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Disco2, if out with the TD5 but what has been fitted by you instead of


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I got a half decent Disco2 here, it's approaching 200.000 miles and the engine could be getting tired.

The chassis is excellent and the transmission and running gear sound.

Have you seen, done or know of engine swaps where other lumps thatn that of Land Rover's own have been fitted, diesels only please.....

Any pics, stories or links to info will be gratefully received.


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Out with the TD5 and in with a TDV6 !! Anything quaint like a 200/300TDi would be a backwards step in performance, reliability, supportability...

[ I've recently been driving a D4 'Commercial'. It's utterly brilliant - "The thinking-man's Defender" ]

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Here here dirtyninety, I reckon the Td5 has more than proven itself. Mine's hauled me from Holland to Portugal to Greece and back again with everything inbetween, and has never grumbled. It's tough and totally workable in the field. I cold understand someone changing to 300Tdi for overlanding back when the Td5 was still under scrutiny, but at this stage imho it'd be a total step backward.

Tanuki, I'd be interested to hear about any TDV6 you know of running outside of whatever it came from the factory in. I did my homework on putting a TDV6 into my RRC back in '06/'07. Don't know about now but back then the indy racers felt they had only just cracked getting a Td6 running properly outside of a L322. I was advised to forget the TDV6 because it was too tied into a bunch of sensor readings it needed to run right (from brakes, suspension and gearbox amongst others). They told me about of trucks that they'd gotten running, idling fine on the shop floor, but as soon as they pulled off they'd run like gravel in a cement mixer.

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The TD5 engine (AKA, BMW) is a great powerplant (even though it's a bitch to get it to be correctly ballanced - as is any 5 cylinder engine), no argument and seriously there is no question as to it's performance but...... for long distance overland travel the KISS principle comes into play, (Keep It Simple Stupid) the 200 and 300TDi have it all over the Td5 in so much that they are simple and basic mechanical engines, -- with no electronics.

The downside being that they have no modern sophisication and loose out on performance and fuel economy but thats the beauty of them, they are so simple and very basic to fix. ---- try repairing a defective PCB out in the bush !!!

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I just wish people would stop having a downer on electronics.... for example, the EFI system on my 1991 Audi is now 23 years old, yet is functioning PERFECTLY. In my ownership (14 years), I have changed a knock sensor, adjusted the idle settings, cleaned the ISV and..... replaced the injectors (they are a known weak point, but considerably cheaper than TDI's!).

That is it.

I had it sat in a hedge for 4 years, whacked a battery on it and it started up, didn't even check the fuel, try that with an engine with a carb on it.

Electronics are responsible for just about ALL the engine efficiency improvements over the last 10 years, hardly any mechanical technology is 'new' now, but electronics/software is still developing all the time.

200/300TDI may be easy to fix, but why should should an engine more unreliable just because electronics are involved... The 'core' engine, the mechanical bit, is still massively improved over something that has its roots in the 1950s, why you would want to give that up I just can't understand.

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I realise I've no idea about the reliability of the Td5 ECU outside of my own units, has anyone had ECU problems?

For the sake of the performance on an overland trip, I never have, but if I were less of a daredevil :D I'd just pack a spare (preprogrammed) ECU.

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TD5 is a great engine. Faults are all known. It's also a fitters engine, so parts replacement is easy.. Sale or return deal

It hates poor fuel though - so take some additive

And the standard, no drain, tank is a PITA if you get contaminated fuel. Dump the standard tank and pump; put in a tank you can drain, that has an external pump and that you can run multiple cheap filters on. Easy squeezey.

On the electrics note - even the much maligned 300Tdi EDC set up is simples when you read up on it.

Seems daft to not replace like for like. Shop around go for a TD5 lump with provenance and of the right era...

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