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Everything posted by monkie

  1. I'm currently in the process of doing a complete re-wire of my 1988 110. I am not using the bullet connectors, but I have opted to use econoseal and super seal connectors where possible as they are more weather resistant and you can configure them to suit your requirements.
  2. One would hope that a company such as Bosch would document and create a full audit trail of any changes to a product, wether that be material or design... That could be wishful thinking, but from the heavily regulated area I work in you can't just make changes to something and then leave the company with all that information in your head.
  3. Is he a member of this forum? I get what you are saying and I wouldn't knock his experience for a moment, however I am more interested in what Bosch themselves have to say on any apparent differences. To be honest I dounbt they can/will comment on anything that is not supplied through their approved distributor (I wouldn't get drawn into such conversion if I were them) but you have to ask...
  4. Excitement indeed. My wires and general goods have arrived from Autosparks. Hardly looks enough for the whole loom... We shall see!
  5. Post a photo of what the holes in the nozzle look like once you've recovered them from the wall on the otherside of your workshop
  6. An increase in humidity does decrease the ability of air to transfer heat I'm afraid: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.12.030
  7. Here are the two nozzle types for the 200tdi side by side. The Eurocar parts supplied on is on the left. The holes look slightly bigger to me on the Eurocar parts nozzle. It's so hard to tell at this scale.
  8. I have just looked at my Bosch 200Tdi nozzles. They have 5 holes each and they are not all in the same place. The seem to be almost in a spiral round the tip of the nozzle. I will try to get some pictures side by side that show the holes.
  9. Do you know what the Bosch part number is on that 300tdi nozzle you have?
  10. That is a really good tip, I've been wondering about that myself.
  11. Maybe I should ask Bosch to comment. They will either give a reason or say it hasn't changed thus throwing doubt on the ebay nozzles. Maybe the different positioning of the holes puts them in a different environment temperature-wise and makes them less prone to clogging up?
  12. I imagine the number of near misses that go unreported that happen as result of such unroad worthy vehicles is shocking. This truly is a horrific story. I hope that even if just one person reading it goes and rechecks their vehicle and corrects something then atleast some good can come from this.
  13. You could well be right, but I ain't going to grind the nozzle that cost me £84!
  14. Good question, I last changed mine about 4 years ago if I'm honest.
  15. It's an offset bushing... This is interesting.
  16. I don't know, I did a quick search and found these (Bosch part number DLLA155P572) for a 300Tdi engine. I am beginning to doubt the ebay nozzles if i'm honest. If they are fake, they are bloody good, the differences are minor. What difference would having the holes in a slightly higher/lower place make? Would they test differently when put on the same injector? Coming back to the allogation of some people putting 300Tdi nozzles on a 200Tdi injector... well do you know what, at £15 a nozzle - let's add one of these to the comparison so see how it compares. I think I'm going to need to get hold of a better camera to show the differences clearer. I'm not finished here. I want to put them both, plus the 300 Tdi nozzle on exactly the same injector and have the spray patterns and opening pressures compared.... To be continued.
  17. Yeah you're right. Just noticed that myself. It's an odd one. The ebay ones don't seem fake, just different. Maybe a variant?
  18. I don't really know, I guess it's some sort of spacer or check valve that sits between the nozzle and spindle in the injector body.
  19. Fiddlesticks, it's the front machine gun.
  20. The needle tips look identical and come to a nice point. They don't look like the ones the OP showed us of dubious origin. I'm just using my camera phone which is having a difficult job of focusing on the fine detail.
  21. Indeed, I'm looking forward to what our panel of experts think. What are your impressions Richard?
  22. Okay, the moment you have all been waiting for. The excitement has reached its climax... I have in hand the Bosch nozzle DSLA145P208 from Bosch via Eurocar parts, their UK distributor for Joe public like me. It set me back a total of £84 with VAT and a £10 delivery charge from Bosch that usually would be not charged for but as this was a single order I agreed to pay it. So, first impressions... It looks packaged like the ebay nozzles But hang on, the plastic tube is bigger than the ebay nozzles. It also comes with a hologram that isn't on the ebay ones... Suspicious. The nozzle is also supplied with a top piece that isn't on the eBay ones but there are no copper washers with the Eurocar Parts supplied nozzle. Side by side with the ebay nozzle on the right and ebay needle to the right of the Eurocar parts supplied one; there are a few minor differences. Note the shoulder on the needle on the one on the left. The machining marks on the ebay nozzle are not present on the other. The markings on them are different although it's worth pointing out they both say they are made in Brazil (albeit in different places). The picture above shows how the Eurocar parts nozzle looks on its own. I look forward to what you all think from my pictures so I leave you with them side by side in their cases to draw your own conclusions...
  23. I've come to learn that if you are aware of electrics then it's probably because you have a problem! So if yours are all tucked away behind the dash and you are not giving a second thought to it, you've done a good job.
  24. Worth a check. Who can say it's just one thing that's failed?
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