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Everything posted by Top90

  1. I've been working on Taz and doing a few non-Tixover area events for a change of scenery. I'll be back next year. I don't know about G, When I bump into her next I'll ask what she has planned. Weekend event, lodging and repairing the truck cost about £1,000 for the weekend last time. (one of the reasons for the portals on the new one.)
  2. Hi Nick I wanted to, but am busy that weekend. I'll catch up with you another time. Richard
  3. Hi Does anyone know of any off road events, planned for between Christmas and New Year? Cheers Richard
  4. Glad you got home OK with the brakes. Richard
  5. Cool pictures Richard B) And great day out. Thanks all.
  6. Sounds like its going to be fun............
  7. You forgot: 1 to say keep it a secret or someone will make an orange copy.
  8. Does anyone know roughly what the terrain is like at the site? And do I need to do my exercises to lift those volvo rims again? Damn, they are heavy when you are rushing a wheel change.
  9. 2 x F+C + cokes, sorry I'm a bit late with the order.
  10. Like to see those when you get them. And good pics Neil (V8 Freak).
  11. Got to be Defenders. a 90 for serious off road antics and a 110 station wagon for everything else. Not that I am biased of course. I have had my 110 for nearly a year and have done 33,000 miles in that time. There is just a special feeling and 'unique'ness to the Land Rover utility vehicles. It takes more people than a people carrier, tows 3.5 tonnes and in everyday driving I get 32mpg. Richard
  12. Yes, It was definately a team effort! Cheers Tony.
  13. Impressed we did so well on the wheel change, with eight nuts per rim. Divster now knows how heavy those Volvo wheels are. Richard
  14. Signed. About the only programme on regular TV I watch.
  15. Thanks guys for a great day. Truck performed well and I am well happy with it. It ended up on its side once but not a single dent due to the cage. Also thanks to dave for co-driving. I get out and help when I could. See some of you on the 7th October. Richard
  16. Scuffed the paint? Thats what the cage is for. Richard
  17. Erm.... No. But has been tested not in anger. Richard
  18. Yes I, Richard Wheeler, am Top90. But I am using Taz90 that weekend just to confuse things. Richard
  19. That's handy because I will be towing the truck down with the 110 so I can't help collect. Save me a polo shirt for the sunday morning. Richard
  20. Same us usual then Peter? It will be just like Wales last year. I will be down on the Sunday AM, taking the oppertunity to see friends in Devon I have not seen for a year. Plus I am at Abingdon show on the Sat. Richard
  21. Thats right. I am spending Saturday at Abingdon and going to the interclub on Sunday. Richard
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