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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. It's about 27m² floor area inside, plus 6m² external dry storage. It should be a decent work area it's just a shame I can't get a car to it with the exception of a jem shell when she's not looking. Mike
  2. Wife took a picture before it got dark. Mike
  3. It certainly does, I was hoping to get it on at Christmas but the weather and realizing the front had to be done first scuppered that. Hopefully I can get the rear Half's floor sorted soon then I can take the rear wall down. I've been out tonight to sort some temporary lighting so I can get some stuff done in the evening's. Mike
  4. It was dark by that point last night. I've still got to take down the rest of the original shed but it should be watertight. Mike
  5. The front wall went up Friday, I've done away with the window for now. The door has been moved from the original shed to the concrete workshop opening and works better than it ever did. I also cut the old roof off on Saturday. Yesterday I got the rest of the frame up and membrane/sheeted the roof. Mike
  6. If you two were in the same workshop all hell would break loose, good job your at different ends of the country. Mike
  7. It's a 110 so switching tanks isn't a huge leap but the TD5 item is plastic so I would. The marsland chassis on mine has a TD5 cross member with older style tabs welded on. You should be able to use either the TD5 adjustable rail mount or add tabs. I'm not aware of any changes to the rear tub until puma so don't see why the rails either side of the tank need changing. Many have fitted TD5 tubs on earlier chassis. I'm fairly sure the gearbox mounts are bolt on. The 300tdi and TD5 use the same gearbox and transfer box so the mounts should be the same (I'm using TD5 gearbox mounts on an lt77). The prop lengths are the same so I assume the gearbox is in the same place. TD5 exhaust should mate to a 300 down pipe you may need to alter the length and flange (again I'm running a TD5 centre and rear coupled to a 200tdi discovery down pipe on my ibex). Overall if you have the skills to move the engine mounts then the rest is either buying a different part and/or some adaptions. Once the two chassis are side by side all becomes clear anyway. Mike
  8. This thread is very helpful to the technically challenged on so many levels. Mike
  9. They do hold their value. However it probably cost £20-30k to build. The market for them is comparatively small, mainly because no body seems to knows about them. They don't come up for sale very often, this also keeps the value high. When you think it's basically a defender without the rust issues, hence age is irrelevant it's condition that matters. I couldn't afford to buy one but was lucky enough to find an unfinished from the factory and unstarted one cheap. It cost me a lot to build but at least it's in small chunks. Mike
  10. Don't forget it's 100" wheelbase, rear overhang is roughly the same as a 90 so you have and extra 8" Mike
  11. Yeah it's a very tidy truck and given defender prices I think it's very good value. Mike
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1995-Foers-Ibex-250-/255338560434?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Mike
  13. Personally I'd convert it to a wholly discovery engine set up and use a Steve Parker exhaust down pipe. The defender parts are saleable, discovery parts are generally easier to get hold of. I had a similar set up in one of mine and there was always a problem somewhere. Our current 110 has a discovery engine in and it much nicer. The other thing to check is have the flywheel housing bolts (lower 4 iirc) been converted or just left out as I've seen on several. Mike
  14. Until electric cars can tow a sensible weight without completely destroying its range, the defender will have a value and by that point the truck will be vintage or we'll all be dead. Mike
  15. And you can't see the other truck in a similar position about 50ft away. Both had to be rolled sideways onto their roofs then back onto their wheels with the winch on a C303 if I remember correctly. Mike
  16. We did the first stage on 31" BFG km1's. The ones daan linked look good, having been I wouldn't have a problem with taking km3. As daan says we were warned off simex by jez. I think good self cleaning is best. Once you break the surface it's just ooze so floatation is useful. Mike
  17. This section just got way more interesting. Nice to see you on here again Dan. Mike
  18. The truck I did Ladoga in (45) and the ibex both have 24 spline 1994 discovery front axles. The ibex has an 86 Salisbury rear, 45 had a 24 spline discovery rear with uprated shafts and locker. The 110 has the original 10 spline 1983 front axle and Salisbury rear. I normally remove the tbox with two jack's under it and a strap under the gearbox, then roll the car forward and lower. But I have just bought this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Heavy-Duty-500kg-Motorcycle-Motor-Bike-Stand-Scissor-Lift-Jack-Workshop-/203219380359?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 For gearbox removal and it works well. Mike
  19. The advice I've been given in the past is if you want to fit a locker you must do the rear first. If you want a front locker the rear must already be done. On the basis I don't have any I don't have experience but I believe a locked front axle with an open rear is dangerous to drive. I don't know why and am happy to be proved wrong but this is what I was told years ago. Mike
  20. I have a rakeway HD release bearing that uses the bearing off the type you showed hence I know they just press off. I had a job finding one when I changed the gearbox recently. I had a crumble at a supplier that listed the correct number and picture but still sent the later version. Several suppliers have the early one pictured but the later part number. Mike
  21. It's frc9568 however it's supersede by ftc5200. You do not want ftc5200 but many suppliers will send it instead. Mike
  22. I did Ladoga with stock front axle and transfer box, the rear axle had a borrowed locker and HD shafts. On 33" tyres. My ibex and 110 are both on stock drive train (the ibex had HD drive flanges solely to stop the leak) both get off roaded the ibex is used for marshaling our local site days. Both are on 33" tyres. I run 1.4 transfer boxes, over drive would be nice but I don't feel I need one. If on stock tyres I would go to a 1.2. As for yours assuming the rear axle is a Salisbury service all, recon the transfer box and throw a hi lift and some spares in the back (a winch or turfor is nice). Job done easy to fix unlikely to break given your use and spend the money on the trip. Mike
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