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Everything posted by MogLite

  1. That seems quite a sweet install there Simon - well done that man MogLite will hopefully one day be running on air-bags. Probably the same as Simons'. I don't have the electronics knowledge (or desire) to do self leveling. But I hope to go fully manual, using pneumatic switches, and maybe a set of digital pressure gauges. There are a lot of trick bits stateside, from the low-rider scene. But first I've got to get it running on coils.......
  2. MogLite is gonna need a ground anchor. Its gonna have to be strong with a H14 PTO on the front. I've got a "TonkGripper" on the Ibex, its fine, but I'd rather try and plan for a non-folding anchor if at all possible. Something like the Devon anchor looks the part - any other options/recommendations ?
  3. Some great responses - as always Seems my MIG is pretty much a non-starter I can't TIG, but a spool gun might be an option. I am thinking a steel frame, skinned in a light sheet might be a better way to go. Shame really, being able to spot weld Ali at home would have been handy.
  4. I've got a SIP 175A MIG welder. I need to build a transmission tunnel for MogLite, I'd like to do this from 6mm ali, as I have some, and need it to be strong enough to mount handbrakes and auto shifters etc. The shape will be quite complex, so I'd like to tack it together in situ, before handing it over to an adult for proper tig'ing. With the welder turned up, a reel of ali welding wire, and argoshield gas, will I be able to spot it together ? I'm okay on steel welding, but I've never tried ali welding before.
  5. Metric for 5mm - try 5.0mm or 0.5cm You telling me you don't own a 5mm drill !! If the thickness to be tapped wasn't too thick, I'd just lube up the tap well after the 3/16 drill.
  6. Thanks for the pictures Siggy - very helpful
  7. Greenlaning - yes I agree But challenges - no way. Sure there won't be the high speed rolls, but rolling down a hillside and you'll gather momentum pretty quickly. Quarries where challenges are often held, frighten the cr@p out of me. All those cliff faces with no barriers frighten me, driving/falling off an edge like that, and I'd want all the re-enforced crossmembers I could get hold of.
  8. That is really out of order. When is the next general election ?
  9. MogLite needs a roof console to hold some switches, a CB and a maplight. I might also put gauges up in the roof too, although I'm undecided on that one. Post up some piccies to give me some ideas please.
  10. Oy 02 - thats my car (well it was) parked outside my house !! Seems like it was recently sold by the camel-trophy-vehicles place in excess of £20,000 !!
  11. I see Aus has some internet access then and you've got lots of time on your hands now !! I hate Volvos with a passion, hence I can't like that particular car, and all the tat on the roof is nonsense. But I do like the Audi Allroad, Subaru Forrester style of estate car. I don't need a full on 4x4 as a daily driver, but I prefer 4x4 for handling and balance when given a choice, the extra traction/ground clearance is handy too.
  12. If that's BT's Tubela bender - it wont bend exhaust tube without kinking it. You could try packing it with sand and sealing the ends. I've got a short piece of flexi on the Ibex, never given any trouble, but its not something I'm proud of. I'd do it properly.
  13. Looking very good there Whats the limitation on the travel at the moment ? Shock travel ?
  14. Am I here ? Well I am now - been in France for a few days. Buying beer and wine, and not filling the Blair government pockets ...and this post is under the influence of cheap red wine The small innertube idea is pretty untested. I've also heard of a smaller tyre being installed inside the main tyre to provide runflat/beadlockers all in one !!!! I've been running that style of beadlocker for a couple of years. I've never broken a bolt - 'cause I use 36 per rim I've never had a bolt come loose - rust is natures threadlock Innertubes are not normally used - thats me and my take on things Centreing is easy - torquing up the bolts is a PITA Mine drive prefectly on the road, no balance weights Road illegal - can you quote constrction and use regs ? I've never had a problem with the inner bead becoming unseated, but it is of course possible. The way I understand it, is that the tyre can distort less with one side firmly clamped, and therefore, the inner is less likely to become unseated. Pass the carafe.............
