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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. It lives! Loom was pretty much made up, and all seemed to checkout on the Stim (even if I didn't initially trust the lack of flashing on LED D14 ), I had successfully separated the EDIS and Megajolt wiring which were joined in places earlier in the week, which would allow me to swap between MJ, MS, and straight EDIS if all else failed whenever I wanted. The problem with the 90 being my daily driver is that each step I take has to have some degree of rollback in it if all goes horribly wrong. I was on the late shift on Friday, which meant that I only had to get to Stockley Park (Nr Heathrow) for 10am. I normally leave Farnham at 09:15, so at 09:00 I thought "I've only got to connect the power, earth, PIP and SAW... quarter of an hour is bags of time! " Half an hour later it was roughly connected together with crimp bullet connectors, and away I went! I had previously set correct ignition advance values up for map switching, and with the laptop on and running on LPG I was seeing the values being applied that I had manually copied over from my Megajolt maps. As before, its all hooked up so that the tables change automatically when I turn on LPG. And that really is about it- it drives as well as it did before, and has done 200miles since with the MS box sitting on the passenger seat without the slightest hiccup. Next stage is to get the loom all in and routed tidily, proper connectors on, then its onto getting the wideband etc connected and reading properly... Thanks to Fridge and HFH for their help/advice so far, and for anyone who contributed to the excellent MS thread. Cheers guys!
  2. This would seem to be an important question in this section of the forum
  3. Whatever you have to hand really that will fit- I ended up using a few sheets of thick corrugated cardboard wedged across the glass- just keep a fire extinguisher handy and try not to have the sparks hammering the cardboard and you'll be fine.
  4. Looking good! One thing I would say is get something over/in those open Carb throats, not good to be getting any Carborundum dust down there. Also, be careful with any glass too, I ended up leaving tiny specks on my 90 windscreen when I cut out my footwell and I hadn't covered up stuff enough. V annoying! Other than that, keep up the good work
  5. Fridge, that is actually exactly what I am planning to do. Get it running the ignition (this coming Monday or Tuesday, working the weekend ), then connect the coolant and air temp sensors, then the wideband. Once I have all of those running accurately and I have ensured my wiring is all good (no resets etc) then its fit the EFI and move onto the fuel side of things, and I can say goodbye to my carbs. Hopefully that will be a relatively pain free process- I know my EDIS setup runs reliably and I have my ignition maps sorted etc. Then one day in the distant future LPG injection would be nice. But that really is a loooooong way off!
  6. Nige- the MS is currently adorning my desk, all tests thus far have been on the stim and connected to my desktop PC. Megajolt is still in charge of running the ignition on the 90. The MS has not at all improved the power or efficiency of my PC Fridge- I won't doubt you again!
  7. Update- I posted my question regarding what LED D14 should look like running in EDIS mode on MSextra.com and got confirmation that it doesnt flicker much at all under normal advance figures. Have some lieu days coming up next week so will try to get it in then and see what happens
  8. I think I saw him heading westward down the M4 on Sunday afternoon...
  9. Tried Nige's map but still the same, am on a stag do in bristol atm (getting whipped at pool ) the elbow room.... will try further on Sunday...
  10. Nige, that would be great if you wouldn't mind- the current MSQ is just the data that was loaded as part of the firmware upgrade. Will your 029v MSQ work with my 029y4 MS? If not I can always reflash- i'm quite good at it now! Oh yes, and remember my engine is just a ickle 3.5, not a fire breathing tarmac shredder! :lol: Thanks! Jamie
  11. Thanks Fridge, have made some progress at least- after another reflash it is now taking the changes I make and the LED continues to flash after a power cycle. The only way to actually see it flash though is to tweak RPM to under 300 rpm or so. Anything above and it basically acts like a dimmer switch, the more revs you give it the brighter it gets but the actual flashes are too quick to see. I am still on non inverted though. Weird. Using inverted as you have results in a constantly lit LED with no variation in brightness. Will have to wait and see what happens when I wire it in I guess!
  12. Update 3- Flashing didn't work... Make the changes to EDIS settings and D14 goes solid, change to non inverted and its ok, power cycle the squirt and it goes solid again although changes to settings are still there...
  13. Update- I have something weird going on. If I power cycle the Squirt the LED always goes back to being solidly lit. The changes have been taken as it shows the "not inverted" setting when i fetch the details from ECU. The only way to get things going again is to change it to inverted and then back to non inverted before burning to ECU. It will then work fine until the next power off
  14. Gents, My MS is up and running on my desk at the mo, which is good All gauges respond to me twiddling the knobs on my errr... Stimulator. Thanks to the forum, and particularly Fridge for his help so far... My question is this: WHAT is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Haha! Actually my question in this: Why do I have to have my Spark settings set to "not inverted", when all the MSExtra docs say it should be inverted? If I leave the settings as they describe LED D14 stays permanently on and does not flash... Here are the settings I currently have to get it to flash: And here is a gratuitous shot of the gauges doing their stuff Thanks!
  15. So, to recap- you have (and I may have missed things here): A misfire under load- not present at idle. Two 3.9's and one 3.5 all exhibit the same problem. The other engines were fine in the vehicles that they were seen in, but are not happy in yours for some reason. You have changed/tested with known good/different: Engines! Dizzy cap HT leads Plugs Coil Dizzy Carbs Fuel pump filter Fuel tank You have verified that: The fuel pump actually pumps. (have you compared the rate of flow to any online stats for the pump?- if there are any...) The fuel filters are clear. You have the correct plugs (are they gapped correctly?) The same misfire occurs on LPG and Petrol. Have you verified the voltage you are feeding to the coil? Does the misfire occur under load at any RPM? Does it happen only when hot/cold/both? Does the engine idle evenly or does it hunt at all? How did your exhaust checks go- any leaks anywhere? Sorry to ask more questions without giving any further answers myself, but I thought it would be good to summarise at this point...
  16. Ooooh errr, being phased out! Will get him to check 4site4x4 and camskill... Thanks everyone
  17. Check axles breathers are working properly...
  18. Guys, One of my buddies has just bought a Hilux (I know, I know... ) which is fitted with General Grabber AT2's. He needs to buy a spare. Problem is that they are 35"x12.50"x R15's ... Can anyone suggest where he may be able to get such Mahoosive tyres from? Cheers in advance Jamie
  19. Here's how I replaced the 2.25 petrol in my 90 with a 3.5 Rover lump. Here's what I did. In terms of fitment and gearbox etc it should be the same for you (I think). I fitted a longnose LT77 box from a Range Rover, which has a mahoosive bellhousing. This puts the whole lot in the same position that a factory v8 would be. Alternatively you can get a conversion ring which will allow you to bolt a rover v8 to the 4-cylinder gearbox, but I believe that this involves chopping footwells as the engine sits right back against the bulkhead and doesn't fit between them. However you will have Diesel stuff to sort out too- a bit of wiring to change and fuel system changes (no idea on how diesel's are plumbed). Luckliy for me, mine always ran on the fuel of Gods and so I didn't have so much to do there
  20. Try using search, topic has been done many times, and in a number of different ways What age is the 90, and what engine does it have now? Rover v8 is best for ease of fitment and insurance, but not best if you want massive power figures.
  21. I dont see how pouring straight antifreeze in is bad? As Les stated, its an easy way to top it up, in fact thats how I have always topped up mine... Sorry to hear about your troubles though. Good luck in getting it back.
  22. Awesome! Although I wouldn't want to go too near it running on the stand... I want one
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