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colour for night lights?


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Non-visible light is best.

Assuming you're talking about instrument/control-panel illumination - paint the needles and other-things you need to see with UV-fluorescent paint and fit Ultraviolet LEDs to the instruments as the light-source.

Lexus got this right on the instrument-panels of the first-generation LS400/430.

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Aircraft cockpit "wander lamps" (detachable lamps on telephone chords) have selectable red filters for night vision protection, and it's why military torches come with red filters (also less visible at distance to enemy).

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If you've ever used a OS map with either green or red you'll find they both have there downsides in the way that certain colours on the map "disappear", with red the contour lines dissapear, with green the grid lines disappear, just something to bare in mind :)

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How about colour change LEDs? Gibbs and Dandy sell rolls of LED ribbons with a remote control unit. They need 28V, IIRC, but I'll be you'll find something similar for cars.

These I have already, picked em up cheap in Lidl, they can be cut into portions of 3 leds and I used the white lights to do my centre fascia to give better light than the 1.2w capsules. Plan to use the same ribbon again and Could do the full 4 wire install with the IR box and control it with the remote to vary colour and brightness?
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One very neat install I saw had regular 3 or 5mm red LED's tucked in strategic points, they are dirt cheap, only need a 3 or 5mm drilled hole with a dab of something to hold them in, and use a few milliamps each. You can buy 12v ones from RS/CPC/farnell/eblag. They throw off just enough light to see the thing they're pointing at, unlike a lot of modern LED lighting strips / replacement bulbs which try to be as bright as they possibly can, and red seems to be best for preserving night vision.

Examples were a couple under the brim of the gauge cluster pointing at the gauges, one or two in the interior light fitting facing drive & co-driver's laps, respectively, with a small switch for each, and a few others strategically placed to illuminate vital things like winch control switches.

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I hate blue lights in the dark, especially when trying to see details!

I've discovered we have problems with The 109 and it's raptor dash. I had some blue LED's to go in the bottom holes and I wired them to the sideight feed, but driving home from work after the streetlights have gone out I'm getting a lot of blue light reflecting in the windscreen. I'll have to change them to be on the interior light switch.

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I've discovered we have problems with The 109 and it's raptor dash. I had some blue LED's to go in the bottom holes and I wired them to the sideight feed, but driving home from work after the streetlights have gone out I'm getting a lot of blue light reflecting in the windscreen. I'll have to change them to be on the interior light switch.

I think the leds must have been too bright Ed?

The way I am fitting the strips behind the actual door card and filling the holes in with transparent glue from the hot glue gun, the idea being that the brightness will be diffused by the glue.

well that's the idea?

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I don't know if they are supa-brights but they are super bright! They're in the bottom face of the Raptor, but they reflect up off the seatbox....probably doesn't help that the screen isn't in the best of conditions anyway and needs changing!

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