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Everything posted by FridgeFreezer

  1. Coolant temperature sensor is cheap and not too stressful to replace, apart form that the airflow meter could be dodgy, I'd advise trying to borrow a known good one. There is an EFI fault finding manual in the tech archive (there's one for flapper and one for hotwire type systems) the best thing is to work though that methodically.
  2. Starting with cheap and easy to investigate: Blocked rad? Stuck stat?
  3. The fuel pump will only run for a couple of seconds unless the engine is cranking over, the ECU turns it off after the initial prime. Are the plugs clean? V8's really hate poor plugs and the spark is as weak as an asthmatic kitten as standard.
  4. Seen a couple on triallers, I've been considering doing it too just to remove the extra belt drive from the engine.
  5. Spool? Do you mean the Ashcroft 2WD kit? (no centre diff, just RWD or locked?) Al - I didn't think you were using mog centres, or is that for your actual mog?
  6. Something is better than nothing - given how basic an internal hoop with back-stays is I wouldn't spend too long searching ebay, just phone round see if someone can supply the parts new or bend something up for you. I'd be quite wary of eBay cages anyway, just because they could turn out to be knocked up in a barn by some cretin with a hobby-MIG and some spare scaffolding I'd want to have a good look before buying.
  7. They should have some sort of speed camera that targets people with foglights - perhaps one armed with a gun
  8. Running 37x12.50R16's although they only measure 35" in reality. With 7.29:1 overall axle ratio my top speed is about 60-70, limited by propshaft balance more than anything as the props are doing the equivalent of 100mph+ if they were in a RR with that transfer box on.
  9. For a more scientific version of "how powerful": The recovery bible - contains loads of far-too-in-depth tech but also contains this handy bit that will help you understand the forces involved: Yeah, 8000lbs is fine buy a snatch block and you've got 16,000lbs if you really need it.
  10. Early Range Rover 3spd auto has a 1.003:1 transfer box. It's what I'm running.
  11. The entire system on the 109 is plumbed in rubber, I replaced the hoses on dad's RR front-to-back with rubber and both have gone through MOT no problem. Make sure you get EFi or high pressure hose and not carb hose. It's not pricey. Proper fuel hose clips are very worthwhile too.
  12. First stop with electrical faults like that is earthing points - if one connector was corroded, there's a chance others are too and there's a good chance an earth wire or two are past their best.
  13. Hand crank? Yuk - I'd track down a hydro power pack, for example from a Transit tipper, and use that.
  14. Now you need never go to PC world ever again I would avoid the DVD recorders, a HDD one would likely be the most vibration resistant (more than tape) as they use laptop-style HD's which are incredibly tolerant of shocks. I've yet to see a reasonably priced HDD recorder though, unless you've found something?
  15. I'm not massively bothered by adverts - it's "advertorials" and "reviewverts" that p*ss me off. They never actually tell the truth about a product, or meaningfully compare products - just print some non-committal waffle about all of them that won't upset anyone but leaves you none the wiser about which product is actually any good. Even more annoying is when they print the drivel from the back of the packet and pass it off as "product news", especially when it's for some total snake oil a*se gravy like fuel-line magnets etc.
  16. Have it - or sell it to me After using Jez's press it's gone up my workshop wishlist massively, such a handy tool for bending/pressing/punching/straightening.
  17. Jules used a normal tripod folded up and bungeed to the rear bulkhead for his famous flip video, seems cheap, versatile and surprisingly stable (the tripod, not Jules ) I've tried a few homebrew and commercial mounts and unless you spend a decent amount of cash it's very hard to get something that works under vibration. Nigel H had a suction mount (a very expensive one I might add) that worked really well, he even stuck it to his bonnet at Slindon Mini DV cams are cheap nowadays, I wouldn't go for anything too expensive as it will discourage you from using it in slightly risky situations (either that or make sure it's insured with a very understanding company ) some of the best shots are gotten by risking the gear. You can get firewire cards for PC's and laptops for less than £20. I bought a USB video converter (analogue in, AVI/MPG/whatever out) but it takes a load of processor power and ends up dropping frames at higher (read: decent) resolutions. Firewire I think transfers the DV data stream direct so is less CPU intensive as long as your HD can keep up.
  18. Yes, the ignition system is separate from the EFi - the -ve of the coil (or a signal from the amp on some models) is connected to the ECU via a white/black wire, if this signal isn't there the ecu will play dead (no sparks = engine not turning as far as the ECU is concerned) so start basic, there's a lot more common and simple stuff to get through before looking at the ECU. Oh and if your amp is dead you can replace it with a GM one for £25 which will handle silly big coils, see here.
  19. I wouldn't Since this "porn" seems to be of the other type, here's a handy guide for you diesel boys:
  20. Look in the tech archive for EFi fault finding guides, Nige has posted some excellent PDF's - work through the guide methodically and you should sort it easily enough.
  21. Of course they're £40 forum price, tested & working.
  22. Is the bonnet steel or ali? If it's steel, mag mount it there - easy and a nice big ground plate for the aerial. Gutter mount would work, the portion of aerial sticking above your roof should bend nicely for car-parks and things although it'll make loads of fun twanging noises and probably hit every sign, pipe, and light fitting on the way through
  23. For tech, read Nige's write-up in the Tools'n'Fab forum and just ignore anything relating to fuel.
  24. Bill had a load of those TBI's, they're surprisingly cheap. Dunno if he's still got any.
  25. Mmmmm, 4-barrelly LT230 2WD conversion I've done it a couple of times now, Twizzle has done it on his 109 too.
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