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Everything posted by Nonimouse

  1. In the drivers footwell are a number of nice big relays. one of these is the starting relay. The position varies and can sometimes be in the passenger footwell. Start there
  2. I have a feeling, based on past history, I might be propping up the bar with you, when it's time for the Grim Reaper to come knocking. He'll probably get a bulk load of souls if the boys are all there as well
  3. I'd look at what you want to do with the vehicle. Off road a manual is better - far more control unless in sand Street racing - manual is better Ultraboring 4x4 - auto is better, with cruise control Asda Car Park - Auto is better, with a line lock to allow for better burn outs Driving like a twonk - who cares If it was me, I'd go for a manual, and I actually like Auto's
  4. How big is your carbon hole? I was on a course, last week, with one of the senior concrete engineers at Hinkley C. Some of the specialist mixes are so high carbon as to be scary. Carbon hole on a car is 7-10 years, Hinkley will be 100+. Creating carbon figures is easy - much like rolling dice. Every vehicle is worked on a 'factory' figure, concrete is worked on a 'factory' figure. Better to have some common sense and create better carbon sinks*, stop pointing the stupid finger at any and all 'causes' *with a wetter climate, we can easily re-wet existing wetland and create more, stop the 'tree planting will save us' waffle, learn to be sustainable....
  5. That chap's spotter should retire, soon. Alomst like he was deliberately trying to ruin the climb
  6. Bowie I can probably sort you for logs for next winter. I manage about 3.5k hectares of trees - One of my subbies stores a load of timber for me and a couple of friends. We collect form his yard. Maybe 25 tonnes a year or so. We log it up in the yard. Two lads on the saw and a posch log splitter on the BM600. If you fance helping haul logs back to the yard, we can work out a swap for split sawn logs, or you can haul back to your place and cut and split your own. Oh and see if you are close enough to Sedgemoor to join SLOGS - it a local buying group with over 2k members
  7. Zuzana is collecting the pennies as well
  8. To be fair, a radioactive wasteland would lend itself to a challenge
  9. Bide on. Finish the build. Unless the whole of the Northern Hemisphere becomes a radioactive wasteland, events will be back
  10. If they aren't maxi cross, then they might be alligators - Neither tyre was speed rated for a Disco That's a 27.6% increase in diameter so yes it's going to effect everything about the vehicle apart from the seat comfort. Brakes will be appalling (even without the tyres), any fault in the autobox is going to be announcing itself very quickly. But hey, why not. Most folk who run 37's on a Land rover auto, swap in a 1.66:1 T Box, and spend a fortune on uprated drive train components Might also be an idea to move the form axle forward, to avoid the huge lift needed to clear the footwells
  11. Sounds like a plan Although our biannual BooBs fest at Nash Oaklands is quite entertaining
  12. Might be as far as I can drive then! Thank you for the invite
  13. Are Zeus still doing them - I had to get the aforementioned because I could get Zeus
  14. Be a bit careful with the Britpart/Bearmach SS pistons, they are are very soft metal
  15. I'm hoping to retire at 75, so another 19 years. I may go down to 4 days a week for the last few years. Alternatively when I finally get divorced, I might just buy a van and travel round Greece and Albania until I manage to drink myself to death
  16. Membership was pretty steady before TW2, and as there were people happy to teach how to research lanes, it al worked well. Then membership more than doubled. We were finding that suddenly a huge number of social media groups were started by one or two people with access to TW2, who would then provide details to the members. VRO's became pointless, because there is no legal preotection. Honeypot lanes became trashed with over use. New commitee members came in, some with their own agenda, upsetting long term reps. Lack of man management skills upset more of the reps. Then tour guides got involved - easy to charge a small fortune for a guided trip. A large number of these tour guides proved to be less than professional... I resigned from my posts about this time - I'd had enough. I'm still the Chair of the Somerset LAF, but I'm resigning in October. Laning for me is no longer something I want to share. I go alone, when I feel like it. I won't use TW2 or the ATUK version. I research every lane I use, the old way. I also operate a lane recovery service - not like the plethora of untrained, uninsured folk on Facebook. But working with the local RCT. Laning has been destroyed by overuse, missuse and 'organised' tour guides.
  17. Levelling and reseeding will simply create a cyclic need for repairs. Actually fixing the problem would be better
  18. The big issue with it was that for under 50 quid no one needed to do the work they had had to previously, So yes, great for people who didn't have the time' but it's opened up laning to the irresponsable masses. Since TW2 came, out incidents of lane damage have increased tenfold. Many rural crimes officers put TW" at the top of the escalation of laning issues around the UK. It also turned GLASS into a wealthy organisation, with a commitee that was simply not ready for it. This then caused internal friction and a lot of good people left or simply resigned their posts.
  19. I don't have access to TW2 anymore and I still believe it was oneof the most stupid things GLASS ever did - simply to build up revenue. IS the SCC TRO signposted at either end?
  20. Typical, completly the wrong time of the year
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