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Everything posted by Nonimouse

  1. Totally agree I do know of a man who could make one - he's shy of money at the moment
  2. People think they are becoming rare, but it's actually that they haveswapped to electric chainsaws
  3. It does look like a Bumblebee nest - they actually have little chainsaws
  4. I was thinking abou the suzuki ones and initially discounted them as too small for the mighty Transit. However speak to Rhino Ray, the other night, he's run a variety of engines through them with no issues, including supercharged Manta lumps...
  5. There are people who have proven that Richard was not entirely right. Jeff R on here has put years of hard abuse into his Zeus equiped 200tdi, with nary a problem. If I could find a kit I would swap out the belt for gears
  6. https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/bumblebee-species-guide/ Try this , if you have time. Bumbles bees are amazing things and seriously threatened by poorly educated do gooders trying to change farming techniques
  7. Don't forget the second sump and it's effect on the turbo's
  8. Can you get a better picture of the bees? I'm trying to identify them
  9. Any divorced transfer case should do it. Datsun 720 and G wagen are the first that spring to mind
  10. I was sold on the three year warrantee
  11. Cool beans - let me know what you are trying to scrounge
  12. TSD, Would you be up for amking a second oil temp/pressure guage, for cash money?
  13. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alpicool-Refrigerator-Portable-Campervan-Electric/dp/B091KYMC5G/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=126874395064&gclid=Cj0KCQjwspKUBhCvARIsAB2IYuuupA7MiN9KaKUUvzpeO3QqPwQKTmNknPcZQEEB3Xsjl-rzDeICEFwaAl5-EALw_wcB&hvadid=510026603925&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9041126&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=961074662370939413&hvtargid=kwd-930264628201&hydadcr=7036_1761131&keywords=alpicool%2B45l&qid=1652882253&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyNjJEWFhBQzFLTTcwJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjg3NzM0MktNNEgzTlFGTUtYUSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjE3ODY0MTkyWEJLN0hUVlM3WSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1 when you set it up, after letting it sit level for a while, you will find yourself sitting next to it, watching the temp on your phone, via the app
  14. I'm really pleased with the Alpicool. It does what it says on the tin. I've been very sad and downloaded the app, so I can check up on it
  15. We get loads at work. Every temporary sign left on the verge for more than a few weeks in the spring. Ants nest under them, then along come the slow worms. I make a habit of moving them to better places, as most of the signs are dumped in the swathe, so get mangled
  16. yes and it works behind it to 'push' the big flakes off
  17. Another point I ought to make. The application kit supplied in the kit, can vary in quality. I simply use a cheap 'shultz' gun, set to fine spray. I always do the 'bucket of hot water' trick. Also the lanolin grease supplied in the kit is fantastic stuff
  18. This coming autumn will be the 4th time I've applied it Aircraft wipes are via a contact in the fleet air arm - but a rag soaked in GT85 will do as well
  19. Like I said last night, deterrant is delay, delay, delay. Big old piece of bike lock chain tight round the clutch pedal and steering wheel, likewise with the gearctick and hi/low lever. Fuel shut off solenoid by pass, starter bypass. Tracker.... wiring up the alarm sensor to loud thing. Motion sensor lights, security camera... Internal camera. Line lock on the brakes (I think I have one somewhere if you want)... hoofin gert big dog in the truck - or even a Jack Russell with an ASBO. Nothing is thief proof, but a thief needs a quick steel
  20. It's nothing like glue - except maybe a glue that gradually washes off over a year, as per the design statement on the packet. I find it better than even Ankerwax. But it's a yearly application. I put it on in the autumn, before the winter gritting. I have a 29 year old Disco that had it's first chassis weld this spring (directly above the exhaust at the rear). It's been Waxoyled/Ankerwaxed/Lanoguarded since it was new. Every year. Waxoyl is a yearly top up, so is Ankerwax. I like it becuase it works well, is cheap, is easy to remove if required and a doddle to apply. Two days of prep and spraying with ankerwax is now a quick steam clean, a dry off with the air gun and apply. Application is a peice of wee, as it doesn't matter if it gets on the exhaust and is easy to wipe off the brakes (with an aircraft wipe). I'll keep using it.
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