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Everything posted by geoffbeaumont

  1. It's not a signal, it's the actual power supply so probably relatively high ampage. Not really suitable for wiring into the key barrel.
  2. Building the wiring loom for the Megasquirt and EDIS at the moment. Where's the best place to pick up an ignition switched 12V supply for the coil packs and EDIS controller? I could just run them back under the drivers seat with the wiring to the Megasquirt and pick it up there, but I guess I should pick it up close to the immobiliser? Where is that, anyway? I'm not all that fussed about the security angle - any car thief with half a brain will just cut the loom in the engine bay and connect it straight to the battery anyway. It might get patched in under the seat for now and moved later if the 'right' place is a pain to get at.
  3. Won't be now... You moving from the flat then, Fi?
  4. The G4 one I borrowed didn't have it - not that that's exactly conclusive. Don't think the other one we had did, either.
  5. If the chassis wasn't so rough, I'd be tempted... She doesn't stand up to closer inspection though - plenty of tin worms have dined on her
  6. I don't run to an engine crane either...
  7. No idea where to get new ones (though I'd be surprised if you can't get them) - there's always the option of replacing the unit with one from a scrap car.
  8. There're 35 of me and none of them are me...but I think I know why This is based on the electoral register and I opted out of the 'we can sell your details to anyone we like' option, so I guess this website uses the restricted commercial version of the electoral roll. Mind, here's one that's also supposedly based on government data (from the land registry): http://www.houseprices.co.uk/ In my street most of the houses are the wrong type. Mine's a semi but listed as terraced - my next door neighbour's end terrace is listed as detached...
  9. Begging hat on... I couldn't trouble you for a copy of your ignition timing table, could I?
  10. Shotgun not recommend though. Try the holy hand grenade.
  11. One of the tables in the database got corrupted (only the sessions table, nothing with important data in it). Trev and I managed to sort it out - been back up for a fair while now though, don't think it was down that long.
  12. Looks quite tame by Rob's standards Last time I was up there his wood burner and most of its chimney was glowing red with the aid of a bit of old oil
  13. The exhaust on the old truck is pretty much a non-issue. On mine I've worked out there's a bit missing between the Y and front box! The old truck appears to have some kind of flexible (anti-vibration?) joint here - the local tyre place reckoned mine had an incorrect joint (two female sides when one should be male) and bodged it together without the middle bit (they stuck a joint of some kind in there, but it isn't the right one - has to be periodically resealed with exhaust putty Seems like a good excuse to get the missing bit and fix it properly. What do you use to raise and lower the transfer box? The workshop manual says to fabricate a special bracket and bolt it to a hydraulic platform, which is a bit beyond my means. I've seen people saying you can drop gearboxes with a trolley jack, but I doubt mine will go that high. Is it worth seeing if I can borrow or hire a gearbox lift? And if so, where from? Can't imagine it's the sort of thing the local HSS will have.
  14. You could always get your own back. Rabbit casserole is delicious I believe there was a recipe on the old forum which could probably be adapted? What, behind the rabbit? Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!
  15. I'm going to back Trev on this one - we often make decisions (particularly on issues like this where if action is going to be taken it needs to be done quickly) based on a vote by those mods and admins who happen to be on the site at the time. It would be nice to wait 'til all votes are in, but the reality is that some mods might not be around for days, and we don't generally know when they'll next be about. We had a similar discussion in the mods forum on here - guess you already know which way that went - and our decision was not based on a full vote either. It comes down to a practical compromise between democracy and dictatorship - the latter is far more efficient, the former our ideal but not always achievable in the real world.
  16. Sadly this is hardly an unusual approach to business - ask anyone who supplies the major retail chains.
  17. The shell the LT230's coming out of is scrap, but my truck isn't...
  18. Trying to work out what I'm letting myself in for swopping the BW transfer box (which seems to have unseized, but I don't trust it to stay that way) for the LT230. Changing the actual box seems fairly straightforward (aside from the safety issue of handling a pretty hefty hunk of machinery with only basic tools...), but I presume I'll have to change the lever mechanism as well? How hard is that to get out?
  19. Well, here she is: Lousy photo - really must get a decent camera Think the neighbours are hoping I've bought a decent truck to replace my scruffy one... They haven't seen underneath her...
  20. No idea about the mirror, but you can now get the L322 with the 4.2 supercharged engine that's in the top of the range Sport.
  21. Cheers - he just says on the YORC site that the engine came out of his old Range Rover. Shame my 3.9 is in bits in my garage...
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