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Everything posted by Happyoldgit

  1. I don't think there's anything new in it. Land Rover has been a pretty broad church for years - moreso perhaps since the introduction of the Range Rover. The equine and fieldsports press has carried adverts for the vehicles for decades, I doubt the company would generate equal amounts of money solely from pipe smoking bearded blokes in oily overalls
  2. I can only echo what the others hav said. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  3. They're good. New parts are stupidly expensive and I've found they sometimes don't like long periods of standing idle.
  4. Wind them out (ie extend them) to reduce lock.
  5. As the Ice Cold In Alex S1 often cropped up on various forums in the past that I grabbed this screen capture last year and now keep it permanently on my photobucket account.... The above appears at the end of the film as the spy is driven off after downing a glass or two of probably the finest gnats widdle in the world.
  6. If the paint already on there is sound I'd just flat it down, then unless you are 100% of the paint that's you are painting over blow it over with isolator, prime, colour & clearcoat (depending on the system you are using).
  7. I think that Ivory white looks better on a 90 and limestone on a series but it's probably just familiarity.
  8. Oh, I thought you wanted directions to LRM's offices
  9. Not a million miles from here. Take the Elmswell turning off the A14 heading east, 1st left at the roundabout, over the flyover and left again after you pass the westbound slip.
  10. That can't be the one I was thinking of then. I gradually got rid of all my old magazines during various house moves.
  11. I remember 4x4, used to buy it back in the late 70's.
  12. Is this the five minute argument or the full half hour? Must be the shortening daylight
  13. Yup, they've got those little retaining tangs on the back to hold them in place.
  14. I've used the ratchet type ably illustrated via the link supplied by my learned colleague Mr Bogmonster for some years and they do the job they are designed for well. I do have a similar one for non insulated terminals too but as I prefer to use the insulated version for modern jobs it does not receive much use.
  15. Eastman Leather not cheap but good.
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