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Ed Poore

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Everything posted by Ed Poore

  1. LEDs are current mode devices - i.e. the current flowing through them dictates the brightness. Too much current and they go pop as @Escape discovered. The cheap and dirty method of limiting the current is to use a series resistor. LEDs do require a minimum voltage to operate (anything up to ~2.6V typically), any less and they just don't function. Above that "forward voltage drop" then the current flowing through it dictates the brightness. So voltage will not kill an LED but slightly more current than intended and pop goes the weasel. Running a "24V" LED (or one designed for a 24V) system on a 12V system which has a current limiting resistor will just dim the LED. (There can be quite a lot more complications but for the purposes of a carling switch this will suffice).
  2. I used it for doing up the propshaft bolts on the 110 because I could wind them up and then crank on the ratchet to torque it up.
  3. I don't think it weighs that much but then I'm but a whipper snapper, albeit with a recently broken wrist. If you want weight try holding the M18 Framing Nailer at full stretch on one foot, balanced up a ladder... The job where it would have been idea was swapping the starter motor on the JCB. There's a removable plate that sort of gives you access but the only tool you can use is a ratchet but you can usually get one or two clicks on it. So whilst I managed to crack it off with a 15mm spanner cut in half twatted with a sledge hammer it took about 4h to undo 3 nuts because I could only do one click at a time with the ratchet. This one would have fitted in and thus made winding off the nut a doddle. Even the stubby impact would not have fitted.
  4. 340Nm apparently. But it's just under 5" to the end of the anvil. Narrower stuff is what the ratchet is for which was used this morning. Front prop for comparison of size, this is the longer version.
  5. Stubby little M12 1/2" impact to complement the heavy duty monster. Also picked up the 3/8" extended reach ratchet as I've had a couple of awkward bolts to reach on heavy plant recently that it could have been really handy on but haven't used that one yet.
  6. That is way worse than my 300Tdi one was that took out two crankshafts! Mime had hairline cracks but nothing as visible or as bad as yours. Glad you've ordered a new one already. Doing a bit of research at the time the only possible side effect of a failed damper pulley is a snapped crank. I think you've been fairly lucky so far.
  7. If you want to collect I may have some spare pallet racking you could have. Well okay the pile that's remaining stands 8ft tall and 20ft wide. I've run out of horizontal braces (but I know a chap who has some spare) so if you fancied bringing some down with you then that'd be grand . Or if you want to fabricobble some uprights into horizontal shelves then feel free.
  8. I've heard decent thinks about the Link ECUs as well and they seem reasonably priced for a "professional" system like the Holly and Haltech ECUs. There are a fair few distributors in the UK so I'd imagine there are a few on the continent as well.
  9. I've got it's sibling!
  10. The word on the street is two fold. A lot of the fuel companies are not going to deliver red to anything other than a forestry or agriculture company so you'll have difficulty in obtaining it first off. The second is that it's not going to take long for the officials to put the bejeebus up people - a quick stop off at various construction sites and dip the machines there. Initially they're unlikely to be interested in small digger operators in the back end of the country but pop to that building site that has 50+ houses going up on it. Once word spreads that there's an inspector in the area it'll influence more people to switch I expect.
  11. It's slightly more complicated than that as we've found. One guy I help out occassionally has been having to look into this a lot because a lot of his work is done for local farms. From what he's been able to find out - if the digger is being used for constructing a new building on the farm then he has to run on white as it's classes as construction. If he's putting in cattle tracks, clearing ditches, sorting out slurry pits etc., then it's classes as agriculture and can run on red. They're expected to completely flush the system and change the filters everytime they switch as well.
  12. Hasn't worked for me - 3M Gaffa tape is so far...
  13. Bet it still leaks though.
  14. Wasn't me but I do have your address and I do have some items I need to parcel up for you
  15. Says the person removing the light from his vehicle......................
  16. What can I say I'm in a delirious mood due to lack of sleep because of a broken wrist... In all seriousness though I have a Husky 120i I think it is (baby battery chainsaw) and love it. Although with a couple of big trees down recently I got a 562XP with 20" bar on it. That thing is a monster and must admit it's my go to saw now just because it loves to eat timber.
  17. I have a battery powered lawn mower*. Does about 4.5 acres on a charge before it needs recharging which only takes about 30s. * Well it has a battery in it...
  18. Buy the Milwaukee to keep you going and when you find a round-tuit then fix the other one.
  19. Sounds like I'm going to have to dig the step ladder out and find where I stashed them...
  20. No idea what condition they're in - they came out of a slightly damp shipping container and they're not aesthetically the best (powder coating is peeling off and the aluminium cases are oxidising). Will see whether they work first.
  21. JBC do some very nice soldering irons but they're in a slightly difference price bracket to everything else listed so far This is what I have in the way of my everyday soldering iron but then again it's all usually surface mount stuff. @daveturnbull I literally have a crate of the Metcal soldering irons I've been meaning to sort through and see if any are working. Might be able to cobble something together for you. They might be a bit overkill for what you want (as in physical size).
  22. The Corsa steering racks are becoming more and more difficult to source. The main benefit they have is that they don't have a huge number of safety features built into them which makes them easy to drive. I am supposed to be looking into building a custom motor driver to replace the Corsa steering controller when I have time...
  23. Might be worth giving Roger Hicks a call at Power Steering Solutions - https://www.facebook.com/electricpowersteering/. He's fitted many systems and sold thousands (I should know because we build the controllers for him ). If you wanted to get really fancy we do a remote control version of it used quite extensively in the film industry. [edit]We do the electroncis bit of it but Roger does a lot of fabrication etc., to install them into the vehicles[/edit]
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