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Steering wheel - Standard or after market?

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I have a regular steering wheel on the 110, not the "airbag" version. It's terribly worn out and I'm thinking of replacing it. Was forst looking at getting a steering whel cover but haven't found anything that doesn't look like a halford-special.

A brand new OEM steering wheel is around £60 from ebay.

But I have been looking at the after market ones as well. I'm just not willing to pay the ~400 the Startech steering wheels are going for. With that in mind, are there any other nice after market steering wheels about?

I've seen a few nice ones ut they have been pretty expensive. The heaper ones... well they look damn cheap! The slightly more expensive ones are for boy racers, I don't wnt a 'sport' steering wheel. I don't want a too small one either, 14" minimum.

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FWIW I've got an after market 14" o.d. wheel, not sure if it's a Momo or Moto or Mama Mia - it's got an M on the centre boss - but the biggest benefit is that it is SOoooo much easier to get in and out of the driver's seat without the steering wheel rim against my thighs, and with power steering the reduced diameter is no problem.


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Oneandtwo, were the splines really tight on your QT boss? I trial fitted mine and it needed a little persuasion

I can't remember now, it came on a 90 I purchased a few years ago.

What I can tell you is that the wheel that I had (W1010) on their website is actually a Momo marine wheel available elsewhere at well under 1/2 the price!

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An 89 - Is that a type A steering wheel?


I'm in the market for a type B.

If it's a type B you have there and would be able to stick it in the post I might be interested.


a type B wheel is 48 spline [thick column] won't fit a type A 36 spline column, the newer type D comes in 48 spline version too, the type A & C only fit the 36 spline thin column.

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Wow! You weren't joking about how tight that was! Had swarf in the boss and evereything!

First impressions, much nicer feel, easier to get in and out and the boss does not bring the wheel closer to you which is nice. The QT centre cap is a little tacky though. If you can get the wheel cheaper elsewhere go for it because the boss from QT is dear


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The mono-lita was delivered - and promptly installed.

Proper geared up for a fight I was almost a bit disappointed the old wheel just came right off. As in, just right off!


The steering wheel itself is beautifully made and finished. It really feels like a quality product. Being used to the standard wheel I feel it's a small bit thin but ask me again in a few weeks time when used to it and I'm sure it feels natural.

There are a few problems though. Annoyingly nothing to do with the steering wheel itself.

1) The center cover, a plastic cover, doesn't look to bad. But it has a round Land Rover insert. The problem is the insert is ca 0.5mm larger in diameter than the hole so in the box it had fallen off and when I reattached it I noticed it won't actually fit into the recessed hole properly but sits at an angle.

2) The boss is pretty tall so the steering wheel is sticking out a good bit making the indicator stalk just within reach, but uncomfortably so. A shorter boss is needed.

3) The screws attaching the wheel to the boss just aren't nice. I've a black wheel and the boss and trim is black but the colour is partly scratched off the screws. The bolts on the back aren't covered either so if you feel around the wheel you scratch off the back of the screws.

Really a bit of a shame. All these issues are with the boss and not the wheel. I couldn't be happier with the wheel but the boss and the boss components are seriously letting the wheel down.

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