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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. I know, I know ... I just laughed out loud when I read it, in the same way I did when somebody we know said many years ago that he was going to build a concrete boat.... (which is also entirely feasible but the idea seems bizarre when you first think of it!) I had an absolutely brilliant afternoon but I'll tell you what, anybody with a V8 moaning about fuel consumption ... you ain't seen nuthin until you try a 2 stroke outboard, you can see the gauge going down
  2. The knack is to make sure you don't have your fingers anywhere painful when you let the spanner go to put tension back on
  3. Well if you lot want to have a "mine is bigger than yours" competition get on with it - I'm having this afternoon off to go for a play At the moment it is gloriously sunny with hardly a breath of wind so I hope it stays like that, should be a good afternoon Talking of power to weight ratio, 115hp on something that weighs about half a ton (ok ok a bit more with little me in it... ) is a fairly respectable power to weight ratio compared to most vehicles! Changing the subject slightly, I PMSL last night when I was reading something about operating outboard motors at high altitude Thought to myself ... er ... I think you'll find most work at sea level since that's where the water is....
  4. I don't think you'll get anything out of Dell as I expect the laptops are just bought in. The T4 system is made and sold by a company called Omitec, website is www.omitec.com but there doesn't seem to be anything about the T4 in the product range which is odd....
  5. Yes and no is probably the right answer The original Testbook was a sexy custom built thing, hinged touch-screen, with all the kit inside the computer and you just plugged in some cables and off you went. Not sure what Testbook 2 and Testbook 3 were. As is the way of things (I think they call it progress ) the T4 is now a standard Dell laptop bolted onto a box of junk which does the serial interfacey twiddly things (as you can tell I am an IT boffin....). Which is also apparently why it is called the T4 because I believe that Hewlett Packard (who built the original Testbook for Land Rover) own the "Testbook" trademark. Presumably they were less than impressed at not being asked to build the replacement and told LR to bog off when they asked to transfer the name! So yes I think you could install the software on a standard laptop, but I suspect it would be F all use if you didn't have the (very expensive) bit that sits underneath the laptop and talks to the laptop through one orifice and the vehicle through another plus of course all the different leads (of which there are several). I have not seen a Rovacom but I think their software is totally different and my understanding is that it also requires a bit of hardware (some sort of serial interface box thing), just that it is a lot less expensive than the Land Rover offering! I did look into it with the intention of getting the required bits to do my Discovery a year or so back but decided that as the Disco wasn't broken I couldn't be bothered..... the different bits required to do all the vehicle systems added up to a grand or so ISTR. I think a T4 was running at about eight or nine grand a couple of years ago, anybody can buy them now, same as all the technical info is available online at www.landrovertechinfo.com you just need a credit card. One of the few useful things the EU has done is to open up access to all this stuff... but you still need £££££££££!
  6. Just got home from collecting it Land Rovers will have to take a back seat for the next couple of weeks, I know what I am going to be doing in my free time
  7. Who are you? Only joking, welcome back. I thought it had been quiet!
  8. For the benefit of those who us for whom broadband is a distant dream... post a photo
  9. Full article on Lara's 90 in the March 2006 issue of Land Rover Owner Just finished reading it Very impressed I think I could be persuaded to buy a Td5 if they had made them like that
  10. Is that one of those Scorpion handbrakes?
  11. Taking some ratty old LRE stickers off are you?
  12. Consumables ahhhh electric Seriously, looks like a nice idea if there is a "need for speed"
  13. I always use methylated spirits for anything like this, either cleaning paintwork before sticker application or getting the gunge off afterwards. A brand new Stanley knife blade is good, you can buy little scraper things that fit one of these blades in and hold it at the right angle. I've just finished "stickering" a double decker Routemaster bus at work I find one of the little hand-held plant sprayers of the sort you can buy from a garden centre is ideal for applying the meths.
  14. Welcome Not sure about this new fangled D3 thing though
  15. A while since I had one now but IIRC the electric assister fans for the aircon radiator are in front of the main radiator.
  16. You could try Scorpion Racing they sell lots of good orange stuff?
  17. I'm not - doesn't seem any point being where I am!
  18. I'm unique too I typed in "BogMonster" and it said there was nobody with that name
  19. RIBbed for extra pleasure, Cols, no doubt at all Not as nice as yours Tim, but it'll do for my first, I'm sure it won't be the last OMG I have just realised it is ORANGE therefore I may have to sell it just in case it is copied from something else! no on second thoughts I think I am probably safe, I don't think it has the irritating insect logo on it anywhere
  20. I have a load of bumph somebody sent me, he had done a twin ZF74 setup, which doubled the speed for not a huge amount of work or cost. Quite a neat idea too. I meant to do it as a post for the tech archive (he said I could) but never got a round tuit... one of these days. It's nearly winter so when it gets too cold to play with my boat I might do it
  21. Vehicle Wiring Products have some sort of waterproof mom-off-mom ones IIRC RogueVogue on here was doing the Marlow rope at a very good price, not sure if he still is. Nick? I got my Dyneema from Bowyer because at the time it was slightly cheaper than the Plasma 12, but not close to the price Nick was selling at. No complaints with mine besides the fact that it is Argie blue
  22. I must try and find a "slap around the face with a wet fish" smiley....
  23. maybe if it belongs to an accident repair centre people are assuming it is an accident repaired one? just a thought...
  24. Subject to one or two things being sorted out (like the current owner getting the boat he wants!) I hope to be the new owner of this by about the middle of next week: Humber Destroyer 5.8m, 115hp Johnson eggwhisk on the back, plus trailer etc Can't wait Land Rover relevance? You can just see my Discovery's butt in the photo (the green one in the background with the Mitsubishi bumper fender-offer on the back) oh and the trailer has Land Rover wheels on it
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