  15. Thats the logic of a true dyslexic Where is my post ? Where is my post ???? WHERE IS MY POST !!!!! The mere fact that you don't have a home and therefore an address, and you've gone walkabout should affect the postal system how ? Oh get a job too while you are at it too !!
  16. Tony that is sic anymore pics or info - I couldn't find anything on Devon's site - that is D44 right ?
  17. Whatever you get, try and get it bare steel or primer. It will be cheaper for customs, and you can get it done locally once you've done a test fit, and ensured it hasn't got damaged in shipping.
  18. Yeah Sikaflex is what you need. Looks and acts like silicon, but is a structural adhesive. About £10 a tube. Its used in the building of Ibex's FWIW.
  19. The CB for MogLite turned up on Friday Its got a PA function !! That got me thinking about how much fun a PA horn would be. I'm assuming the CB will have an output of about 4w - the same as its transmit power ?? Anyway there is a 1/2 decent PA horn in Maplins for £20 which 30W. So is there a simple power amp I can use that will up the output to match the power of the horn ? Cheap is good, as is being able to be encased in a plastic box or potting compound, the ability to run a second horn for the rear might be useful.
  20. Good set of piccies there rogue. Nice one. But with all that work, you should have thrown a portal axle in there Are they adjustable in length ? Hence the different colour - if so what did you use for a thread ?
  21. Assuming 205's are 29" tall I'll loose 4" of clearance over the 37's I've got on there at the moment. I'll still have over 13" of clearance under the diff A 90 on 35's is about 11.5" ISTR Might make low range a little low though
  22. For all you people determined to take my thread off of topic. Chequebooks are fine, but just ticking the boxes and selecting from a catalogue without putting in any thought into it is not. There are already tyre size limits for some comps. Who cares - there are others. Who say's I can't run small tyres. Even with 205's I'll have more ground clearance than any non-portal truck. It just so happens I'm picking up a a set of 16" rims on Sunday - diamonds anybody It was better in the 50's with flatcaps and whippets running around the field - maybe, but I'm living in 2005. Having portals won't make me win competitions, driving skill and teamwork and also luck come into it. I've never said I've got any of those. I'm not a trophy hunter. I don't think portals per-se will stop people from competeing. There will be different classes. People will turn up to watch, they might even pay. There might be sponsorship and prize money. There is in the US/AUS and in many forms of motorsport in the UK, we can build some of the best track cars in the world, why do 4x4's have to be the poor relation ? People are still talking about the Icelandic meeting at Swindon years ago. Who's to say half-a-dozen outside of the box trucks would provide a similar spectacle ? MogLite is even finished yet, but several kind and clued up people have already mentioned sponsorship and magazine articles, so there is the interest. Some people who haven't met me on this forum have me pencilled in as some kind of he "He who dies with the most toys wins" kind of person. Maybe, but I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I'm up at 04:30 5 days a week, and do a 12+ hour day every day. Then I get home to play with my kids, converse with the wife, before beating on the grinder for a couple of hours. Toys don't come easy for me - I make them happen. What has come out, and was the whole point of the thread, is that a fair few people are playing with portals, which wasn't the case 2 years ago. I happen to know of four sets of portal axles in the hands off 4x4 enthusiats in Hampshire alone. That number will probably be up to seven sets by the end of the month.
  23. Here you go Portal axle Hope it helps -------------------------- Mr S. Mallcock
  24. Come on then, who on here has got a pair of portal axles either under their truck, or under a tarp in the front garden ready to be fitted. Lets hear about Base vehicle Portal make Home built/ or built for you When will it be on the road Tyre size Just interested to know how many nutters are out there
  25. I don't agree with with Halloween, what ever happened to "Penny for the Guy ?" But I got kids, and despite being a killjoy over Halloween, its what they do nowadays. The kids around our way are nice and polite, so handing over a few sweets keeps everything nice'n'happy. What were the parents thinking coming back to face you off ? I'd never do that, and I'd never expect it.
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