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Fairy Powerspray Alert !


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I use Fairy Powerspray to clean a lot of vehicle parts, and overall I have found it works really well. I know some of you guys out there use it too.

I picked up some more the other day, but when I got home and used it, I discovered that it seemed very runny compared to usual, and also, and more importantly, that it was almost entirely ineffectual. So much so that I tried another bottle as I thought that there was something wrong with it. I was only then that I noticed the label was different to the original (pictured left) stating that it was low viscocity and citrus scented.

It seems that they have changed the formula for the worst, so it seems to have gone the way of creosote and paint stripper......................I.E. Useless

So if you come across the stuff with the label on the right, dont bother. It may as well be water for what good it is.


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