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Pete Attryde

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Everything posted by Pete Attryde

  1. Good result for a first attempt. Well done, Pete
  2. I have used LRC at Congleton for parts and the staff are friendly, I have no idea what there labour rates are as I haven't had any work done by them. Clicky. Pete.
  3. Just realised Topgear starts again this Sunday at 8pm on BBC2:Topgear Pete.
  4. Cheers Mark, At least I only just fitted an Xbrake and new props so that should all undo reasonably easily. Pete.
  5. Sorry to go slightly OT but, Mark how long did it take to change your Transfer box over? As I am going to be doing the same in the not to distant future. Pete.
  6. Just to echo what the others have said I also get about 27-33 to the gallon from mine depending on the type of driving i do. Mine is now non EDC but with a tweeked mechanical pump and if anything I get slightly better consumption since the change. HTH Pete.
  7. My 300 is doing something similar, however I fitted a genuine oil filter instead of the B******h one that i used last oil change and my hot tickover pressure has now risen from 10 Psi to 20 Psi. Pete.
  8. Thanks Mike, PM me your address and I come and collect it when you get it back. Pete.
  9. I did the same on My disco for the very same reason, and in the same way with a bit of scrap from an exhaust place. I have had no problems with the MOT man. Pete.
  10. IIRC all the others are easier to get out than the one you tried. You can with a bit of care slacken off the aircon pump and move it out of the way enough to get the plug out with out disconnecting it. I fitted a high capacity battery to mine when I had this problem and it made no difference other than that I could crank the engine over for longer. Pete.
  11. Mike, Mr HonitonHobbit has kindly offered to bring the box to old sodbury so if you can bring it back that would be great. Pete.
  12. Excellent. That will be great. Pm me an address and i'll send you some beer tokens. Pete.
  13. Mike, I just posted on you Sodbury topic. Mr Hobbit Ta I'll keep that in mind, (not going to Sodbury are you?) Pete.
  14. Mike, If i can get a transfer box from Somerset(White90) to sodbury could you bring it back for me. Beer/beer tokens ready and waiting. Pete.
  15. I binned mine and I can't say as I noticed any increase in noise. Pete.
  16. Hi All, I am hoping to get a Tbox from white90 however I can't arrange transportation from Somerset to Cheshire for a reasonable cost. Any chance of a forum relay obviously beer or beer tokens available. Cheers in advance Pete.
  17. You should be able to just unbolt it from the end of the throttle spindle. I did when I fitted one to my Disco when I ripped the EDC off the engine. HTH Pete.
  18. I have used this lot a couple of times via another forum. Opie Oils. Pete.
  19. I think you'll find that the nipple on the steering box is a bleed nipple not a grease nipple. . Pete.
  20. EGR is exhaust gas recirculation. fitted for emmisions control. fine when it's working. Not so good if it isn't. HTH Pete.
  21. I'm not sure if it helps but I am currently working out how to transfer way points from Fugawi to memory map and as part of that process have an excel spreadsheat that allows you to type in the map references and then import them as a .CSV file. Only problem is the spreadsheet is on my work machine and I'm not back at work until monday but can email to you then if you want. Pete.
  22. Can't help with the tyre type but This tyre size calculator site,might help. Pete.
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