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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. I have done several and seen several different positions for the "tick mark" on 300Tdi's... it seems they are not all made the same! I suggest making a mark of your own on the diaphragm in the "original position" (say at 12 oclock) then you have a known ref point to go back to if all goes tits up!
  2. Bear in mind there is also a plastic clip on top of that metal bracket which for some reason isn't shown in the parts diagram. You need that as well
  3. I have seen a MM gearbox (mine) in bits, and an XD9000i gearbox (somebody elses) in bits, and there is no contest in terms of the construction! The phrase "built like a brick [censored]house" springs to mind but I must admit I thought the casing was likely to be the weak point if anything broke. So far so good, but then armchairs aren't that heavy even with me sitting in them
  4. don't think so, i think a V8 one is the same as a Td5 one, big solid cast thing that should never break in a million years, but won't fit a 300 AFAIK. Maybe you can with some modifications? would be a lot better anyway!
  5. Doesn't it make a bit of a mess cutting grass with a welder? just out of interest what parts did you "source"...? when mine eventually gets done I am torn between taking off the existing mount and basing the new bumper around that (which will save work but mean that I am winchless for a while) or starting from scratch which will be more work, take longer but mean that I can keep the winch on the vehicle right up until it's time to swap (or more likely find out none of the bolt holes line up, with my skill )
  6. Thanks all Not many Vauxhalls round here but I'll look into the Facet ones, must admit on reflect the idea of anything that could produce sparks (connecting and disconnecting from battery) while refuelling is worrying me might stick with one of the "W&&&&&r" syphon pumps instead. Still thinking though...
  7. Slindon video of you winching up that slope a couple of years ago springs to mind... very impressive ... no sign of any viscous slipping problems there!!! Freelander viscous units are the same, when working properly there is no detectable slip before it cuts in. Awesome on ice with the ETC as well
  8. Looks good - that's pretty much what I want, when I eventually get off my @r$e and do it...
  9. Yep that is the one, at work they sometimes move it to the next bolt hole over (towards the right of the photo) keeps the hose well out of harms way
  10. What do you mean don't tell them? People should be paranoid that we have a secret forum in which we gossip about other members of the forum and plot evil things against them like nobbling their post counts Must admit though it was more fun when all mods could change people's titles on UBBthreads
  11. Nige if you need other measurements from here if the link doesn't work doh didn't spot that was what had been already posted time I went to bed
  12. I tried that but I could hardly see the monitor from 100 yards away never mind the writing
  13. Just run a grinder down the middle - hey presto split doors!
  14. Ten Inches In One Direction Four and a Half Inches in the Other Ladybird Guide To Making A Winch Mount In Two Easy Steps 1 Draw a rectangle 2 sides 10" 2 sides 4.5" 2 Drill holes at corners or is that not what you wanted to know?? Off back to armchair
  15. As you commented in our secret moderators forum a moment ago, I have a credibility problem, so I expect everybody will ignore my disjointed ramblings anyway
  16. Yes it happens a lot specially on new ones (the Td5 age ones you can buy here). Many people use the trick of moving the bracket to a different bolt on the water pump to hold it further out of the way. Some people also grind the corner off the bracket as sometimes this chafes through the hose as well! One way to move it is slacken the hose clips at both ends and "twist" the whole hose where it goes on to the radiator, that and cable ties is the usual way of keeping it out of harms way.
  17. I use 10mm Dyneema on the Milemarker because that is what Bowyers (purveyor of chocolate shackles to the off roading fraternity ) advised, I was going to go with 9mm but he said 10 to be safe. I also ordered a couple of dyneemas through work, one for an X9 and one for an XD9000, and he also advised 10mm for those. I think that maybe the breaking strains advertised are a bit on the optimistic side, given that many people seem to break them! never had a problem with mine though (touch wood). I'd probably go for 9 rather than 8 or 10 if you want a bit more of a safety margin. I think the purple stuff comes as 9.5 or 11?
  18. They do go. For info, I have read somewhere that later Genuine forks are an improved design, I think they are a little bit thicker, so what you buy as a "new genuine part" now is supposed to be better than what you would find fitted to an original 300tdi if it hadn't been changed. A pattern one I have seen failed in just a few months.... I am told that a common mod here, years ago, was to get the cup out of the bottom of a drop arm ball joint kit and weld that over the back of the fork, its about the right shape apparently
  19. "Supposed" being the important word there
  20. Nuttn to do with Land Rovers really.... but maybe a Land Rover part will do the job! I need a small pump to transfer fuel into my new boat. Has to be rated for petrol, and most small pumps you see are only diesel or water, but I wondered about an in-line fuel pump as found on older V8 vehicles, before they went over to pumps that live inside the tank. Does anybody know what sort of output these are/how much current they draw when running? An inline electric pump with a couple of feet of hose on each end would be ideal, but maybe the output is very low and so it would be far too slow? Or if anybody has any ideas for other spill-free methods of transferring petrol let's have them... I started using jerrycans, a funnel and a spout on the jerrycan but of course being a jerrycan (the most uselessly un-fuel-proof storage system ever devised), the seals are leaking on the spout already and since the battery and the fuel tank both live under the seat, and therefore are between my legs, lots of spilled petrol is not a great idea... Thanks Stephen
  21. Interesting Will - I would have assumed that using sandpaper, even very fine stuff, would have left a "matt" finish on the lacquer but I guess not. I have a few scars on my Discovery (gravel roads.....) so I will have to try it
  22. I don't think they are now but 265/75R16 certainly used to be a factory fit on the Freestyle alloys. It is a good size IMHO, I run those on mine most of the time and I like it.
  23. Ralph, it was ebay.co.uk I was trying to register on. Jim, you need to provide credit card details to verify that you are who you say you are when you register. No card, no register... maybe its a new thing. Nigel, a question, what begins with "come here" and ends with "ow"
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