you live from your reg number? The encounter all happened within 5 seconds and was the last thing I was expecting on a Sunday afternoon, but in hindsight I have a lot of questions I would have liked to ask him.

I feel slightly flattered and at the same time not sure whether to keep the vehicle somewhere else for a while... Has anyone else had this before?

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I had a note left on mine on my driveway once. I also got asked in a car park in St Albans. It is a tad worrying at the time (especially when they have clearly been to your house), but both events for me were over 2 years ago now.

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that's a Request by an individual for information about a vehicle NOT the current keeper. but it will allow info to previous owners. plus the person making the request must have a valid reason & state it on the form

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I've just had a guy at the door ask if I wanted to sell my Defender. He had a piece of paper and pen in his hand and his 61 plate 90 was on my drive. I said no, he said thanks and drove off straight away.

From his piece of paper, I can only imagine that he had a hit list to target, which means they might have seen me (and others) around town, clocked the reg number and found my address. I live in a cul-de-sac and the Defender is mostly obscured behind the house so there is no other reason he would be here.

Can people easily find out where you live from your reg number? The encounter all happened within 5 seconds and was the last thing I was expecting on a Sunday afternoon, but in hindsight I have a lot of questions I would have liked to ask him.

I feel slightly flattered and at the same time not sure whether to keep the vehicle somewhere else for a while... Has anyone else had this before?

Where in the country do you live-county will do ?

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gI was talking to the main dealer in Lewes (looking at the latest defender) yesterday. Apparently Landrover is limiting output of the defender with an eye on the replacement... this is going to push up used defender prices soon. It might be that the trade might be aware of this and so buying up whilst cheap.

I also know of a couple of companies that will find a car too order. it might just be that!

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Where in the country do you live-county will do ?

Bucks, leading onto the next point:

gI was talking to the main dealer in Lewes (looking at the latest defender) yesterday. Apparently Landrover is limiting output of the defender with an eye on the replacement... this is going to push up used defender prices soon. It might be that the trade might be aware of this and so buying up whilst cheap.

I also know of a couple of companies that will find a car too order. it might just be that!

What I noticed about his vehicle was that it was newish (2011), and had these SVX wheels (below) which to me are bling(!). And all the blingy Defenders round here have Berkshire LR spare wheel covers. It made me think of them straight away - I have a 300Tdi 110 SW which is right up their street. But you never know if there's something untoward. If I lived on a main road with a front driveway, or it happened in a car park, fair enough, but being seeked out off the beaten track is a bit unnerving.


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It's probably just a dealer/trader hoping to pick something up for a reasonable price - the time to worry is when someone turns up in a transit tipper and leather loafers ;)

If your car was going to get nicked they probably wouldn't approach you at all, though there are some brazen people about..

I had to empty out the scrap bin the other day and took it down to the local metal merchants - I was amazed to see an F reg Td 90 in there - it was scruffy alright, but I've revived worse - just as I was about to ask if I could buy some bits off it, the wrecker came along and smashed it to bits :o

Got talking to to one of the managers who said they'd had a few weighed in recently, last ones were R and P regs! baring in mind you only get £300 quid scrap you can't imagine why anyone would do it, though I know one of them was taken there on a flatbed transit as they came to my unit and offered it to me on the way there...

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Time will tell I guess.

It'll be interesting to see what'll happen to prices. The mags say that 300Tdi 110s keep going up, but eBay prices seem to be consistently less than I bought mine for 3 years ago. With that model at least, I guess it hinges on how long the non-electrical engine debate carries on in the mainstream overlanding market, which it can't forever.

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I did that once, a mate told me about a bloke down his street who had a 110 and he had heard he was thinking of selling it for something, "more practical" so I had a look, found it and knocked on the door, I had left my car a way up the road as wasn't sure which house it would be, initially he was really suspicious but after a long chat he was ok but wanted way too much for it guess he thought I must have been desperate so he could hold out for a high price?

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