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Everything posted by ciderman

  1. Not sure about replacement blades ,But I bought my reamers from here http://www.brenmark.co.uk/frames.htm And here http://www.woodberrychillcott.co.uk/
  2. Oh No! Dont let the SVA geeks see it , It appears to have the corners cut off the rear crossmember First saw this In Millenium Square in Bristol last summer , First sight I thought it was a old Yankee truck , But the axles gave it away .
  3. Just had a look at their site , Who makes their CV`s and shafts ?
  4. Neil , Im coming down with two vehicles for the Innovate Stand , Which gate are we aiming at ? If you need a hand with anything before 8pm give me a shout .
  5. Have a look here , http://www.decider-trophy.co.uk/ and here http://forum.innovate4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=974&st=20
  6. I thought they were 1/4 BSP same as the Timing chest bung
  7. If you can get your hands on one the A133 80amp alternator was and still is a bomb proof jobbie , and can be found on RRC and they fit straight on the brackets on a 200 .
  8. Surely there is another pnuematics agent in Taunton , if no luck , I keep those on the van .
  9. Dont have to go that far James , http://www.teloos.co.uk/company/rotec_hydraulics_ltd/880122744956.htm
  10. When dya need them by ? , Another soloution is pipe a tee into a manifold block then it can be fitted remotely and take a few more accesory ports .
  11. The swivel seals also need to be removed to set up the pre-load , If not you wont get a true setting as the seals introduce a drag when measuring.
  12. James , Fit a 1/8 bsp Tee piece before each solenoid , or a Tee on a Tee on one solenoid port to give you a five port outlet , I would strongly advise against drilling a pressure vessel to obtain more ports .
  13. Well thanks to the smoking ban in the work place I cannot use it for an ashtray in my office , nah ! its already got a new home , on my new front axle .
  14. They are common to small plant, but Personaly I would not use them on any suspension application as the bolt strength is greatly reduced by having a cross drill across both axis of the bolt .
  15. CV and steering rack gaiters split are a reason for failure , Split TRE boot is not a reason for failure , Its an advisory , Have you submitted it for test yet Bish , Just for piece of mind stick a new joint on ,for less than 25 quid do the lot . A split boot aint going to get better and repairing them is more hassle than its worth .
  16. Is it this weekend ? Id better start getting the truck ready then ,
  17. That as Bush 65 has already confirmed is very normal and by the look of the operation on your video I would say its a nice tight box .
  18. Find a later Metric Disco axle , Use your 90 diff,shafts and cvs ,Fit your Hubs and stubs to the disco swivels and your calliper bolts will be right as well, Or use the single line disco callipers .
  19. Some kind of strengthener will need to be added if the bulkhead is removed , Just to put some rigidity back in the body , Not so much for side impact but in the event of a roll , the shell will fold up like a wet cardboard box without any central rigidity .
  20. To be honest , the simplest thing to do is spend a few quid at Steve Parkers and get the conversion downpipe , Fits straight on an connects to the original exhaust , Saves hours of headscratching trying to weld bits of bends together ,
  21. Steve 90 did it to his a couple of years ago , There was something on here about it , Maybee in the archives somewhere .
  22. Basicly its effects of large offsets on wheels that change the Ackerman angle . There ya go fella
  23. Good shout there , Thats the problem I have with mine.
  24. Well strength is not a known feature on rover axles , Even running ARB`s and Ashcroft or GKN shafts and cv`s are going to suffer under the wrath of 38" boggers , Then theres the gearing , standard 3.54 R&P`s wont match the tyres .
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